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About Rainbowchazer

  • Birthday December 24

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    East of England

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  1. Appreciated the increased number of artists, illustrators and writers there this time. They really made my day. Because it was smaller, in the afternoon it was a lot less busy. We were able to find somewhere to sit down and eat that wasn't at the noodle stall. Prices were still eye watering, mind, but once in a while we can manage that. I'm still not sure why my husband bought me a ticket without asking me to check if there was anyone I wanted to meet, mind. Oddly enough, what I thought would be the biggest inconvenience actually turned out to be a find. Liverpool Street to Shepherd's Bush to Kensington Olympia on the tube is much simpler than King's Cross via wherever to Olympia. Sure, the journey down on the train is longer - and it was busy yesterday because King's Cross was closed. But the rest of it was a doddle. Glad to be warm and dry again now. By the way, what is that big glowing thing in the sky? Can anyone tell me, please?
  2. People sitting on the stairs. That is exactly the problem. SEATS. Maybe an area with a small charge (yes, London. SMALL, as in a couple of quid for daily access) for access to seating would be an option? Because everything else was charged for, and then some. £2.25 for 100ml of water, ffs.
  3. Yes, why can't the people asking for extra assistance have a fast track entrance into the building as well? We must have walked another mile from the station to the entrance. At that point my legs were fresh and I wasn't having problems walking...it was actually almost FIVE HOURS before I collapsed against the wall.
  4. My hips, knees and feet are definitely telling me the standing and moving at slow pace was a problem for me yesterday. It was worth it but I really must get fitter so I can enjoy these events fully without thinking my feet will give out from under me at any time. That comment was unforgivable though. I have never been to an event where wheelchair users didn't get priority. If I'd overheard it, I would have been wishing fervently for my cane so I could have brutalised her ankles. But then again, the last time I used a cane was over 10 years ago and I'd rather not go back to having to use it again, if I can help it. Hence why my first stop tomorrow after work will be the campus gym, so I can swim out some of these kinks. Hope everyone is having a fabulous day today. One of these days we'll do it properly - 3 day pass, DPs and hotels. I've been working on it ever since arriving home yesterday.
  5. I'll agree with you. They were everywhere yesterday. As were the 'mystery loot bags' which probably contained more of the same kind of stuff. The only reason I'd buy one is to sell it on ebay for more than I paid for it. But trying to research which one of those soulless bobbleheads to buy would cause me to lose the will to live, so...
  6. My husband and I arrived back a couple of hours ago from London. The two things that really caught us out this year were: a) that the only way to the venue by train seemed to be to go to West Brompton and change there. Wasn't there a direct link from Earl's Court before? b) the lack of seating in the venue. The only place which seemed to have seats was the cosplay stage and most rows were blocked by exhausted punters slumped in the nearest available seats at the end of each row. When I eventually collapsed in an untidy heap up by the gaming area, because I can't get up off the floor easily, it took the combined efforts of my husband and a friendly security guard to get me back on my feet. When my legs give out, they give out. By that time I had been on my feet for over 3 hours and although I only had about 10 minutes on the ground before the guard came along and asked me to move, that was all I needed to get my second wind. I would suggest that a designated rest area with seats should be provided. I know there was a large area to sit on the floor and eat (but did you see the state of it by the end of the day?) but seated rest areas did seem to be at a premium, even near food outlets. Apart from that: the amount of talent at the far end of the signing area was amazing. Alfie Allen, ZQ and John Barrowman all in a line.
  7. Oooohhh. Planning on melting my credit card on this one. May even go for a Gold Pass rather than a DP. Newbie question, because it's been a long week and I'm out of spare functioning braincells: How does a GP or DP work with a joint photo session? I really would like the joint Shatner/Quinto photo sesh but I can't tell if the passes include that option or not. If I've already blown £175 on a DP or more on a GP, I don't know if my card would hold another £150 for a joint photo when I'd already have had one with Zachary Quinto anyway included in the pass. Could someone with a bit more spare brain capacity please enlighten me? Is there another thread or a FAQ that I've missed somewhere here? I've already met William Shatner and he's an absolute gent. Never managed to get to the front of the queue for Leonard Nimoy on his last visit, so to have a photo op with Shatner and Quinto would be the next best thing. My tired brain thanks you for your assistance.
  8. Merlin. But that's only because I'm an Anthony Head fan. Otherwise: Babylon 5. Bruce Boxleitner, anyone? Game of Thrones. Lord of the Rings reunion for the Hobbit films.
  9. As the OP's wife, I can see both sides... I'm not a fan of the kid-centric, everything-must-be-family-friendly society, but on the other hand, SM events are one of the few places I have not seen too much of that. I'm short (as you can see in my avatar) and do have trouble walking, on occasion having to use a cane, but the biggest problem I have is people looking elsewhere and walking smack into me because they're not looking down to my level. At least the buggy-pushing parents at SM events are generally looking downwards towards their offspring so can see and avoid me. SM events appear to be havens for wheelchair users, little people and others who would otherwise perhaps be marginalised by society. I have the biggest problems with the elaborately attired cosplayers who don't see where they're heading because of masks or other costume obstructions, as well as those who are so engrossed in looking at the guests or merchandise that they're not looking where they're going. Generally, parents with buggy-size children aren't among them. That said, I doubt very much that a STROLLER PARKING HERE sign such as those at Disneyland would win many fans. The invitation to kleptomaniacs would be too great, for a start. And the parents would not thank anyone for making them carry their child for the whole day! Yes, as a cane-user, I would appreciate more space. But the atmosphere would be lacking without the element of having to wait, push or queue for what or who you wanted to see.
  10. KEVIN SORBO. What a guy! Want more. Want another autograph...might even be persuaded to pay for a photo op. I already know what a charmer Anthony Head is - that's why I wanted to see him again. My bad for getting there so late! Ditto re the photo op. Must try and see Dave Prowse, Kenny Baker and Warwick Davis for autographs some day soon as they acknowledge where possible when I wave and say hi as I'm towed past their places. More Game of Thrones cast, please. My husband was entranced!
  11. Next time I am taking a cane, to whack people out of the way with...LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING PLEASE? Not all disabled people have a wheelchair and I was pulling my poor husband's arm out of its socket at some points trying to keep my balance, and avoid being walked into or shoved. I saw a number of little people as well as Kenny Baker get walked smack into because you lot with your heads in the clouds weren't looking DOWN. Little people and children do exist, you know. Look for us before you wind us up to the point of having a sore shin, why don't you? Directions to venue - poor. Can be improved. Whose idea was it to let booze in? The tube at the end of the day was full of drunkards. Beer and BO. *HURLS*. Should have bought my own food and cold drink though, as the prices... *wince*. An enormous shout to Kevin Sorbo, gorgeous guy, all the time in the world, want to see him again. And thanks to all the crew, too. It was manic and I do not envy you. I knew it was going to be hot, but it was hotter than I had expected with the crowds. The one gripe was that my husband missed the chance to get a photo of the Iron Throne. Can the times for limited-viewing props such as this be better advertised next time? And can we please have the Throne back again? Other than that, for me at least, it was a cheap day out. Didn't stay for Anthony Head although I would have liked to: I had ticket 760 and he was only up to 655 at around 5pm. Saw Kevin Sorbo (for my US friend who shrieked so loudly when I told her I had an autographed pic that I swear you could have heard it in Olympia) and raided the ssecond hand book stall and the Beanie Babies stall. Glad I missed the early bird fiasco but I think we're going to have to get there a bit earlier next time. With food, drink and a cane...
  12. Ditto! If I got the chance to meet Leonard or Zachary........ well, ecstatic wouldn't even come close! Oh, do not even go there. My joy would know no bounds! Trouble is, I too hear Leonard Nimoy has retired from cons, which is an almighty shame.
  13. Nor us. Would have been great to have had a photo to go with the two signed cast member photos my husband bought. Discovering we'd missed that was not a good moment.
  14. Was busy but nowhere near as bad as Collectormania MK as there was enough space for everyone, their buggies, their children, their canes and their cosplay costumes. Queuing for autographs seemed much more logical than the space at MK allows. Never used the photoshoots so have been spared that hell. Much appreciated the chill out zone upstairs on the balcony as I was dead on my feet by about 4.30. (I find walking slowly very difficult and painful.)
  15. Have to admit TfL did not make a good job of signposting that Olympia tubes were running today. My husband and I followed the very clear notices to take a tube to Brompton and then get a connection overground from there, only to find that the signs at the other end were directing us back to Earl's Court again. Wasn't the only one caught out, as I saw several cosplayers wandering around Brompton too. Perhaps a pinned thread giving transport options next time? Especially as an increasing number of international visitors and first timers are attending these events, as well as many people who don't travel often in London.
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