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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2019 in Posts

  1. When I was chatting to the midwives before my labour, my husband asked if he could bring his Xbox to the labour suite. Swimming is a better mix than Xbox and heavily pregnant woman
    6 points
  2. I’m exactly the same! All this healthy food is alien to me!
    6 points
  3. Hurdy gurdy turkey soury choory smashy smashy?
    6 points
  4. Had to sit in a freezing cold ice rink watching three of my children doing their ice skating lessons today whilst it was beautiful sunny outside for once was supposed to wash the car this afternoon but ended up falling asleep whoops! Its such an exciting life! Have been chatting to my daughter about what she wants to do in London on the Monday morning before we head home after LFCC.. asked if she wanted to see any of the famous places and apparently the giant m and m shop is winning as everything else is too boring
    5 points
  5. I must agree, being single and fully invested in the con life has its advantages! (Of course, if Karen Gillan comes calling, my thoughts may change!)
    5 points
  6. I'm tipsy and happy about it. How is everyone else?
    5 points
  7. Ive been exhausted this year so when I get a chance to sit I usually nod off for a few minutes and thats when at least one of my children decides they absolutely need my attention when I'm around to help they are usually perfectly happy to entertain themselves apparently the lego store is opposite the m&m shop but my daughter isnt interested in that shes a fussy madam. Will wait to see how sore her legs are before planning anything as no doubt we will both just want to sit and relax (asked if she wanted to do a boat sightseeing and she said no thanks ive seen titanic she wont go on any boats thanks to that film)
    4 points
  8. I have no idea what it's going to be like on the monday but as it's school holidays just to let you know that you should be prepared for hell on earth if you go to the M&M shop as it will be rammed. It'll be like the LFCC auto area on the Saturday but worse because they pump out a fake chemical chocolate smell. On a lighter note, yay the cherries are all done and freezing and i'm totally covered in cherry juice as is my carpet. Oh well.
    4 points
  9. My partner is probably more of a nerd than me. There’s a huge intersection where our fandoms meet so it’s perfect for con going, even if I do moan selfishly when I have to stand in a queue for yet another Once Upon A Time or Buffy guest. Still her wheelchair makes a handy storage facility for my stuff so it’s swings and roundabouts.
    4 points
  10. Yeah. I wouldn’t advise Xbox and swimming. Not a good mix
    4 points
  11. To be honest I wasn’t doing much swimming I was floating on my lilo eating an ice lolly
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. Well, not this one. At 6am tomorrow I am off work until August 19th
    4 points
  14. There's something disturbing about that 9...
    4 points
  15. I doubt I will ever persuade my partner to attend a con. His nerd-dom takes the form of historical re-enactments. But then he knows perfectly well I am never going to stand in a muddy field watching a long forgotten battle . Our mutual interests lie in other areas.
    3 points
  16. Yeah, you don’t need to get yourself involved with the type of complex negotiations Broo has to go through each year to get to LFCC
    3 points
  17. I laughed way too hard at that!
    3 points
  18. Beat me to it. I was just hunting for a Swedish Chef muppet GIF.
    3 points
  19. I loved that show. I’ve met Lou. He is a gentle giant. Lovely man. I loved all these shows as a kid in the 70’s and they’re still brilliant to me but in modern TV terms haven’t aged well.
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. I thought it was a very nice moment. I really like the episode, enough to give it a 9/10, but I don't think it's one of the true all time greats like many fans do. It's brilliant, but not quite a 10/10 episode in my eyes. Due to that, when I noticed it for the first time, I thought it was a nice touch, but nothing to get super excited about, if that makes sense. Now whenever I see a reference to an episode which I think is a 10/10, one of my all time favourites, I get excited about them.
    2 points
  22. Just a bit but at least its slightly cleaner than one of the other challenges which is to make a jam sandwich with t rex arms knowing how messy my kids are normally making sandwiches, i dread to think of the chaos that would ensue
    2 points
  23. That cat can't cherry.
    2 points
  24. I'm doing really badly in continuing this marathon. I'm taking ages between episodes. Deep Breath- This is a very enjoyable episode, but it does have some issues. Peter Capaldi is absolutely fantastic. The Twelfth Doctor is amazing, and his introduction is great. Capaldi plays a darker, more serious Doctor in this series, and it is a very welcome change from Smith's portrayal of the character. Jenna Coleman is great as well. The rest of the cast is good, but other than the members of the Paternoster Gang, no one particularly stands out. The plot isn't hugely interesting, but that's to be expected as it takes the background, behind introducing the new Doctor. The Half-Face Man is an interesting villain in concept, but the execution was somewhat off. The robots are rather dull villains, most likely because they aren't anything unique. This episode does also have some pacing issues, especially in the middle. The opening dinosaur thing was stupid in my opinion, and that brings me onto my next point. Some moments, especially comedic ones, fell completely flat, and the whole episode suffers as a result. Visually, this episode is gorgeous, baring some poor cgi in certain moments. Thematically, this episode takes the series in a direction that I love. This episode has many quiet, thoughtful moments, especially regarding The Doctor's redemption and self-discovery arc. This is an aspect to 12 which I love, and this whole series is better because of this character arc. Overall- 7/10.
    2 points
  25. My partner doesn't even like Doctor Who (). He never has and he never will. But as he knows not to even breathe out of turn when I'm watching it I can forgive him. It's amazing what you can live with.
    2 points
  26. We've all got to do what feels right for ourselves :) You're getting to go to conventions and talks whenever you want, free woman for the win!
    2 points
  27. A Peter or David look a like!?
    2 points
  28. He had something to do. My waiter bringing me drinks on demand
    2 points
  29. 3 of your 5 a day. Well done
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. Still lazy! You should have pulled a 10-15 laps and THEN ice cream.
    2 points
  32. Fruit ice lolly? Exercise and one of you 5 a day, winning.
    2 points
  33. Ça va sans dire
    2 points
  34. Cake is a fruit IMO
    2 points
  35. I’m eating profiteroles tonight with chocolate dipping sauce so definitely not healthy
    2 points
  36. Lemonade and cinnamon buns....fancy setting up a stall at the con?
    2 points
  37. Pretty much, I've been destoneing a lot of cherries today and lets just say that cherry juice can travel a long way when you take that stone out.
    2 points
  38. Just been to Hampton Court Palace Flower Festival. And an excellent concert by the Soul Brothers. In the sunshine so all in all a good day.
    2 points
  39. Usually I do all three days but i'm only doing the Saturday this year. I'm going to be busy so far: Booked: Robert Carlyle photo Lana Parrilla photo Jenna Coleman photo David Naughton Photo Tom Ellis photo Billy Dee Williams diamond pass Christina Ricci diamond pass John Barrowman Talk Hoping to book: Robert Patrick photo Lennie James photo Daniel Mays photo (hoping to get an autograph if I get time) Zachary Quinto photo
    2 points
  40. No probs, I added twitter Friday link above.
    2 points
  41. even these links? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D-u0KhlXkAEEz7z.jpg, https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D-u0KPqW4AEDVqY.jpg
    2 points
  42. So far... Fri: Joe Flannigan (Photo booked + Auto) John Leeson (Photo booked + Auto likely) Michael Shanks (Auto - more mum than me tbh) Robert Picardo (maybe) Sat: Day away from Con (there is no way my mum could cope with a LFCC Sat sadly) Sun: Gareth David-Lloyd (photo not booked yet, Auto unlikely) GDL + John Barrowman duo shoot (considering asking for this as BDay pressie, holding out in case someone truly stellar is added!) I'm trying to budget sensibly this year, I know I can pull Birthday out for something good on Sunday, but holding out as long as I can for those pesky last minute announcements. Being able to book last minute on eventbrite app is a real help with that.
    2 points
  43. Another day closer
    2 points
  44. These types of discussion is what makes this interesting. It's nice to see how villains which didn't work in my eyes can be liked by others. I wasn't going to mention the Missy scenes in any of these reviews except for the finale, but now that you bring them up, I'll say that I like them. I remember being intrigued by them when I first watched this series. As the main mystery arc throughout this series, they are certainly effective. Smith's cameo is annoying, I agree, but it doesn't annoy me enough to specifically mention, if that makes sense. In my review, when I said that there are some moments which don't work, that is certainly one of the scenes which I was referring to. My first Doctor was Eccleston, who was a darker, more sombre Doctor, who had his joyous moments. As that was my introduction to that character, that's how I originally thought he always was. I was first introduced to classic Who in the gap between series 1 and series 2, so I was introduced to Doctors like Troughton and Pertwee before I ever saw David Tennant. For many people, Tennant and Smith were the first Doctors they watched, so they are attached to that interpretation of the character. As I first saw Doctors like Eccleston and Pertwee, the darker, older Doctor was the first interpretation of the character which I saw, and so that's what I think of when I think of The Doctor. An old man with a twinkle, as you wonderfully put it.
    1 point
  45. Deep Breath - As an opening episode for a new Doctor this is very enjoyable. I only have one major issue with it. With a new Doctor it's always nice to have plenty of the familiar. I love the Paternoster Gang. Coleman is great and I think she has a good chemistry with Capaldi. I love the mix between the comedy and the darkness. The pacing works well. The CGI is on the whole good with a couple of exceptions. The half face man is a complex villain and I have always been a fan of the clockwork droids. This is by no means Capaldi's best episode but he certainly did enough to win over myself and friends who are Whovians. He has a strong Doctor feel about him. I enjoyed the scene with Missy. When I re-watch series 8 it's obvious who she is but I managed to miss any spoilers so the reveal at the end of the series was a surprise. My only real dislike - Smith's cameo. It just didn't work for me. I thought it unnecessary as the 11th Doctor gives Clara (and thereby the audience) permission to like this Doctor. I already do so jog on 11. Seriously though I knew from this episode that this was The Doctor I had been waiting for in the modern era and admittedly didn't think we'd get (thanks to Moffat for some inspired casting). I prefer an older, darker but still with a twinkle in the eye persona. It's more like The Doctor I grew up with. Overall 9/10
    1 point
  46. You guys have been busy while I've been doing some house cleaning. So since I've been a good girl and cleaned my apartment does that mean I can eat all the candy now?
    1 point
  47. Y'all are too healthy. I get fruit I bake em into a cake
    1 point
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