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Newbie to EMS events. I'm just wondering(so i know what 2 expect) how quickly the queue moves once doors open at 9.00am. I've read that some people are queuing 1 to 2 hrs before it opens. Is this just 2 be first 2 get autographs? Are the queues going 2b horrendous for photo's & autos? The reason i ask is because it effects how many Photo's/ Auto's i buy as i dont want 2 just spend the whole day in queues but i feel that may be the case at these events as i read there may be 2000 attendees there. Any advice appreciated.


Cheers :crying:

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Photo Shoots

If you buy them all in advance, you're guaranteed to get them within the slots allocated to them on the schedule. The busier ones will be organised by batches of numbers called up, so you won't have to queue the whole slot. Example - David Tennant will have hundreds, but they'll manage it by doing 1-50 or similar. So if you're 400, you'll be towards the end of the slot. You don't need to queue the whole time. The busier photo shoots will last around an hour. Some only last 15 minutes. As long as you turn up during the slot, you won't miss getting your photo.


If you're buying shoots on the day, the queue for purchasing is usually quite long, so I'd advise pre-purchase if possible.



These are organised by Virtual Queue ticket so you specifically don't have to queue all day.




Do read "Queuing inside and out" for full details on how a VQ works.


(That FAQ is for a previous event but the majority of organisation details are exactly the same)

Edited by DavidB
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Any measures in place for disabled guests? I use crutches and I am unable to stand for too long, so I need to know how this impact my experience at EMS. Also for entry on the Sunday am I better off getting an early bird ticket online and queuing in the prepaid queue or am I better off just going in the normal queue for early bird but very very early?

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Any measures in place for disabled guests? I use crutches and I am unable to stand for too long, so I need to know how this impact my experience at EMS. Also for entry on the Sunday am I better off getting an early bird ticket online and queuing in the prepaid queue or am I better off just going in the normal queue for early bird but very very early?

Hi there,


Please send an e-mail to info@showmastersonline.com with "FAO TooTall" who normally deals with disabled attendees, and he should be able to help/advise you.


Thanks :crying:

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Any measures in place for disabled guests? I use crutches and I am unable to stand for too long, so I need to know how this impact my experience at EMS. Also for entry on the Sunday am I better off getting an early bird ticket online and queuing in the prepaid queue or am I better off just going in the normal queue for early bird but very very early?

Hi there,


Please send an e-mail to info@showmastersonline.com with "FAO TooTall" who normally deals with disabled attendees, and he should be able to help/advise you.


Thanks :crying:



Thank you :king:

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Hey DavidB


Was hoping you wouldn't mind answering a quick question for me, as u seem to be the go to guy :wub:


Basically I brought my dt photo shoot within minutes of it going on sale so I will likely have an early number, however yesterday I thought I wud treat myself to a second photo ( why not eh) and will assume there numbers will be far apart. So my question is will I have to que twice for my pics ie if I have number 27 and 230 will they likely let me do both pics when I'm first called or make me come back later for the second? cheers matey :)

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Hey DavidB


Was hoping you wouldn't mind answering a quick question for me, as u seem to be the go to guy :wub:


Basically I brought my dt photo shoot within minutes of it going on sale so I will likely have an early number, however yesterday I thought I wud treat myself to a second photo ( why not eh) and will assume there numbers will be far apart. So my question is will I have to que twice for my pics ie if I have number 27 and 230 will they likely let me do both pics when I'm first called or make me come back later for the second? cheers matey :)


You will be allowed to take both photos at the same time (lowest number), that is no problem. Have done it before myself.

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Photo shoot queues are definitely made to move quickly, as it's a simple point-and-click, without any talking etc really.


Autograph queues can be longer if guests are chatting, maybe having a photo at the desk etc.

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Photo shoot queues are definitely made to move quickly, as it's a simple point-and-click, without any talking etc really.


Autograph queues can be longer if guests are chatting, maybe having a photo at the desk etc.


Yeah you barely have time to say hi in the photo shoot (unless the guest remembers you and says something...) but yeah, signing autos is usually accompanied by pleasantries and maybe the odd question, especially if the guest wants to be a bit more involved as it were and break up the monotony of just signing.

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Shoots unless you have two back to back, no time at all, just a quick arm around or pose then out again, Autos, unless they are really busy (as Alex Kingston was at this years CM:MK) you will generally have time to say something to them and if there is hardly anyone in the queue they are normally more than happy to chat!.


I heard only good things about Karens Auto, no one seemed to come away with a negitive word even though doing so many, I hope DT is the same as her, but he will be soooooooooooooo busy!!!

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That's kind of disappointing to hear. This is my first time going to an event like this and I was kind of hoping to be able to say something to each actor I have a shoot with- not a speech, just a few words letting them know how they've inspired me as an actor. I'm guessing I'm not even going to have the chance for that, then?

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That's kind of disappointing to hear. This is my first time going to an event like this and I was kind of hoping to be able to say something to each actor I have a shoot with- not a speech, just a few words letting them know how they've inspired me as an actor. I'm guessing I'm not even going to have the chance for that, then?



photo ops are just that , its not the place to have a little chat as we will have lots of people wanting to have there photo with the guests .


if everyone had a little chat we would only be able give 25% of the people wanting a photo with a guest the chance to have one , so it has to work this way .


getting an autograph you will have more chance to say something to the guests , and if a guest is not busy then you can have even more of a chat .


you may find in some cases that at the end of the day a guest may not have a line at all and thats the best time to have a real chat if the guests is up for it .


hope that is of help to you



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What i'm concerned about is getting there at 9am and being stuck in the queue ro get in the building, even though I have a pre-booked early entry ticket, and missing a photoshoot slot if it's pretty early... or do they only start them once people have had time to get in?


Also with regarding photoshoots yeh they can be fairly rushed in terms of a proper chat but so can autos depending on the guest's personality, schedule etc.


I'm currently debating over whether to go for a pose or a hug w/Arthur Darvill. There's this pose I really want to get him doing (as it'll make an online community v happy!), but being a fangirl i also want to do the arm round thing or get a hug on my way out or something, haha. Dunno if there'll be time to ask for a specific pose AND a hug. Might have to try and get a VQ ticket for his auto, too. But he's gonna be well busy :-(

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What i'm concerned about is getting there at 9am and being stuck in the queue ro get in the building, even though I have a pre-booked early entry ticket, and missing a photoshoot slot if it's pretty early... or do they only start them once people have had time to get in?


They will leave some time so people can get in, yes.

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What i'm concerned about is getting there at 9am and being stuck in the queue ro get in the building, even though I have a pre-booked early entry ticket, and missing a photoshoot slot if it's pretty early... or do they only start them once people have had time to get in?


They will leave some time so people can get in, yes.


Ok thanks. I knew it was a bit of a silly question especially as i've been to LFCC twice but a) that was a while ago and :YAHOO: more stupid not to ask :-)

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To be fair the pre-paid queues usually move pretty fast. I was right around the building for Saturday at LFCC and from the time the doors opened it was no more than 10mins for me to get in since you're just handing over your ticket as you walk through. Not sure how long the pay-on-the day took though.

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Ok so today I decided to bother all the forum with my questions ;)


I bought a photo op ticket, but couldn't afford the £12 of the entrance at the time, so I thought I'd buy my entrance ticket at Earl's Court. As I bought a photo op ticket already, can I queue in the pre-paid ticket slot?

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Ok so today I decided to bother all the forum with my questions ;)


I bought a photo op ticket, but couldn't afford the £12 of the entrance at the time, so I thought I'd buy my entrance ticket at Earl's Court. As I bought a photo op ticket already, can I queue in the pre-paid ticket slot?

Unfortunately the pre-paid on the door is for people with tickets for entry, not photoshoot. It is set out like that as one queue will be able to hand over their ticket and go straight in, whilst the other will have somebody behind a desk taking the entrance payment to allow you to get in.

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Ok so today I decided to bother all the forum with my questions ;)


I bought a photo op ticket, but couldn't afford the £12 of the entrance at the time, so I thought I'd buy my entrance ticket at Earl's Court. As I bought a photo op ticket already, can I queue in the pre-paid ticket slot?

The pre-paid ticket queue is only for people who already have their entry tickets bought. You will have to queue in the 'pay on the day' queue.

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Is there a way to pay for the tix but to collect them at the box office? Is that what the pre-paid tickets queue is for?

I can't risk ordering anything now the EMS is getting close!


No, sorry. There is no "will call window" where you'd pick up pre-paid tickets.


The actual box office is open for sales on the day only.

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If you are planning on getting there in the 9-11 'early bird' slot I'd say there was a very, very tiny chance (pretty much non-existent, in fact) of you missing the DT photoshoot. It's not likely to be one of the earliest shoots in the day, given that it's the most popular shoot, so I honestly wouldn't worry.

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