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Well, I love comic book comventions. And there's no doubt the LFACC is going to be fantastic. It's just I'm having some problems.

I don't really have much money. I think that by September I'll have about £100 at most. I would like autographs from Patrick Stewart (1), Nana Visitor (2) and a photo shoot with the latter on Sunday. I figure that's probably going to take up most of my money. I'd like some extra to do a little collectables shopping, to get some food etc. So if anybody has some really bright ideas on how to pull together lots of money between now and the 2nd, I'd be really grateful!

Michale Bhein cancelled. He was the reason my brother was going, and now that he's cancelled, I doubt that he'll be going now. Not really a problem as such, but it's still a huge bummer.

I volunteered to crew on the Sunday. Have you ever had that feeling when you walked into a room that you really belonged? Becuase that's how I felt when I went to my first convention a few years ago. I was surrounded by people with the same interests as me and where I wouldn't be mocked for it. It was then that I knew that I wanted to be part of the Showmaster's crew. But with what's been going on, I'm having second thoughts. I mean, I know I want to do it, but there's something lingering in the back of my mind that says "This isn't such a good idea" y'know?

I was just wondering if any of you guys have felt something like this before, and if you have any ideas. I'd be eternally grateful if you did.

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Well, I love comic book comventions. And there's no doubt the LFACC is going to be fantastic. It's just I'm having some problems.

I don't really have much money. I think that by September I'll have about £100 at most. I would like autographs from Patrick Stewart (1), Nana Visitor (2) and a photo shoot with the latter on Sunday. I figure that's probably going to take up most of my money. I'd like some extra to do a little collectables shopping, to get some food etc. So if anybody has some really bright ideas on how to pull together lots of money between now and the 2nd, I'd be really grateful!

Michale Bhein cancelled. He was the reason my brother was going, and now that he's cancelled, I doubt that he'll be going now. Not really a problem as such, but it's still a huge bummer.

I volunteered to crew on the Sunday. Have you ever had that feeling when you walked into a room that you really belonged? Becuase that's how I felt when I went to my first convention a few years ago. I was surrounded by people with the same interests as me and where I wouldn't be mocked for it. It was then that I knew that I wanted to be part of the Showmaster's crew. But with what's been going on, I'm having second thoughts. I mean, I know I want to do it, but there's something lingering in the back of my mind that says "This isn't such a good idea" y'know?

I was just wondering if any of you guys have felt something like this before, and if you have any ideas. I'd be eternally grateful if you did.


I can sympathise with you.


LFCC means you pay to get in and you pay for your autographs. Its not cheap. Half of me doesnt like paying for autographs the other half just thinks that unless the organisers put the show on then the guests would not be simply walking round the streets to bump into randomly to get an auto for free. Unfortunately your passion of collecting comes at a high cost. Some people would say if you dont want to pay then quite simply dont go, but when you want to pay but cant afford to its just a shame that the events cost so much money that its pricing people out. A bit like football matches these days.


If I were you id spend your money on getting an auto from the guests as you will always be able to look around for what collectibles you want. Who knows, find what you want and look for it on the net when you get back and can afford them, you may get it cheaper too!


The event does look good at the moment so im sure whoever you meet you will have a good time. As for making a quick buck between now and then, if I knew that then id do it myself!! :D

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Do you have any collectables that you could sell on ebay in the meantime to generate some cash? Sometimes I buy stuff at these events and then realise I really dont need them and getting autographs is a better use of the money.

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Well I do have a few instruments

A B&M brand Bandite Oboe (woodwind instrument) that cost about £300. I don't think I'd be able to sell that - they're not exactly in high demand

A Gibson (?)Epiphorne(?) Guitar - it's a flying V coloured white. I might be able to do something with that

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Well that does sound appealing to be honest. I'll be crewing the morning shift so I'll have to leave home at about 6 to get there on time, so that actually works out to...no food between 5:30am and about 4pm. Wow that sucks!

Still if I could sell the guitar for a decent price that'd be about another £150 and I'd be set then! (I hope)

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Showmasters will give some food when you crew. You normally get a sarnie, crisps and other yummies, not forgetting water and cans of fizz. even on a half shift you may get something.

Edited by mutley
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Well sure as hell that makes me fell a hell of a lot better, knowing I won't have to spend money on food.

I've also just discovered that I've got an original Sega Nomad handheld console for sale - on ebay that should fetch about £100. So, if I can get the sales, I should, hopefully, have enough money for the LFACC

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The only thing I dislike about LFCC is that you have to pay for entry into the convention. On top of paying for autographs it seems a bit much to have to pay for entry tickets as well...it does make me a bit resentful. But I guess it helps keep showmasters in business, so maybe I shouldn't complain.

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Well then, I'm guessing I should be grateful for the opportunity.

It seems as though things are looking up (at least a little)

- I picked up Season 2 of DS9 on ebay for £25 (Bargain!)

- I got a little money for passing my A-Levels exams

- If lucky, I should have a job or 2 lined up before the 2nd September

So, I hope this means things might just turn out OK after all




As to another matter I've been toying with lately - my schedule. I realise that I'm probably going to be a little pushed to fit everything in. I'm guessing I won't have to pay entry fee since I'll be crewing. As a result, I probably won't get off until about 1:30pm (latest (I hope)) so I have to get a ticket to meet Patrick Stewart afterwards. So, I probably won't get to him until about 2:30pm - 3pm, which, with luck, should leave me time to get my first autograph from Nana Vistor for my DVD boxset. Then I'll need to get my photo with her at 3:05pm

(although I don't really know how to get a ticket - I don't get on well with online stores)

and then when it comes back, I'm praying it'll be soon enough that I can get her to sign it personally before she leaves at about 4:30pm. Then I'll be pushed to get my shopping (collectibles browsing) before Earl's Court closes at Idon't know when.


Does this seem achievable to you, or should I split up my buying to the Saturday and strictly autographs to the Sunday after my shift?

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Well then, I'm guessing I should be grateful for the opportunity.

It seems as though things are looking up (at least a little)

- I picked up Season 2 of DS9 on ebay for £25 (Bargain!)

- I got a little money for passing my A-Levels exams

- If lucky, I should have a job or 2 lined up before the 2nd September

So, I hope this means things might just turn out OK after all




As to another matter I've been toying with lately - my schedule. I realise that I'm probably going to be a little pushed to fit everything in. I'm guessing I won't have to pay entry fee since I'll be crewing. As a result, I probably won't get off until about 1:30pm (latest (I hope)) so I have to get a ticket to meet Patrick Stewart afterwards. So, I probably won't get to him until about 2:30pm - 3pm, which, with luck, should leave me time to get my first autograph from Nana Vistor for my DVD boxset. Then I'll need to get my photo with her at 3:05pm

(although I don't really know how to get a ticket - I don't get on well with online stores)

and then when it comes back, I'm praying it'll be soon enough that I can get her to sign it personally before she leaves at about 4:30pm. Then I'll be pushed to get my shopping (collectibles browsing) before Earl's Court closes at Idon't know when.


Does this seem achievable to you, or should I split up my buying to the Saturday and strictly autographs to the Sunday after my shift?


If you're only having your photo with her at 3pm then you're almost certain not to get your photo back in time for it to be signed by 4.30. Photos usually take at least a couple of hours to come back once the session is over and photo sessions last about an hour.


May I also kindly suggest that if you've got money problems, then collectables shopping isnt a very good idea. It seems obvious, but why make things more difficult for yourself? Spend your money on autographs and photos if that's what you want, but leave the collectables buying until you can actually afford it. If you feel you absolutely must buy stuff, then I'd say do your autographs etc on the Saturday and then on Sunday see how much (if any) money you've got left to spend on that kind of stuff.

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No, I think I may have mislead you.

Most people (I think) go to these events with a pre-conception i.e. they know what they're looking for. In my case, I go for the autographs and then I see how much money I've got left to go shopping with. I don't usually know what I want to buy (if anything) - I just go to browse.

The reason I'd like a little extra money is because I always find something I want, even though I have no idea what it is. So, I try to be as stingy with my money as possible, to make sure that I've got plenty left over before and afterwards.

That's why I'm trying to get hold of some money now. I did have a job lined up, but it turned out to be a bust after somel ocal branches closed down and all external hirings had to be halted becuase so many people had been made redundant.


So basically, there is absolutely no chance what-so-ever, 0%, no way ho-say, that I'll be able to get Nana Visitor to sign my photo after the shoot?

So, how long does it take for them to develop? I've heard it only takes about an hour.

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At the last Collectormania some photos weren't back after almost 4 hours, but I think that was a problem with one of the places where they were being printed. I guess it depends on where they're being processed and how many are being done. At Milton Keynes there are obviously places in the centre to do that, no idea where they go for Earls Court.


In Too Tall's FAQ thread, it says this:


The Small Print:

While it is SMs intention to have all photos developed and back within a couple of hours of the photo shoot ending, if for any reason the photos are delayed then SM will distribute them later in the day. Any uncollected on Saturday will also be available the next day, and if someone has to leave before their photo is available because of any such delay, it will be posted out to them so long as they leave their name and address.

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The return time for photos has been stated at "usually 2-3 hours", so it might be quicker or it might be longer. They won't be able to guarantee anything, as with past experiences things can go wrong etc.


If you're there for the whole day then there's no harm checking towards the end of the day, as Sat does finish at 6pm.

Edited by DavidB
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David, I think you've missed the point, TrekFan wants to have it back to be signed before Nana Vistor leaves and it must be on the Sunday as that's the only day she's doing a photoshoot. I don't understand why 4.30 though TrekFan, the show closes at 5pm on Sunay.

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David, I think you've missed the point, TrekFan wants to have it back to be signed before Nana Vistor leaves and it must be on the Sunday as that's the only day she's doing a photoshoot. I don't understand why 4.30 though TrekFan, the show closes at 5pm on Sunay.


No no, I got the point, just got my days mixed up :P


Too much info to remember :D


OK so even less likely then!

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Well, I've read on other threads/topics that the guests usually leave at about 4:30pm instead of 5pm. I don't know why. I'm not even sure if it's true. I just always try to look at things from a more difficult perspective - that way hen the event actually arrives it is easier than I predict.

So, the times you're estimating- are they based from when MY photo is taken or from the the actual shoot finishes? Becuase if that's the case, then surely, wouldn't all the photos have to be sent out by post if it takes that long and the event closes at 5pm?

But if it doesn't, then logic dictates that I should (in theory) get my photo back before 5pm and therefore be able to get it signed. However, that isn't acounting for the time that Nana Visitor leaves (assuming it's going to be before 5pm)

So, you can see why I'm not too sure about this...

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Your photo will simply be one of a batch, and I think that the memory cards with the photos on are sent out to the developers in batches, so if you're in the first say...50 people, yours should theoretically come back first...but there's no guarantee that they'll be back before the end of the show. And yes, if there is a delay in getting them back, then everyone would have to get them in the post later.


It's not possible to know this kind of stuff in advance, there are too many variables...for example, how long it takes the developers to process the photoshoots before. If they've got a backlog from the previous shoots then it will obviously impact the later ones. You'll just have to wait and see on the day, there's just no accurate predicting on this one I'm afraid.

Edited by jael001
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Hmmm. Interesting.

Is it possible for me to buy a photo op ticket for Nana on the saturday instead of the Sunday when it's happening? At the least, it should guarantee that I'll at least be able to get a ticket - I don't get on well with online stores.

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The only thing I dislike about LFCC is that you have to pay for entry into the convention. On top of paying for autographs it seems a bit much to have to pay for entry tickets as well...it does make me a bit resentful. But I guess it helps keep showmasters in business, so maybe I shouldn't complain.


I agree about having that feeling but the bottom line is renting Earls Court costs money and someone has to pay for it..................so its understandable really i guess. Still feels too much for me and some though. I will be there however and have budgeted £250 all in for the event.

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