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About brooketessmacherfan

  • Birthday 06/10/1977

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  1. FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!! Can’t wait to go this year having had a fantastic first DST in 2018 where I made lots of wonderful memories & moments I’ll always treasure, including meeting Jeri Ryan (7of9) and have already booked a pic with her for this year. can’t wait to meet everyone on here again
  2. Met him a few years ago. Really lovely
  3. Have been expecting this for weeks. Will be rolling my tickets over to next year
  4. More Star Trek Picard guests to join Jeri Ryan & Jonathan Del Arco. Especially Isa Briones
  5. Seen, Terminator: Dark Fate and it’s fantastic, only T2 & the first terminator are better
  6. The Lion King (2019) stands up very well to the classic animated lion king film from around 25yrs ago
  7. Godzilla: King Of The Monsters. A very good sequel to the 2014 Godzilla reboot that does what it says on the tin. Godzilla fighting other monsters like King Ghidorah to set up Kong v Godzilla next year
  8. X-Men: Dark Phoenix. A very good end to the X-Men franchise & a lot better than reviews say it is. Not the worst X-Men film
  9. Star Trek: Discovery season 2. season finale was on good Friday and it was a fantastic end to a fantastic 2nd season
  10. Hellboy (2019) a very enjoyable, bloody, gory & violent reboot of the hellboy franchise. Well worth a watch 8/10
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