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A little disappointed and a few questions!


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Regarding Buffy/Angel whilst I acknowledge these shows have a large fan base, do we really need them at every show that Showmasters organize?


I live just outside Manchester and have spent alot of time and money travelling to London and Milton Keynes for the other events. So you can imagine my delight when Collectormania G-Mex was announced.


I have in the past got a few autographs from other guests, but the only reason I was at the event in the first place was because of the Buffy/Angel guests.


I feel really let down by the fact that not one has been announced for this event.



I can understand you are disapointed but only having one reason for going limits what you will be happy with. SM do a fantastic job with evert show they put on but they can't get actors from every show/movie everytime they have an event. It was similar for us when there was only one lotr actor at C8 so we didn't go, but now GMEX is about to be the best SM event I have ever been to. I am a harry potter, lost andy serkis, narnia and red dwarf fan so the whole weekend will be fantastic. SM can't please everyone all of the time and for those who have already said, if you can't see those you want to see at a specific event then try going to another. We've all had to do it weather its going to lfcc,collectormania,autographica or even a totally seperate convention so maybe you should widen your interests.


on the actual note of buffy/angel guests. with both series having finished there is less of a chance of them coming over to do shows like this unless they are really in need of the money. buffy/angel is not the first show to have a zero representation at an event as many fans of other shows/films will tell you. but rather than bringing down everyones spirits why not look around and see what is in front of you.


and the responce to those who are asking where the big names are...do you not think SM have learnt from recent mistakes of announcing major guests to have them cancel...so it is much better to wait and be sure they can attend rather then dissapointing so many people...there is still time.

Edited by Aragorns_Princess
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im looking forward to GMEX...im looking forward to meeting Michael Shanks and Christopher Judge ( 2 MAIN LEADS from Stargate SG1)


going to these events isnt just about meeting the guests, although i know it is a big part of it. I went to C6 and didnt actually meet any of the guests!


the guest line up may seem disappointing to some becuase there is noone from their favourite show, but to others it may be seen as a fantastic line up because there are people from a show that they love.


everyone is different ad thats what makes the world interesting! :lol:

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In the past 18 months two Buffy/Angel conventions were planned in Manchester and both of them got cancelled, which makes no Buffy guests at this one even worse :uhoh: .



You don't think that maybe that's a sign?


Actually the reason the most recent was cancelled is because the organiser skipped off abroad, leaving us out of pocket and it wasn't just a buffy con that was cancelled, a Xena con was too.


I know Buffy and Angel has finished, but they have had huge followings and contary to what you said all the reasonably main characters still have a big demand at cons, I agree smaller guests don't, but that applies to lots of shows.


Don't think I only have an interest in Buffy as I have requested guests from movies (I'm a big movie fan), but none of those have ever come to cons, which leaves only the Buffy and Angel I'm interested in, so I am annoyed that there are none of them at the event held where I live.

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:uhoh: I am feeling the other way around. I think the guests at Gmex are far better that the current line up at Milton Keynes. I do not know if I will be able to attend the Gmex due to expecting a baby but I would love to go. I missed the last Milton Keynes due to the lack of Harry Potter, lord of the rings and new star wars guests and felt very disappointed that this was the first one I had missed and with the current line up I might not go again and would much prefer to go to Gmex. I also feel that maybe they have better guests at Gmex as you have to pay to get in? I may be wrong but I am not inspired by Milton Keynes.
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I've never been to a big event like this, or any convention and have always thought that as soon as someone does one close to me, I'll attend it, as I have always wanted to go to one, but as there are no guests that make this a must attend event for me, many of whom I have no interest in at all, then I stand by my statement about it being a poor line up.


To someone else, it may be the best line up ever, however me and my friends won't be attending unless the line up improves.


As I have previously stated, I have been impressed b many previous event line ups, and am impressed by the Milton Keynes line up, but the Manchester one just sucks!


Sorry, but it does!


Good luck with the show, hopefuly the first of many in Manchester!


P.s. Not all of us can afford to travel or go to other events, so the one's we go to have to be special and worth the money, or what's the point?




I've been a lurker for the past couple of weeks, but this thread has made me decide to post.


Maybe I'm not as much of a "geek" as a lot of people here because this is my first time going to something like this. But I think the lineup is amazing. I'm trying to decide which guests I want to meet the most because I have a tight budget, and I'm having problems whittling it down.


One thing you need to realize, is that it can be hard to get guests. It's hard to get a lot of big name guests because of the fact that they are constantly working. I'm sure that the organizers have tried getting a lot of bigger names, but the bigger names tend to be busier than the smaller names. And I'm sorry, having Andy Serkis at this event is QUITE big considering King Kong just came out.


Also, getting all big names is a LOT more expensive because the actors would expect more money/more special treatment. A lot of people say that's selfish of them...but guess what? It's their job. Then, people would complain about how much more expensive the autographs are. But I digress.


It is everyone's opinion as to whether or not it's a good lineup or not. GMex is closer to you, but it's a poor lineup in your opinion; therefore, you're not going. I think the lineup is amazing and I'm travelling in from Canada to attend the event.

Edited by Soybean
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Like I've posted elsewhere, at the moment G-Mex is the cheapest SMs event I've been to (Or going to! and I've been to loads) thanks to a cheap hotel and managing to get a bus from Glasgow for £2.50.


There are four definites for me: Robert Llewelyn (Got a group shot and he's the only RD guest to get!), Avery Brooks, Roger Lloyd-Pack and Ian Somerhalder (Doesn't everyone love Lost!). And there are three very strong maybes: Stan Ianevski, Robert Pattinson and Matt Lewis.


Personally I think the G-Mex line up is as strong as any other SMs event and every time they do an event you always get people moaning that they don't like the line up, but that's always the chance you take with the events and for me each time feels like a small holiday, a chance to get away for the weekend, and I have loved each and every SMs event I've attended. Yes, I would love for the cast of Smallville, Lost and The West Wing to come over but we all have to be realistic and keep our feet on the ground.





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I've been a lurker for the past couple of weeks, but this thread has made me decide to post.


Maybe I'm not as much of a "geek" as a lot of people here because this is my first time going to something like this.  But I think the lineup is amazing.  I'm trying to decide which guests I want to meet the most because I have a tight budget, and I'm having problems whittling it down.


One thing you need to realize, is that it can be hard to get guests.  It's hard to get a lot of big name guests because of the fact that they are constantly working.  I'm sure that the organizers have tried getting a lot of bigger names, but the bigger names tend to be busier than the smaller names.  And I'm sorry, having Andy Serkis at this event is QUITE big considering King Kong just came out.


Also, getting all big names is a LOT more expensive because the actors would expect more money/more special treatment.  A lot of people say that's selfish of them...but guess what?  It's their job.  Then, people would complain about how much more expensive the autographs are.  But I digress.


It is everyone's opinion as to whether or not it's a good lineup or not.  GMex is closer to you, but it's a poor lineup in your opinion; therefore, you're not going.  I think the lineup is amazing and I'm travelling in from Canada to attend the event.



Wow - you're flying in from Canada - that's awesome!! I love going to cons abroad (except when the transport goes horribly wrong! lol) and think that it makes a really valid point that people are prepared to come all that way for the line-up!


I personally, can not wait for G-Mex... I'm rearranging what time I can get away on Friday as have to drive up from Oxford... But if I had to drive to Edinburgh, I'd have done it in a instant for the line-up.


Cons aren't all about the guests in anycase... The whole atmosphere, getting to meet so many great people of a like-mind, and getting to shop at the stalls all make the cons a great adventure and experience... they never seem to get boring.


Is it your first trip to England? Or just a return visit??


Lizzi xx

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I found the Showmasters events and the forum long before I was able to go to any events, but by the time I did go I had made lots of really good friends on the forum and it gave me an added reason to go to the events.


What I'm saying is, sometimes it is disappointing when there's no-one you'd really like to meet celebrity-wise but if you stick around on the forum long enough you'll soon have lots of reasons to go, apart from the obvious one. Although I know that sometimes the expense is prohibitive.


Personally, as an HP fan I have noooo complaints about the GMex line-up :firedevil: and even though I'm not particularly interested in the guests for C9 (as yet) if my friends from the forum are going and I have the money, I'll be there too, just for the social side of it.


I'm sooo tired and not entirely sure I've added anything to the discussion here but never mind... :blink:

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I think this topic itself shows exactly how wide a variety of personal tastes, locations etc there are in regards to attendees at the shows that Showmasters put on, and that's the most important thing about them - variety.


Yes, we'll get a reunion now and again to tie in with something like Dr Who or Star Wars have done in the past, but not everyone is interested in them anyway. I certainly wasn't! But I know that I'm not always going to get what I want from the line up.


It's unfortunate that Buffy and Angel aren't being represented really this time, but I'm sure that LOTR fans feel disappointed that they don't get as many as they once did too! There's always reasons for this though, whether from a business standpoint or availability etc, we just don't know.


I wasn't expecting much from GMEX to be honest. As Dufresne mentioned, I was expecting a more "playing it safe" type line up, but it has delivered more than my expectations.


Sure there's some familiar faces who are always popular with fans, but there are some big names there too - Lost is one of the biggest shows on TV in the past year, if not THE biggest ... Harry Potter, King Kong, and Narnia are extremely popular movies ... and we get JCB as well, what more could you want?


I know what it feels like to be disappointed in the line up, so I do sympathise, but unfortunately it's a waiting game really. All you can do is express your opinions and wishes on here, and you never know what you'll get in the future. Sure, it may be a crap show for you personally, but for every disappointment there's someone who is really happy!


These shows will always be hit and miss for people with a very specific taste. Many of us don't just go for the guests as we want to see friends and look at the merchandise etc too. There's variety in attendees as much as there is in guests! There are always options, both with Showmasters events and others, so hopefully there'll be someone somewhere that will match your interest B)

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Wow - you're flying in from Canada - that's awesome!! I love going to cons abroad (except when the transport goes horribly wrong! lol) and think that it makes a really valid point that people are prepared to come all that way for the line-up!


I personally, can not wait for G-Mex... I'm rearranging what time I can get away on Friday as have to drive up from Oxford... But if I had to drive to Edinburgh, I'd have done it in a instant for the line-up.


Cons aren't all about the guests in anycase... The whole atmosphere, getting to meet so many great people of a like-mind, and getting to shop at the stalls all make the cons a great adventure and experience... they never seem to get boring.


Is it your first trip to England? Or just a return visit??


Lizzi xx



This is my first trip to England which makes it even more exciting. I was originally going to go to London at the end of February until I found out about this event. One of my fellow admins at the Robert Pattinson fansite we run told me about it and I completely changed my plans (not just for Robert....I'm a freak, but not THAT much of one hehe). So now I'll just be in Manchester from Friday afternoon/night until Sunday afternoon/night and spend the rest of my time in London.


I've only been to one Con....and that was the Gathering of the Fellowship in Toronto, 2003. I loved the atmosphere. And I mean, the guests there definitely weren't the biggest actors in the movie, but I instantly had a soft spot for them because they were genuinely nice. I still remember Bruce Hopkins taking a break from signing autographs to move the queue lines haha


But now you have me terrified about my flight haha I'm always a paranoid traveller now ever since one vacation I organized ended up being, well, terrible.

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This is my first trip to England which makes it even more exciting.  I was originally going to go to London at the end of February until I found out about this event.  One of my fellow admins at the Robert Pattinson fansite we run told me about it and I completely changed my plans (not just for Robert....I'm a freak, but not THAT much of one hehe).  So now I'll just be in Manchester from Friday afternoon/night until Sunday afternoon/night and spend the rest of my time in London.


I've only been to one Con....and that was the Gathering of the Fellowship in Toronto, 2003.  I loved the atmosphere.  And I mean, the guests there definitely weren't the biggest actors in the movie, but I instantly had a soft spot for them because they were genuinely nice.  I still remember Bruce Hopkins taking a break from signing autographs to move the queue lines haha


But now you have me terrified about my flight haha I'm always a paranoid traveller now ever since one vacation I organized ended up being, well, terrible.



Wow - that's very cool! I went to a lotr con in Germany last October, and the trip over was fine, but got stranded at the airport for 27 hours on the way back, which wasn't much fun!! At least you'll speak the language of the country you're coming to though, which will be a big bonus! lol


Make sure you tell Robert that you've travelled in from Canada to see him... Have you got someone you can call over here, in case anything goes wrong or you get lost or stuck at all? If not, you can contact me (even though you don't know me!) so you can have that bit of piece of mind.


Lizzi xx

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Do you know who I think they should get back?


Some of the Matrix folks like Joey Pants & the Rayments. Always a nice draw and if they could snag Laurence Fishburne (not currently filming anything) then what a bonus.


However, I'm more than happy with the line-up so far and extra happy that it's in Manchester so for me it's a win-win situation.


I just hope enough people attend to warrant a second one, and a third etc, etc.

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Wow - that's very cool! I went to a lotr con in Germany last October, and the trip over was fine, but got stranded at the airport for 27 hours on the way back, which wasn't much fun!! At least you'll speak the language of the country you're coming to though, which will be a big bonus! lol


Make sure you tell Robert that you've travelled in from Canada to see him... Have you got someone you can call over here, in case anything goes wrong or you get lost or stuck at all? If not, you can contact me (even though you don't know me!) so you can have that bit of piece of mind. 


Lizzi xx



I know one person from our message board who I'm meeting up with at Gmex. I think he said he's from the West Midlands...I don't remember lol Other than him, I don't really have anyone. I'm coming in with one of my friends from work.


But yeah, I'd have no problem contacting you if I get lost haha I'm terrible with direction :) I can travel around my own city well enough, but put me somewhere that I've never been, and I'm a dolt.

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guys / gals stop talking about problems at flights :)

althow i'm In Israel i'll be coming from .....

JAPAN = 17 hours flight

dont jinx it....plllllzzzzzzz


as for the real " problem " here ..i , as all of us can understand dispointed .. we all felt it at list ones in our lives ... i reaaaaly wonted to go to a con a year ago and had to cancel and thay hade JM ther :) dont think i'll have a chance to c him again.. but thats life

think of this : dont go now save you'r cash for next time... you never knew who SM will get :)

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Due to me not being able to attend other events around the country, and this one being a reasonable distance via train, as I don't drive, I was really looking forward to the event until I saw the line up.


A few questions!


Where are the big names? (There aren't as many as at Collectormania's other events).


Where are the Buffy / Angel / Smallville / 24  guests?


Why are there so many guests attending whose roles aren't that big?


Why book four artists when half of that amount would be more than enough and another proper star would be better?


Where are the female guests?


I am really, really disappointed by this line up, and hope a few bigger name attractions may improve this situation.



I hate moaners if ur not happy dont come! simple, and i love the guests!!! i cant wait.

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Due to me not being able to attend other events around the country, and this one being a reasonable distance via train, as I don't drive, I was really looking forward to the event until I saw the line up.


A few questions!


Where are the big names? (There aren't as many as at Collectormania's other events).


Where are the Buffy / Angel / Smallville / 24  guests?


Why are there so many guests attending whose roles aren't that big?


Why book four artists when half of that amount would be more than enough and another proper star would be better?


Where are the female guests?


I am really, really disappointed by this line up, and hope a few bigger name attractions may improve this situation.



I hate moaners if ur not happy dont come! simple, and i love the guests!!! i cant wait.



So if the guest list was .... not to your taste, you just "not go" ? I think we're all entitled to lobby for our own tastes. But I agree that the opening post was a bit confrontational .....

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Wow - that's very cool! I went to a lotr con in Germany last October, and the trip over was fine, but got stranded at the airport for 27 hours on the way back, which wasn't much fun!! At least you'll speak the language of the country you're coming to though, which will be a big bonus! lol


Make sure you tell Robert that you've travelled in from Canada to see him... Have you got someone you can call over here, in case anything goes wrong or you get lost or stuck at all? If not, you can contact me (even though you don't know me!) so you can have that bit of piece of mind. 


Lizzi xx



I know one person from our message board who I'm meeting up with at Gmex. I think he said he's from the West Midlands...I don't remember lol Other than him, I don't really have anyone. I'm coming in with one of my friends from work.


But yeah, I'd have no problem contacting you if I get lost haha I'm terrible with direction :) I can travel around my own city well enough, but put me somewhere that I've never been, and I'm a dolt.



If you use msn, add me - Makawish20@aol.com and we can chat more, and I can give you my number etc.


Lizzi xxx

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If you use msn, add me - Makawish20@aol.com and we can chat more, and I can give you my number etc.


Lizzi xxx



You're added :) I was actually going to come on today to ask if you had MSN, Yahoo or AIM so I stop going offtopic in this thread lol

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Showmasters need to try and get 'current' guests in order to attract more people, and this line up is perfect! Harry Potter, Narnia, Lost, and Kong! How more current can you get!? I am a little biased as a HP fan, and am really looking forward to this. I have to agree with the sentiment however that if you aren't interested, don't go! Save the money for when a 'better' one comes along. And don't just moan, make suggestions! You never know...

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Due to me not being able to attend other events around the country, and this one being a reasonable distance via train, as I don't drive, I was really looking forward to the event until I saw the line up.


A few questions!


Where are the big names? (There aren't as many as at Collectormania's other events).


Where are the Buffy / Angel / Smallville / 24  guests?


Why are there so many guests attending whose roles aren't that big?


Why book four artists when half of that amount would be more than enough and another proper star would be better?


Where are the female guests?


I am really, really disappointed by this line up, and hope a few bigger name attractions may improve this situation.



I hate moaners if ur not happy dont come! simple, and i love the guests!!! i cant wait.



So if the guest list was .... not to your taste, you just "not go" ? I think we're all entitled to lobby for our own tastes. But I agree that the opening post was a bit confrontational .....




If there wasnt anyone i wanted to meet, i wouldnt go.

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Ok here's a real life example of this - I was going to go to LFaCC3, but due to guests cancelling and whatnot there wasn't any guests that were "OMG I want to meet them!"


Guess what I did!


I didn't go! <_<



So today's lesson - No one is forcing you at gun point to go. If you do not go, the world does not end, the whole entire universe does not end. No one is forcing you to go. If you see no point in going then don't go. <_<


P.S. I think the line up is great

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I have to add to the posts on the previous page that there's more than going to an event than JUST meeting guests and getting autos or are you lot anti-social? :(:o<_<


hang out with your friends, espesh the ones you only see at events!

look round a new/different city

get yourself some merchandise

go to the talks, seeing as they are FREE !

admire the cosplayers


if you're local, what's a fiver to do ALL than AND MORE? be grateful you live near an event and that you don't live in SCOTLAND or WALES that's miles from ALL events!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


surfy sah xx <_<

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look round a new/different city

get yourself some merchandise

go to the talks, seeing as they are FREE !

admire the cosplayers


surfy sah xx  <_<



No no no you got it all wrong <_<


Get lost round a new city.

Look at the merchandise and wish you had enough money to get it.

Wish you could go to the talks while you're stuck crewing.

Run away scared from the cosplayers.


Sorted :(

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