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About Elspeth

  • Birthday 10/10/1988

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Elspeth's Achievements

Production Designer

Production Designer (15/23)



  1. Will we be able to sit with Will on the sofa for the photo, or will it just be standing in the 'room'? This will be the deciding factor on if I buy a photo or not!
  2. Feeling really bad for the people who bought VIP tickets...
  3. Any chance of a replacement guest or something extra?
  4. Ask him on twitter, but I think yes, as private person, not as star-guest. TO ALL: if maybe there will be a double photo with Katee and Trucco, does something like that also goes online in the shop or at the con directly? If they do have a double photoshoot, it can vary to be honest. When they can Showmasters will put the tickets for sale on the online shop before the event. But other times they need to wait for longer and this is not possible. For example at summer LFCC the Jamie Bamber and Edward Olmos joint shoot was only avaiable at the convention (not for sale in advance). Best advice is to just keep checking the forum and shop up until it closes. The joint Jamie and Edward shoot was only announced when the convention schdule was released a few days before the con, so have a look at that too :) I for one would love to see a double shoot. Keeping my fingers crossed! :)
  5. 5 Buffy guests now, would be great so see some of the other shows represented :)
  7. Yep. That was my problem too. Booked to go to Alton Towers that Sunday (and also unavoidably busy on the Saturday) but Katee wins. Hands down!
  8. This year I find it extremely diffuicult to choose just one guest. Infact it's almost impossible, every single person I met was just beyond awesome, I thought it would be a rushed and busy affair this year but it wasn't. The biggest surprise for me was probably Edward James Olmos, not because I didn't expect him to be nice or anything, but purely because he was a £25 autograph, which usually means the guest signs very quickly and doesn't allow photos etc. Eddie was the opposite. I met him on the Friday night and it was such an amazing experience. As a huge Battlestar Galactica Fan I was really excited and even nervous to meet one of my heroes, but he was pesonalising everything, not just name, but personal messages too, and dating all the autographs too. He was happy to chat away to me about the show, give me a big hug and even let me take a photo with him. When the photo was blurry, he didn't hestiate to let me take another either! Amazing. Not to mention, he turned up 10 minutes early for the Battlestar talk and went around the hall to shake hands with everyone and say thanks for coming! Photosessions were also great, he was automatically just pulling people into big hugs. What a great guy! Other special mentions have to go to Jamie Bamber, Juliet Landau, Robert Knepper, Sibel Kekilli & Milo Ventimilgia who were all happy to chat away with you for ages. Summer, also get's a special mention, what a trooper, her queue was always long but she insited on personalising for anyone who wanted it. She was also happy to chat to me for a bit about her roll in Arrow and gave me hug :) Other guests I met were more busy. For example John Hurt, I was withing the 1st 10 people so managed to have a short exchange with the man. He was also shaking hands with everyone in the photoshoot. Carrie Fisher was great, Personalised my autograph and asked me few questions about where I was from and the town I grew up in. Lovely lady. Issac Wright was great, very chatty, animated and smiley managed to chat with him for a minute or 2 and take a selfie with him. Hopefully he'll come back for another event. Last, but not least, Stan 'The Man' Lee. Such a privilage to meet the man himself. Yes it was fast but he took the time to look up and and acknowlege everyone even said a few words to me. Yes it was fast, but it was worth it :) In terms of over the table photos and personalisations, All the mentioned guests (bar Stan and John) personalised and I was able to take over the table photos with Edward James Olmos, Jamie Bamber, Milo Ventimilgia, Robert Knepper, Sibel Kekilli & Issac Wright. GREAT WEEKEND!
  9. I for one had a fab weekend! Managed to get absolutely everything I wanted done: Autographs and photo sessions with: Stan Lee, Carrie Fisher, John Hurt, Summer Glau, Edward James Olmos, Jamie Bamber, Juliet Landau, Issac Wright (joint shoot with Kristin, Milo Ventimiglia and Sibel Kekilli. As well as auto for Robert Knepper, tarnish photo shoot, An Audience with Stan Lee, 2xGoT talk and the BIG talk. So all in all a great success in my books. The guests were all absolutely fabulous! Especially the ones I met on Friday preview night who were more than happy to chat away and take over the table photos. It was a real treat. Highlight for me is Edward James Olmos though. What a gent! Taking his time writing personal messages on all his autos, massive hugs in the photo sessions and not to mention turning up for the BIG panel win early to shake hands with everyone there. I also thought the crew did a good job. I think new crew need to spend a bit more time familiarising themselves with the rules etc, but with a bit of time they will be great!
  10. The talk was great. Stan was just amazing! So funny! I left the con at 6pm and the photo shoot was still going on, so yeah, I think he did do it. What a good guy!
  11. I am surprised that so many people are surprised by this! Summer has been in MANY very popular US TV shows: Firefly, Dollhouse, Arrow, Chuck, Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Cape, The 4400 etc She is a headline guest if ever there was one else lol Got a photo with her today, planning to get her auto tomorrow (trying to spread meeting her over 2 days!)
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