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AmbroseGirl last won the day on July 30 2016

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  1. Starting with the lows (booo) could only manage 3 guests this year.. guest autos, photos and diamond prices are geting ridicoulous Mods, camera crew please don't rush people when there about to have there photo taken, especially when they have payed alot of money. No matter what they say I will always take my time even when the crew are screaming at me. But I've seen this happen to many times with the con newbies.. not good The highs Jason Mamoa what a top bloke Sam Neil .. a gent, loved how he was so engaging with the kiddies James Caan you are amazing. I know with him turning up late it did mess up with my schedule... But you forget the man is 78! And just recovered from a back op, not to mention the con felt like a sauna. Couple occasions I caught him feeling uncortamble in his chair (you could see the poor guy was in pain) I did offer a back rub :) which made him laugh.
  2. James Caan was amazing! He done well, was worried for the poor guy. I forget he's 78 and just recovered from a back op.
  3. That's a joke! The guy in the blue shirt said to me he wasn't handing anymore out because caan was only signing 300max
  4. What time did you get a VQ ticket? I arrived at 12 and they were all gone
  5. Haha busted... just worried about him, hope he's ok
  6. James caan que was ridiculous. Plus why did he leave so early?
  7. What no diamond pass? But wow what a guest.. can't believe it, photo op bookef
  8. Showmasters I really would love some 80s guests Steve Guttenberg William zabka Martin Cove Kevin Bacon Dan Aykroyd
  9. Any chance getting Steve Guttenberg?? Has been to LFCC before?
  10. Ben Barnes Chris evans Charlie Cox Chris Hemsworth Kevin Bacon Bruce Cambell Jamie Dornan Jean Claude Van Damme Tom Hiddleston Tom Holland Charlie Hunnam Chris Pratt Cillian Murphy Tim Roth Kurt Russel Tom Hardy Lots and lots of WWE guests
  11. Did anyone find Christian a bit off at his signing table??
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