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stevie_g last won the day on June 16 2014

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    north east

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Camera Operator (8/23)



  1. Now you mention it, that kind of queue in a Newcastle winter isn't to appealing and for the kind of show it is, it's a potentential deal breaker. Wasn't early bird was a popular system?
  2. Same here. I'm not big into doctor who and I've yet to get around to game of thrones and they are they ones showmasters are into so there's not much pull for me either really.
  3. Yeah I know, that was my point. The manchester shows start next year so that will fill that function nicely for less travel :)
  4. Still holding out for that Carl Weathers/John Rhys Davies style star like we got at the first one, I'm not around on the Sunday but if they get someone I'm excited about I'll go to the Saturday show.
  5. Also there's LFCCW happening in Brighton the same month so that's maybe a factor
  6. I wonder if they think it will sell out regardless and so no need for a big draw. I hope that's not the case. And besides, it's a large amount of people so a big name or two would surely make a bunch of money.
  7. Is there any chance you will beef up the Newcastle show for the people who it will be difficult to travel that far? Seems like it might be a nice half way point solution.
  8. Lauren Cohan Hayley Atwell Chloe Bennett Jeffery Coombs Malcolm Mcdowell Frank Oz Goonies cast John Dimaggio (I mean Cartoons and video games are at a high so it'd probably be very popular to get some high profile voice actors in, even though I've just named one) Mark Hamill Barbara Crampton Anna Paquin Paul Scheer Paul Rudd (which would be amazing) Richard Thomas Ronnie Corbett DDP Bill Nighy
  9. I'm pretty sure you're just gonna get a bunch of dudes rocking up.
  10. Genuine non-snarky question: I've been attending the last 4 or so years, sometimes summer, other times winter. I didn't get to summer this year, so having not seen it with my own eyes, is it worth travelling a long distance without going gold or diamond? I can't really afford to spend a lot on one guest (after travel, hotel etc) and I'd hate to travel hours having bought a ticket and not meet someone. Would it still be worth it?
  11. Hayley Atwell, Lloyd Kaufman, Lauren Cohan, Jeffrey Coombs, Barbara Crampton, John Dimaggio, any Goonies, Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Agents of SHIELD actors. I know the chances of a lot of these are slim, but hey, it's a wish list after all :)
  12. Will they be in a more secluded area this time? It was a little hard to hear last time out in the open
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