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I Hate..


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make a list of everything you hate, well, the ones you can think of right now.

we all hate bullying, discrimination, racism, hypocricy and abuse.. but i mean, petty little things




my IT teacher: she ignores everyone, its so annoying!!

the way water which has been in mountains for THOUSANDS of years has a sell by date: er... wtf?

school jumper: my hairs staticy enough!! :rolleyes: its made from ACRYLIC!! :wub: grr! it cackles!

people who say you backwashed a drink, and you DIDNT! i have to stop drinking SOME TIME! and it has to.. go back :S but not from out my mouth ...prft

Ketchup: yuck, how can u like that stuff.. mushy tomatoe and water?


rum: whats so "nice" about it? its discusting!

cluttery mess: completly anti feng shei. lol, its annoying.

when pop bottles are screwed on too tight: HOW am i supposed to GET THE DRINK!

when you go into a room to get something, and as soon as you are there, you forgot what you wanted: *sigh*

people who think theyre seriously better than everyone else, and stare at others rudely, as if to say "freak" : pisses me off, the MEANIES! grr.

my old computer: my god im glad its gone

boxing day : the day furthest away from xmas *sniffle*

gorgeous people that put themselves down: ok, so.. if youre ugly and annoying, im an elephant man mosquito! ..and mosquitos are beyond annoying.. and elephant mans the worst.

skinny people who say theyre fat: ok, so everyone feels this at times, but you have a lovely shape! i PROMISE!

dogs that eat your food: you growl if i COME NEAR YOU if youre eating, so stop licking my plate ok.. (well, they used to)

people who smack their lips whilst eating, or literally EAT the spoon/fork: ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!! are you TRYING to eat the cutlry? STOP IT!

my bed: springs stickin in ya everywhere. not good. bad!

not being able to get to sleep. aaah my god, how did i forget that, its SO bad! whether its coughing, or somethings on ya mind. aaaaaaannnnoying!

people who take the mick out of you: ok, so i LOVE lord of the rings, and im a total geek, and you care becauuuuuse....? if you hate me surely you couldnt give a rats spam and you expect me to change EVERYTHING for you, WHY?


im sure theres more! hahaha



ok, so you seen mine, whats yours?

Edited by sarah-4-eva
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I hate:-

When shops don't have clothes in my size - fat people deserve to look good too!

When my mum picks at her fingernails - I have to actually slap her hands away to stop her

When I forget stuff - It is seriously annoying, in the words of Si "Damn you fish memory girl"

When I get hair dye on my neck, ears and forehead - No matter how much vaseline I smear about I still get ickle black patches on my skin

When adults talk down to me - I just wanna shout at them

Being lied to - Especially by my loved ones :lol:

The way my contact lenses blur if I move too fast - God damn just keep up with my eyes will ya!

Narrow minded gits - Just open your f*cking mind for once, you might even like it

Being lectured over and over and over again about the same thing - Yawn

When people cancel plans on you - My mum has a real bad habit of this

That I rarely find chucks in my size - Yes girls can have big feet too

That they don't do those phildelphia and breadsticks things anymore except in a pack of four - What if I only want one?! Eh? I don't want four! I want one! Grr!

People who don't know how to do their jobs/work - And they're constantly asking for help from everyone else


I could go on and on, but that's all for now. I hate A LOT of stuff :lol:

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Ok, before I start with things I hate - SARAH!!! You don't like Rum???? That will soon have to change LOL


Vodka: Reminds me of far too many morning-afters, feeling rough as hell!

People who stick their whole hands in crisp packets and end up with bits of crisp all over the back of their hands: I dunno why, but it makes me feel sick!

People with loud bags of sweets in the cinema: Eat popcorn or something!

People who only answer things with 'fair enough': If they say it one more time I will ram something large and boot-like down their throat!

Twisted boxers: Erm...fellas, you know what I'm talking about! lol

Cotton Wool: EEK! Make me go all funny and shivvery!

Cheese: One of the most disgusting things ever! How can you lot do it to yourselves?

Cold Beans: The thought of it makes me gag!

People acting too cool: Get over yourself - you're just coming across as a twit!

Stubbing your toe: Almost makes me laugh, but overall I hate it! Brings tears to eye!

Exams: Do I need a reason?

Cliff Richard: The man is an spam and forever shall he be one!

Dried Weetabix: Why don't people soak the bowl after eating it? It really annoys me having to use a bloody chisel everytime I do the washing up!


Erm...erm....there is more I'm sure (hey that rhymed!) but I can't think of anything else at the moment!!!!


So there you go!

Edited by theoden_of_rohan
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Narrow minded gits - Just open your f*cking mind for once, you might even like it

Totally agree! :lol:

It kinda relates to my hate of homophobia and racism, I hate people who can be so narrow minded like that. It really aggravates me :lol:

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I hate: (be prepared I love these thread....people might get insulted mwahahahaha)


Americans who think they can change a life, culture and tradition in one desicion: An American company who owns part of the Terry's company (Terry's chocolate orange) WHICH IS BASED IN YORK thinks its clever moving production to Eastern Europe. No....hello it's called Terry's of York.....not Terry's of the former eastern block. Idiots. They think the complex is to big...well increase production and hire more people. Chocolate making has been part of York since 1767. We aren't called Chocolate City for nothing! Idiots. </ end rant>

It's not Terry's IT'S YORK'S!


Migraines: Because I can't eat Marmite.


Skodas, Mazdas, Lada's and Dawoo's: Just No. Dawwos? Never drive a car by a company that make microwaves...it's wrong. Same with motorbikes.....don't drive one by a company that makes keyboards.


Beef flavoured Space Invaders: You know that pickled Onion is the only way to go!


People who cannot spell Artist's names or Song titles: Just annoys me, and annoys me more when I have to correct them...makes me seem rude...which I am, but sometimes I don't have to be.


Txt typin on th net: We all speak English, share the graces and wonders of our language. You aren't do anything for yourself by typing that way.


Pop music, really bad cheesey European pop: Just. NO.


Labour Party.


Townies: In both senses.


Mags: Pretty obvious really.


Clouds: Like they hide the sun! BAD bad clouds.


Ad breaks: They should be banned..... "Right, we shall be right back after this break..." "Welcome back, we have just had the best crash of the F1 year!" BUGGER! *pokes ITV* BBC is the best becuase nothing has ad breaks.


Soaps: All ideas have been used, please cancel. Thank You.


Text books: You spend £10 - £30 on a lump of paper that you will never read...and If you do you never take in anything.




Brothers...well mine: He's ruined his life and he thinks it's ok to start ruining every one elses.


Money: I still think we would be better off batering for things.... "Has any one got a sheep I could borrow? The can machine wont take camels and I only have a cow and two horses....." See!? Great!




OK...but guys...I love you :lol:

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Cliff Richard: The man is an spam and forever shall he be one!

i completely agree, my sister had to sit through 5 of his conserst at the RAH in the last few day! *rolls eyes*


sha came home with a headache each time!

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Cliff Richard: The man is an spam and forever shall he be one!

i completely agree, my sister had to sit through 5 of his conserst at the RAH in the last few day! *rolls eyes*


sha came home with a headache each time!

LOL I feel very sorry for her!! I think I would have thrown something at him - some food, a stone, a hammer...anything to have shut him up!!!



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getting up early but I think everyone hates that

my hair its just never looks right

feet they freak me out I can stand anyone touching mine, or their feet touching me

hang overs yucky yucky yucky

being drunk and not remembering the whole night only done thatonce but it sucked

english lit a lot less interesting than I thought it would be

g.w Bush stupid republican

when MSN crashes

when anything else crashes


thats a lot of things too hate.

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msn it currently wont sign me in. i try to and then a few seocnds later it will ask me if i want to download the new version... and the answer is damn well NO seeing as i still have my haff hour time limit until next tuesday... and it wont sign me in, usually does after saying no about three times but tonight it begin a betch :lol:


vodka (also) its rank. and what i wrote in that lj entry has scared me.... for life, i aint toching the stuff straight


revision its going to drive me INSANE i swear *pouts*


the bitten bit on my lip ive been chewing my lip again.... it hurts. make me STOP


people using 'ginger' as an insult or a bad quality in a person what really is the problem? we're NO DIFFERENT to ANYONE else. red hair is a minority, but that doesnt mean it has to be constantly picked out... there is absolutely nothing wrong with it and it reall really pisses me off that people see it as a bad thing. a guy i know dyed his hair red, it has gone 'ginger' and people tell him so and it is funny to them and then they'll turn to me and go 'no offense suzi' but it is... becuz they find it funny, and becuz he finds it offensive. i am offended that he finds it offensive (if that makes sense)

and then if i even try to dye my hair becuz i fancy a change.... i get accused of being a hypocrite becuz im apparently trying to cover up my hair cuz im ashamed of it....

now one of you please tell me that doesnt make ANY sense?!?!?!? ((haha i ranted))


the fact that the pc doesnt work still and this laptop wont let me do ANYTHING i cant even copy and paste or click links that open in a new window ffs!!! what is the point?! that HAS to be THE single most pointless thing that this laptop does.... hmmmmm


chalk i dont why... the feel of it makes me go all shivery and yuck


not being able to see my mate as much as i want you have no idea just how much i miss you guys when i dont see you


the fact that this pizza blatanly is hotter than the packet sed self explanatory... i think i shall be consuming large amounts of orange juice in a second.. more so than usual!!


being restricted the haff an hour internet A NIGHT :P okay i only have to wait a week more...


new msn version downloading slowly i wanna talk to people dammit



think of summat else for me to rant about... ive needed to get that 'ginger' rant out for a looooooong time!! :lol:

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Ok, before I start with things I hate - SARAH!!! You don't like Rum???? That will soon have to change LOL



People who stick their whole hands in crisp packets and end up with bits of crisp all over the back of their hands: I dunno why, but it makes me feel sick!




dont hate me :D


its not too nice, its yucky!



AHAHAHAHA! i hate that too!!





thong wedgies so yea, theyre SPOSED to go up there, but surely not cut ur ass in half.


trousers too low i dont want my underwear stickin out really... lol

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Oooh yes, some of you have said some things that I hate too!


So, to add to my list...


Hangovers: Eurgh...enough said!

Bush: Not the one that you have in the garden, but the spam across the pond! Makes me want to poke myself in the eye! Evil man!

Biting my lip: I do it too - why do I insist on eating my own mouth?

MSN: A love-hate relationship! Sometimes it can behave, other times I want to kill it. And Suzi - I know all about that bloody 'new msn' thing! I gave in yesterday and finally downloaded the newer version! Not much different LOL

No food in the cupboards: Yes yes, that is crap! Oh, the sorry life of a student!

Nestle: Evil company - cant be bothered to get into it now, but believe me they're nasty!

Sticky floors in clubs: I hate the feeling you get when walking across them! Yuk!

Dogs and their owners snogging: Oh please - get a room! Or a kennel! It's disgusting, so I dont want to see it!

Leeches: I've had them all over me and dont wish to repeat it...ever!


Erm...yeah, there's probably more (again) but I must stop dwelling on it all LOL :D:D

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msn it currently wont sign me in. i try to and then a few seocnds later it will ask me if i want to download the new version... and the answer is damn well NO seeing as i still have my haff hour time limit until next tuesday... and it wont sign me in, usually does after saying no about three times but tonight it begin a betch :D


vodka (also) its rank. and what i wrote in that lj entry has scared me.... for life, i aint toching the stuff straight


revision its going to drive me INSANE i swear *pouts*


the bitten bit on my lip ive been chewing my lip again.... it hurts. make me STOP


people using 'ginger' as an insult or a bad quality in a person what really is the problem? we're NO DIFFERENT to ANYONE else. red hair is a minority, but that doesnt mean it has to be constantly picked out... there is absolutely nothing wrong with it and it reall really pisses me off that people see it as a bad thing. a guy i know dyed his hair red, it has gone 'ginger' and people tell him so and it is funny to them and then they'll turn to me and go 'no offense suzi' but it is... becuz they find it funny, and becuz he finds it offensive. i am offended that he finds it offensive (if that makes sense)

and then if i even try to dye my hair becuz i fancy a change.... i get accused of being a hypocrite becuz im apparently trying to cover up my hair cuz im ashamed of it....

now one of you please tell me that doesnt make ANY sense?!?!?!? ((haha i ranted))


the fact that the pc doesnt work still and this laptop wont let me do ANYTHING i cant even copy and paste or click links that open in a new window ffs!!! what is the point?! that HAS to be THE single most pointless thing that this laptop does.... hmmmmm


chalk i dont why... the feel of it makes me go all shivery and yuck


not being able to see my mate as much as i want you have no idea just how much i miss you guys when i dont see you


the fact that this pizza blatanly is hotter than the packet sed self explanatory... i think i shall be consuming large amounts of orange juice in a second.. more so than usual!!


being restricted the haff an hour internet A NIGHT :D okay i only have to wait a week more...


new msn version downloading slowly i wanna talk to people dammit



think of summat else for me to rant about... ive needed to get that 'ginger' rant out for a looooooong time!! :D

dont bite ur lip suzi, lol, you know that MASSIVE purple.. thing on my lip, thats a scar from biting it too much..



now i always get told i have pen on my lip, : theyre CERTAIN theyre right..

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MSN: A love-hate relationship! Sometimes it can behave, other times I want to kill it. And Suzi - I know all about that bloody 'new msn' thing! I gave in yesterday and finally downloaded the newer version! Not much different LOL

yeh im giving in now... lol msn is a betch!! am i bieng missed? :D

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I hate...


When I say I like Pavarotti and the reply to that is "Oh yeah that fat singer."

My stupid Spanish American wannabe teacher. He's not even American, he's Spanish. He lies about everything and I can't stand it when people take it in! RARRR!

People who spoil suprises I love suprises and hate it when they are ruined!!

Being ignored when Im talking to someone and they ignore me or turn away to talk to someone else.

Being judged for the music I like Whats wrong with being different?

Scallies! Alright mush!

Being dissed for being tall I love looking down on you all MWEHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Being stared at. If my mum has just cut my hair and she keeps looking at me to see my hair ARRG, I hate that.

Getting up in the morning. Eww evil, give me sleeeeeep!


Hmm cant think of anything else right now...

guess Im in quite a good mood!


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dont hate me :(

I don't hate you!!! It just means I have to force-feed you RUM when I see ya!


Evil cackle, evil cackle!!!!


(kidding! lol)

awww ok, as long as youre gentle :) i trust ya! :D lol



how, just when u have to come offline, and youre just finishing something off, REALLY important, the computer decides to die. actually, my old one did that a lot *pats new one* awww, my new love

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Short list of things I hate (there will be more)


Being ill - yuck


People not accpeting that Im a christian- rack off if you dont like it. Im a person!!



Really annoys me


Washing up


President Bush


Tony Blair


Unrequited love- Arggggggggghhhhhhhhh nobody loves me *sobs*


Money- it annoys me cos I never have any

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Virgin Trains Now, ok so u make a new train right ... why make the seats smaller? Do people tend to complain about trains having "too much" space? I don't think so. Idiots. And the headrest is in the wrong place for me to go to sleep, did no one test them before they made them? What's the point having an inbuilt radio when the train goes through so many tunnels and loses signal anyway? At least have some CDs playing or something and just transmit that ... hell, you sell CDs in your damn shops you idiot Branson so do it! Sorry, I know some people have a love for Virgin but I do wonder why they do some things.


One wordedness on MSN OK, if u wanna chat to me right, make a damn effort. I'm not going to make the conversation all the time. Case in point:



Hey hows u?

Fine u?

Good thanks, u been up 2 much?


Oh right ... why not?


Well do something fun.


Ur Mr Chatty 2nite.



Why bother saying hi to me if quite frankly it's obvious that you can't be bothered to actually have a conversation. And this leads on to ...


People always talking about themselves Now, as far as I'm concerned, conversation is usually a two way thing. Why is it that I manage to end up sitting here and reading about what everyone else is doing, and have been doing, and what they're feeling, and yet no one seems to take the time to ask about me? I find that kinda odd. Obviously I'm generalising here but so has everyone else so whatever.


Claiming to leave the forum If ur gonna leave, then leave. I'm sick of people saying ooooh I'M LEAVING THE FORUM!! to get attention .. I realise some people genuinely mean it and then fix things, but some people do it repeatedly and it's completely pointless. Do an Obi, actually leave for a while n come back some other time. I don't wanna see this:


Monday - I'm leaving!

Tuesday - I'm back!

Wednesday - No, I'm really leaving!

Thursday - Hmmm not sure!

Friday - I'm leaving!!!!

Saturday - Well ... maybe ...!!

Sunday - No, I think I'll stay! :huh:


People who can't spell It's not a hate, it's more an irritating thing. Yes, I'm not a perfect speller but my evil A-Level English teacher drummed spelling into me so badly that now I feel the need to correct everyone. I can't help it, I act on impulse.


Being a perfectionist There are certain things that I will do, and I have to do them in a certain way, and they have to be right. Sadly this takes up quite a lot of time usually, and it pisses me off, but it's necessary.


My laptop I hate it. It's probably got a million viruses on it, but I'm too lazy to fix it ... but it's so slow, it crashes all the time, and it's shít!!!


Some of my friends Yeah, it's hard to say .. I don't hate them, I hate the feeling I get with them. The feeling that no matter how many times they say they care about me, they never act like it. It's always about them, and I'm stupid enough to help them but a lot of them only talk to me when THEY need ME .. when they need support, someone to talk to .. other than that, they can't be bothered with me. I hate it because it hurts, because I try so hard to make friendships work and a lot seem so one sided.


Not being able to help When someone is upset that I care about, I'd do anything to fix that ... to make everything ok for them, but sometimes there's nothing at all I can do. That's when it sucks the most ... they say it helps for me to be there, but I know it doesn't cuz the problem is still there and they are still hurting.


Liars I wish people could respect me a bit more and tell me the truth more often ... most of the time I find out the truth and I hate the fact that people who I trust can't be honest with me. Lying never gets anyone anywhere ... sure, being honest may hurt but I respect people a lot more for it. Honesty is what makes friendships and relationships work.


Cheating in a relationship No, there's no excuse. "Oh it was just a kiss!" ... if u wanna kiss whoever u want, don't be going out with someone else. When u make that kinda committment, it's to that one person. "But I was drunk" ... then DON'T F**KING DRINK! If you're that bad when ur drunk then don't put alcohol in ur system u idiot. I hate it, if ur really that bothered about being with someone else then why are you in a relationship in the first place? Would it be that hard to wait like a day or something til you've BROKEN UP with the other person and THEN go off with someone else? No it wouldn't, it'd be a lot more respectful and people should have control over themselves. I find it pathetic that some peoples' emotions can be overruled by their stupid selfish desire to just get laid or something, get over yourself.


Being judged on my looks It's the one thing that always makes me feel not good enough. Why? Because 90% of people make a judgment based on what I look like. They'll instantly think "oh he's fat, I don't wanna get to know him" ... well u know what? I don't wanna get to know YOU if ur that sad and pathetic! I still feel that even the people who made the effort and took the time to get to know me judge me slightly by the way I look, and it does **** me off more than anything. It's mainly why I can't get a g/f .. ok, so put it this way - if my friends are telling me how nice I am, and how great I am blah blah blah then why doesn't anyone seem interested in me? It's not a problem with my personality is it? Cuz ppl say it's fine! So there u go, no matter how good my personality is, it's not enough because I'm not good looking and sadly people seem to think that's more important.


And that's just the start ...

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