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robmoriarty last won the day on October 25 2018

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About robmoriarty

  • Birthday 09/13/1981

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Stunt Co-ordinator (11/23)



  1. No gift card found. Well that's silly, is less than a year old!
  2. Hi, I'm trying to use a DST refund voucher which is valid until 12 November 2023 for £15 to offset the cost of my entry ticket for LFCC for next month. But when I put the code in on the eventbrite promo code field it says "Sorry that code is invalid". Am I doing something wrong?
  3. Digital photos are now up and available for download through the usual link. However all Sunday photo sessions are showing as password protected and access denied. Can someone in the office tweak the settings on that please? https://showmasters.photoshelter.com/gallery-collection/Sunday/C0000qX1J9w5KptM
  4. Latest timetable has no Denise Crosby standard shoot on Friday?
  5. I’m beyond saddened to hear of his untimely passing this morning. I first met him three years ago at another UK convention where for a glorious hour both he and J G Hertzler had everyone in stitches goofing their way through a duo and respective individual photo shoots: pulling faces, mercilessly mocking each other and in some cases unexpectedly photobombing each other to hilarious effect. At each subsequent event I met Aron, not only did he remember me but he’d take it upon himself to pinch my phone and show his fellow guests what he called “the greatest photobomb EVER!”. Following last year’s DST, we followed each other on Twitter and regularly kept in touch. On every single occasion he proved not only to be incredibly funny, but humble, kind and generous with his time - all true hallmarks of being part of the Star Trek family. I’m so glad he was able to contribute to the recent DS9 Doc where it’s plain to see just how much his time on the show meant to him. I hope you took a few slips of Latinum with you to buy your way into the Divine Treasury, Aron. RIP, you will be sorely missed.
  6. I think the time of year DST is held is going to be a recurring issue when booking Mr Frakes. Many production schedules are in full flow by October and he's more likely to be in demand for his services... Better trying for June/July with Collectormania or LFCC, or LFCC Spring perhaps?
  7. Surprised you didn't wait until "next Tuesday" to announce him....
  8. Yes, the DST photos do have the logo on them. I have scanned a small selection from last year’s batch so you can see what they look like. Usually each guest has at least three or four different ones to choose from.
  9. As @Ravogd hinted at, I did review the admiral package last year, which I hope it’s okay to link to here(?). Normally I've only ever gone with a pay-as-you-go approach. Wanting to meet 27 guests and in particular when the entire Discovery cast was announced late on was my tipping point in deciding to go for the top package. The bottom line with any you choose is to add up the things that you want to do as they’re announced, look at the perks that come with the packages, see which are most important to you and then which becomes economically viable. That’s all I did. You don’t have to decide right now, prob up until the end of September when the lineup is more formed is fine. This year so far I’m up to around 11 guests so far. So I’m probably thinking Commander package at the absolute minimum, more likely Captain depending on any remaining announcements matching with my remaining wishlist. Hope that helps you @HeartDT.
  10. My other photos from yesterday... more than enough for me this year!
  11. I've heard from other events she can be like this at times - hell, we all can - I met her last December at another event. I was first in the queue and did get a pose from her, but it definitely felt like more of a "distant" encounter than with some other guests. not that it's ever completely fair to compare between guests either, we are after all individuals, not machines.
  12. Words well said @EllaBlair (If anything a little annoyed you beat me to it!!). Thank you Showmasters for bringing such a fabulous guest to us this weekend. I always thought meeting one of my idols would be memorable. He was so welcoming and gracious with his time, he exceeded my expectations by some margin. A truly wonderful human spirit. Hope he enjoys his first convention experience as much as we have seeing him. Anything you can do to convince him to return for his second would be hugely appreciated!* *Except by my bank manager, just possibly...
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