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etmuse last won the day on November 8 2013

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About etmuse

  • Birthday 11/06/1985

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    Hertfordshire, UK

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  1. I'm guessing also 'less waste' because there are always a handful that don't get collected at all, and they usually printed extras if they weren't sold out so if people bought them last minute there were still passes for them. Print-on-demand means not printing any of those
  2. Tickets that were bought from the shop when it was still all three days together are being replaced with ones from the new separate days shops. I'd guess this includes entry.
  3. I'm on day 2 of working from home. On a normal basis I love staying home and going nowhere and not seeing anyone, but knowing it's not by choice is probably going to send me batty eventually...
  4. I believe it should be 'events' not 'event' in the email address.
  5. Looking like working out just nicely for me - finish my helper shift at 1 on the Saturday and need to leave by ~5 to head to the airport to go on holiday. And luckily everything I want is early afternoon Saturday so fits in just right!
  6. I am literally going to be going on holiday on the Saturday of this event. This announcement has ensured that I am going to be sorting out an evening flight so I can come to the show for as much of the day as I can to get a photoshoot... (I have actually met him a few times at US promo signings, so have his autograph on 3 things, but I 100% need that photo...)
  7. I have photos with 4 to 13 + Bradley, including War Autos with 4 to 12, including War Think I'm doing pretty well overall.
  8. It's been all over July in the years since I started - a few years it's been right near the start, some in the middle. It's only the last handful that have been at the end.
  9. If I had just a penny for every time a guest has revealed on the way back to their desk from a photo/talk/lunch etc (or on the way to a photo/talk) that actually they need to use the facilities/grab a snack/go out for a smoke/etc before they get there, I wouldn't be rich but I could probably buy lunch. We do our best to estimate what time guests will be back at their desks but they're human beings with minds of their own (and apparently implanting trackers into them all is unethical or something...)
  10. Allowing for the fact that Jason has diamond passes to see first... You'll probably get called for both at a similar time but with batch 1 you won't have any trouble getting through in time no matter which you go to first.
  11. I'm currently slowly melting on a train to London (after finishing work early - hurrah for flexitime and working late all this week) with a backpack full of printouts to help me run info desk tomorrow...
  12. In general cameras are fine. Do be aware that there are some areas such as photoshoot booths where cameras may not be used, and some guests may not wish for photos to be taken of them.
  13. I would go to whichever one you have a lower batch number for first, and if both are a high batch number then speak to the crew (showing your clashing ticket) and they'll put you through in time to get across to the other.
  14. If you go to the Crusssh cafe outlets then it has been confirmed that they will refill water bottles
  15. As far as I'm aware the gifts can be collected any time but I don't actually have direct experience here
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