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Karen Allen


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I will tell you what she's like and what we talked about after I get there on Saturday.



Yeah she was nice...I asked her about working with John Carpenter on Starman - she said she didn't wanna do the film at first but he persisted and so she gave in and that she and Jeff Bridges talked about a sequel in the late 80s but it didn't happen cos of the rights. I asked her what the baby was meant to do with the little grey ball when it was born but she didn't know...that's when she mentioned the sequel. She said she got a real "kick" outta working with Bill Murray on Scrooged. I also asked why the Ark doesn't kill her and Indy at the end of Raiders...she laughed with me in agrement that closing their eyes was a stupid excuse for not getting killed.

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I also asked why the Ark doesn't kill her and Indy at the end of Raiders...she laughed with me in agrement that closing their eyes was a stupid excuse for not getting killed.

I didn't remember that part of your conversation... perhaps I was distracted.


Anyway, I was Karen's assistant on Saturday and can happily tell you that she was one of the nicest guests I've ever had the pleasure of sitting with.


She's been knitting since her Grandmother taught her at the age of three and always has her yarn with her. She even had some on the Indy set and used it to keep her busy while they were waiting between shots! Usually she made baby clothes for anyone on the set who had a new arrival on the way, but she also has sweaters and things that she made during movies that hold great sentimental value. She now has her own knitwear and fabric design company in Massachusetts (with outlets in NYC and LA) and she studied design at FIT.


She teaches Theatre Arts at a University for gifted children (those who start US college early at 16) and also holds classes on the Yoga of knitting at the Kripalu centre in Massachusetts.


She and Paul Freeman hadn't seen each other since the movie was made 25 years ago and became firm friends over the weekend. That was really sweet, too.


She looks totally amazing for her age (without any help from surgery) and apologised to me when I told her how upset I was that she was faking it with water and never actually drank a 400lb man under the table :D We thought about trying to recreate the scene with Paul, but she decided that it was "surreal enough in here" without the added influence of alcohol, lol.


This weekend was apparently her first ever signing event, but she handled it like a pro. She has another coming up soon in the States and I hope she has as much fun there as she did here.


She's a doll :huh:

Edited by Yvie
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I met Karen on Saturday too and was delighted with the experience. A thoroughly nice woman who was only too happy topose for photos and chat.


It is great to hear that she enjoyed herself and hopefully she will come back again sometime in the future.

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i just wanted to say, like everyone else, that Karen was one of THE nicest guests that i have ever met.


she was always laughing and smiling :)


i just wanted to thank Yvie for taking my photo with her on Saturday it came out brilliant.


a message to Showmasters:

PLEASE... ...bring Karen back soon...





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i just wanted to thank Yvie for taking my photo with her on Saturday it came out brilliant.

You're more than welcome.

I always get a bit nervous when taking those pics for fans in case they don't come out ok (that happened to me once and I was gutted) so I always count to three to increase the odds of a good shot! It's nice to know I got at least one right :blush:

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