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Knitty Fred

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Knitty Fred last won the day on October 22 2016

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About Knitty Fred

  • Birthday 07/24/1974

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    DRB Secretarial

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Chief Model Maker (12/23)



  1. Still showing https://londonfilmandcomiccon.com/guest/ray-hassett-2/
  2. When you come out of International station you simply turn right and you're at the NEC and then just follow the signs for the hall. When you get there the queues are usually self-evident.
  3. Something to be aware of, if you're meaning a paid photoshoot when you say "photo" that the timetables of events are not released until a couple of weeks before and can take place any time from show open to show close. If you a look in the past events sections you'll see some previous timetables to give you an idea. You can get your hand stamped when you leave the hall which will allow you re-entry.
  4. You have my sympathy regarding staying there. I did it last summer and let's just say between the staff and the bed bugs certainly not somewhere I'd be anxious to revisit!
  5. As the team are are all at Exeter Comic Con this weekend I'd imagine it will be in the next day or two. If you're planning travel though work on the basis of them being any time between the opening hours, to be on safe side.
  6. Have you checked the Pre-Order website ? http://www.showmasterssales.com/homepage/cat_1453729-Destination-Star-Trek-Birmingham.html
  7. Bear in mind that Sheffield was this weekend so Jason wont have had any real time at base to turn everything around.
  8. The majority of talks at smaller shows are general Q&As rather than the host asking all of the questions (LFCC has a mix of 100% hosting, 50:50 host/attendee questions and Mark Shepherd last year did a one man stand up routine for his talk with no questions asked at all). I prefer the open Q&A as for me it makes it feel more personable and interesting and being able to get an answer to a question that I feel is important to me and that perhaps others would also like to hear rather than questions that I may perhaps read in a magazine article.
  9. Do you mean you used the preorder service for your autograph?
  10. I would give it a bit longer as it depends on the banking system as well. It does also need to be borne in mind that everyone has been at the venue for the greater part of the past week and there will still be the breaking down/emptying of the venue going on today and possibly tomorrow so staff may not necessarily be back in until Wednesday (or possibly tomorrow) to handle everything.
  11. The refund will be back to your bank/credit card of how you made the payment in any event. There is no map that specifies where each individual guest sits no - there is only the floor plan indicating the actual signing areas which is posted in an earlier thread :0)
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