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carnosoul last won the day on September 28 2024

carnosoul had the most liked content!

About carnosoul

  • Birthday 08/04/1982

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carnosoul's Achievements

Production Designer

Production Designer (15/23)



  1. Really sad news he was a amazing actor I would love to have met him he was great in the crow RIP
  2. She was a amazing actress I will always remember her from Jason and the Argonauts RIP
  3. I was really shocked and saddened to hear of his passing he was a great actor and director wish I could have met him
  4. I’m glad you are doing good my friend lynn worked at play expo this year it looked really good i like the mystery boxes too they have some good stuff in them
  5. Cool how are you did you get anything from the stalls
  6. Hi everyone sadly I couldn’t make it to the convention this year would love to hear what you all thought of it and see your awesome pictures from the convention
  7. Hi Brian great to see you again how are you did you meet any of the guests
  8. Hi Everyone I would have loved to have attended the event but sadly I couldn’t make it I would love to hear who you are meeting at the convention and what they were like to meet and see your pictures of the event hope everyone has a great time today
  9. I would love to meet him he is one of my favourite actors would be great if he got announced for Glasgow
  10. Really sad news he was great in walker and die hard RIP
  11. I was really shocked to hear the news when it happened wish I could have met him RIP
  12. Thanks hope it just means they just have to confirm dates
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