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scifisteve last won the day on July 11

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About scifisteve

  • Birthday 12/01/1972

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    South Woodham Ferrers Essex

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  1. Yes, but I mean Work that would require the closure of the Halls for a long period of time
  2. Strange because I have had to show ID every time including last Friday
  3. Excel I believe can not host due to Contractual reasons, The Area you refer to the West Hall and probably the Central, are being turned into Offices and a Theatre, it is suppose to be all finished next year and includes a Hotel and Roof top Area between the two halls.. I think they have already completed any work they are doing to the Main halls repainting, better air con and the new stairs, beyond that the halls are probably listed or something.
  4. Yes this was a quite event, it felt more like a Spring or Winter Show. and I only had 4 guests to meet (3 after a cancellation). With these shows I always find myself with two scenarios, Either Insanely busy or with so little to do on the verge of boredom. this one was the latter, and as per usual the only shoots I had where all after 4pm on Friday and 3pm on Saturday. So having to 5 Hours between autograph and Photo wasn't the best and weather really prevented leaving the event between. As for Guest attendance we should all remember that the Movie and TV industry has not long come out of a 6 mouth Strike that properly put a lot of shows and movies behind. meaning a lack of availability, It was Noticeable that there was no massive promo from the Movie Studios at this event. plus we are in the middle of the Euros which must impact both guest availability and Fan attendance. I will continue to go to SM London events as long as they have Guests that interest me, and if it comes to an end then I will take it as my time to retire from collecting.
  5. Same. I got a new one For Micheal, but not for Iain. Had the same issue last year, I eneded up just showing the old tickets... It is a bad system they wat until almost the last minute to reissue, by which point everyone has left to set up the event and is unlikely to get it sorted.
  6. It does, they can sign 1 person five items or 5 Persons 1 item, you start to multiply that that lot a of people they can get through, I believe there may have been instances last con of DP holders not getting their 1 item signed, and this may be to help prevent that........ Also, People are assuming that they will even get to VQ tickets, have done many an event where they have only done the DP's.
  7. When you go in place him on the wood bench, then you will be able to collect from the oppisite bench as you leave :)
  8. No a DP is just supposed to Guarantee's you get A Autograph and A Photo
  9. An excellent question, I have 2 photo shoots and a Diamond Clark Gregg. For the rollovers from previous spring/summer they announced last minute, (pretty much just before they all disappeared off to setup the event) that they would reissue all tickets they did resend some but not all, and because they were out of the office I could not get my last one sorted, this caused issues at the shoots.
  10. They went through a spell during the Covid Cons of issuing Vouchers for cancelled guests rather than just refunding the money, valid for 2 years at which point if they not used you could get your funds back, (some where unhappy with this). but from Raylenth's comment this may not be the case anymore, I hope this is so.
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