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Ravogd last won the day on April 18 2020

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  1. Phone is usually OK as they can scan that just as easily. Never hurts to have a paper backup copy though.
  2. Peter has already said unofficially he will do it. He just wants to distance himself from Dr Who a bit for a while and get into other projects which I totally understand. I doubt if it will be as long as the 15 years we've had to wait for Ecclescakes though.
  3. From her celebrity dungeon where she keeps them all of course.
  4. He wants to get his hair cut, scruffy looking bu**er
  5. Get Well soon Starbuck73. Everything crossed for you. Hope to see you up and about at a comic con in the very near future!
  6. Is the timetable out yet? Where can I find a floor plan?
  7. You certainly had your Ready Brek that morning (one for the teenagers there)
  8. I would have thought the photo Op problem is fairly simple too. A very thin, barely perceptible sheet of perspex perpendicular to the camera separating you from the guest. Yes its not the same as before and there'd be no hugging etc but you could then be stood right next to them and there would be no issue. Not ideal certainly but a more than adequate compromise I'd have thought. Certainly better than paying full price to have a photo stood 2m apart.
  9. I know! I saw that after I'd posted mine Is it great minds thinking alike or fools seldom differing though?
  10. Quite often I use the word often far too often in one sentence
  11. One thing I will say is Paul often mentions that he and his brothers are often mistaken for one another and rather than explaining, often just sign the autograph of the brother the person is expecting them to be. It's highly possible this could be one of those autographs.
  12. I can't speak for Terry Nation or Michael Wisher as I don't have those autographs but I do have every other one. The only one I'm not sure about is Paul McGann. I know autographs can vary over time but unless he's completely changed the way he writes his I'm not sure about it. For comparison's sake here's mine that was obtained in 2019. The way the "P" of Paul and the "Mc" of McGann is written is completely different which seems suspicious to me.
  13. Head in a jar then. Has to be his head in a jar just like in Futurama.
  14. Excellent. Now go have a look at how much the one of 12th Doctor in his spacesuit is and decide if you want to add it
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