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Halloween Ball?

Matthew Wood

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I'm going as "me" which is scary enough :poki:


If I can still manage to wear it, you'll find me in a big ruffly skirt with a corset. I used to call that outfit my "evil faerie godmother"-outfit.


Othwise, I'm not actually "dressing up" for it.

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i have 2 costume ideas.

i have a vampire which obviously is buffy related.

then i have this rather amazing Edward Scissor Hands Costume.


which one?


maybe i shall dress up on 2 days lol




Edward Scissor hands!

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Eilza Dushku just tweeted about what she should wear for halloween this year, I sent a response saying she should come to London and attend Hallowhedon :D its worth a try hahaha ......


oh well done Captain Mal it is worth a try :)


I was wondering what to wear to the ball and was looking through a catalogue in my local fancy dress shop. I was actually looking for something witchy to wear when I came across a bunny outfit. God, I laughed my head off when I seen it and I just had to have it! So guess what I am.

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I'm going as Glinda from Wicked :o As I type this (or rather, I'm taking a break for a few minutes) I'm sewing a bunch of flourescent pink sparkly tutus to a 50s style rock and roll flouncy petticoat. I'm going to FEEL like sparkly Galinda when I'm in that dress... complete with glittery white wand, pink flower in hair, and pink bow shoes!

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I'm going as Glinda from Wicked :o As I type this (or rather, I'm taking a break for a few minutes) I'm sewing a bunch of flourescent pink sparkly tutus to a 50s style rock and roll flouncy petticoat. I'm going to FEEL like sparkly Galinda when I'm in that dress... complete with glittery white wand, pink flower in hair, and pink bow shoes!


Ahh I want that outfit! Just for everyday use! B)


Iain your costume is so cool!


Can't wait to see everyone's outfits!


I'm making (well my mum is doing most of the making) a dress like the one that Glory gives to Dawn in The Gift. Purple velvet with lilac sleeves and little gold bits at the neck and the arms. So far it has no gold bits and no sleeves though!


At the moment my boyfriend doesn't have a costume so if he does dress up it'll be pretty last minute. I did see him eyeing a Dracula costume in Asda so maybe it'll be that!

Edited by crazyminx
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