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  1. Yesterday
  2. [URL=https://meettomy.site]Sexy Womans in your town[/URL]
  3. time for another sad post. it was unfortunately confirmed today that Ysanne Churchman the voice of Alpha Centurai passed away at the age of 99, Born 14th of may 1925 Miss Churchmans career is most famous for her role in "The Archers" but arguably her most known role is Alpha Centuari a character she initally voiced in the two Peladon Tales of the Pertwee Era "The Curse of Peladon" and its sequal "The Monster of Peladon" when in 2017 at the age of 92 years old she made a surprise return to the role in "The Empress of Mars" in 2017, between these apperances which enabled her what was at the time a rare distinction of being the only non series regular to appear as the same character in both classic and new who, (Now shared with Gabriel Wolfe) she also made a small voice role as Luptons Spider in the Pertwee Swansong "Planet of the Spiders" meaning she had 12 straight weeks of work with the show. unfortunately to my knowledge no date of death has been released but like many other Doctor who Alumni she will be missed for the character she so perfectly brought to screens via her amazing vocal talent.
  4. Last week
  5. Oh I miss read I thought it was the DVD my mistake
  6. For the dvds I can get behind him signing this perfectly. But when the stamps are episode specific it doesnt make sense for him to sign this
  7. Terry is on one of the bonus features being interviewed and does play Davros in said Documentary in an extended non canon interrogation scene framing device so take that as you will
  8. Toot away, you do a grand job.
  9. My problem with getting Genesis as a stamp cover, is the only versions I can find have Terry Molloy's autograph. I can get Tom Baker and Peter Miles but again they have Terry's autograph. And this is by no means a slight on him, he isn't in the episode. So if I can find a cover with Tom on his own, or with Peter Miles, I'll snap it up
  10. [URL=https://meettomy.site]Pretty Girls in your city[/URL]
  11. so just pasting this link for any newcomers to be able to see when Doctor who related guests are announced obvious or otherwise, or just pop in to discuss who you want to see from the series, or even talk about any people you've got or wanna see added to said sets, i do my best with cross referencing names and have to toot my own horn a little been praised by several guests for the research i've put in to find them, even showmasters have had a look as some guests who didn't have doctor who listed later cunningly had it listed on their show posters
  12. Unlock a world of casual fun and excitement with the premier dating site. [URL=https://matchnow.life]Sexy Girls in your city[/URL]
  13. That's the same thing I've heard as well. It has to be show specific, which is why they could host Destination Star Trek at the excell. LFCC would be off the cards
  14. Latest Guest Announcement - Madeline Smith Appearing: Saturday Autograph: £20 Photoshoot: £20 Buy Tickets Now Miss Caruso - Live and Let Die Emma Morton - The Vampire Lovers Mrs. Pullitt - Carry On Matron https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0809184/
  15. Latest Guest Announcement - Chloe Annett Appearing: Saturday Autograph: £15 Photoshoot: £15 Buy Tickets Now Kochanski - Red Dwarf https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0030361/
  16. Latest Guest Announcement - MyAnna Buring Appearing: Saturday Autograph: £20 Photoshoot: £20 Buy Tickets Now Tissaia - The Witcher Sam - The Descent Tanya - Twilight Scooti Manista - Doctor Who https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1769728/
  17. Well in a stroke of good luck (somewhat ironic) I have hit the ground and found gold, for £53 I managed “Genesis of the Daleks” signed by non other than ELIZABETH SLADEN and it is undedicated that means it’s time to get names on the set. i was willing to pay £300 for it
  18. I feel your pain, my sprained thumbs are taking their time as well. At times it feels 1 step forward 2 back
  19. either next year or year after, can't groovy remember
  20. Earlier
  21. My recovery will be quick and slow the elbows will be quickish but the wrist 6-8 weeks
  22. Film Fair is a lot different than other SM shows, they are a lot smaller and the guests are normally a lot older, Queues are never really long. If your not doing photos then you can find you can get everything within an hour, 6 items should be ok, But just remember if queues build, then do a few and return when the queues are a lot less. Also I wouldn't turn up in Cosplay outfit as you will find you will be the only one. Hope this Helps
  23. And I thought I had it bad with two strained thumbs a badly bruised knee, and a broken toe. Hope you recover quickly
  24. Well I’ve gone and done it lads, thanks to a impatient driver and my inability to process 3 things at once I’ve got two broken elbows, a cracked wrist and a massive graze on my palm. i am already depressed as hell
  25. I would need him on all three of his seasons steelbooks at a minimum, and season 4
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