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  • Birthday October 7

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  1. GODZILLA X KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE (2024) 2.5/5 (No spoilers) I liked the last one but this was a bit crap which is a shame cos I hoped for more from a Hollow Earth setting. That said, the fights are good especially Kong's, however Godzilla takes a backseat in his own film as we hardly see him. In fact Kong overshadows Godzilla so much here that you want Big G's boring scenes to hurry up so we can get back to Big K. The plot is thin but who needs plot anyway when you have giant beasties bashing each other? Adults do! The script doesn't even reveal its objective until the 3rd act when we are FINALLY told why everyone has been brought to Hollow Earth. Whatsmore the big bad is given very little to do and we're introduced to him far too late into the film. The only story of interest is Kong finding his kind enslaved but even then it becomes too much like WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES (2017). There are annoying humans of course including the predictable 'he's there just to be eaten' guy and the mute native kid who insists on wearing a headband all the time just in case we 'forget' she's native and her soppy step-mum, but the film just gets ridiculous (and over-crowded) nearer the end when things turn "cute" and "angelic" with the appearance of a certain Titan. Kong's bionic gauntlet was ridiculous enough. WALKOUTS: A kid and his dad walked-out halfway despite sitting in VIP seats. The teen beside me was more interested in scrolling through her phone throughout the climax and she and her mates all left as soon as the baddie was defeated - they didn't even wanna see the ending.
  2. There's been a new 'kid' on the con block.
  3. Been here 20 years this month!!! Havn't been to a con in about 10 years though....but may be tempted if the right guests come. Didn't realise anyone I knew from back in the day was still here!
  4. Me too, first met him 20 years ago at LFCC 2004. Always great with fans and never felt cons were beneath him even when he had his resurgence with The Mandolorian, he was still doing them. I was so excited for him and to see where he could take the show from the director's chair as well as acting in it. I wonder how they'll handle his departure in season 4 if they make it - would've been great to see him in the new movie.
  5. Strictly films released in 2023. Godzilla Minus One is still on my to-see list. Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning....... (Best one for me since MI:3. Great set-pieces) Plane.......... (Great tension but the prisoner wasn't an important plot-point after 30 mins and ending was hokey) Extraction 2......... (Good actioner but cliched drama and underwhelming finale) The Creator........(Refreshingly original and looked great. Crap title though.) The Equalizer 3......(Nice change of pace but Dakota wasn't needed and finale is rushed) Silent Night.....(The no dialogue became tiresome and restrictive, action was OK but story was meh) The Flash.....(Interesting multi-verse take but too long) Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Amongst Thieves.....(Nice set-pieces and it had charm) John Wick 4......(Better than the last 3 thanks to Donnie Yen.) Joy Ride..........(Funny but script was disjointed and lacking) Past Lives.........(Bittersweet romance but little plot) Meg 2......(Big sharks are great but leave Statham bashing thugs to his other films) Evil Dead Rise.......(All gore, no plot. The heckler at the premiere was right, it sucked!) No Hard Feelings....(Predictable teen sex comedy, Jennifer Lawrence isn't funny) Rebel Moon..........(Looks nice but doesn't do much with the characters) Scream VI........(Lost interest and count after 3rd film. Also no Neve or Arquette.) Fast X...............(Too many characters, too big and very messy) Thanksgiving..........(Overrated slasher, like a straight-to-video version of Scream) The Little Mermaid.......(Melissa McCarthy annoying, Javier Bardem glum. The Prince can't sing) 65..........(Adam Driver is NOT an action star. The makers must've struggled to attract others to the project.) The Pope's Exorcist......(Meh, not sure what drew a star like Russell Crowe to this) Transformers: Rise of the Beasts......(Just like the rest but diluted by the lesser known names) Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania.......(MCU, your time is up. Michelle Pfieffer = GILF) Indiana Jones And The Dial of Destiny.......(Boring, bland, long. Who the F cast Pheobe Waller-Bridge?) Cocaine Bear......(Nice wacky idea but that's about it.) Expendables 4.......(From the director of Hidden Strike, bad CGI, 50 Cent, Megan Fox almost no Sly. You have been warned) Barbie.......(I didn't get it. Sorry. But the whole reversed patriarchy thing had potential). The Killer........(As boring as a dog's ass. Why, Fincher, why??) Renfield..........(Some people actually enjoyed this s***-show??!! It sucked vampire balls!)
  6. Did you not see Mission: Impossible: Dead Reckoning, Silent Night, The Creator, Thanksgiving, Rebel Moon, The Meg 2, Joy Ride, The Killer, The Pope's Exorcist, The Exorcist: Believer, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Extraction 2, 65, Godzilla Minus One, Past Lives or Winnie The Pooh: Blood & Honey?
  7. THE EQUALIZER 3 (2023) 3.5 (No spoilers) This is the best of the three but that's not saying much since the previous entries were pretty meh. This film however at least delves a bit deeper into the gentler side of Robert McCall (Denzel) and his love for the people around him while in contrast the violence is amped-up thus distancing itself even further from the original TV series. Why the films have not been more faithful to the TV show has always disappointed me (where's Stewart Copeland's funky theme?). The plot goes McCall almost dies at the start but while recovering he begins to consider retirement while resting in a small Sicilian town...only some thugs terrorize the locals there so McCall goes back to his old tricks - its basically like a Western. Thrown into the mix is a CIA agent (Dakota Fanning) who's role in the movie is totally redundant - there was absolutely NO reason for her to be in the film as she contributes nothing to the plot at all. It's the most useless piece of screen-writing I've seen in a long time. There's not as much action this time but the build-up is great and we get a better sense of McCall's motivation but this results in a very sudden and rushed 3rd act when he finally decides to kick ass leading to a flat finale. It would've been nice if McCall took more time with his mission but as it stands he hardly gives anyone any warning or does any investigating so it quickly reduces itself into being just another macho action flick which is definitely what the TV show was not.
  8. EXPEND4BLES (2023) 1.5/5 (No spoilers) One of the worst action sequels ever, no wonder it bombed. Statham and Stallone return but the presence of other big action names are sorely missed. Instead we get new recruits Megan Fox, 50 Cent and Tony Jaa along with a couple other Z-listers who are there just to make up the numbers. In fact everyone is there 'just to make up the numbers' as only Statham and Stallone do anything - of course the previous films were like that too but here it's even worse. At least Randy Couture gets more lines this time cos he's one of the only original team-members left along with Lundgren. Statham leads the film all on his own (Stallone takes a backseat) and as a result the film feels like a spin-off not an ensemble flick at all since a large part of the movie is him away from the rest of the team. Megan Fox looks hot of course but why is she still fully dolled-up when she's on a mission? She doesn't even tie her hair back and is not very convincing at all as a hardened warrior (she's no Linda Hamilton). Of course she and Statham have the obligatory play-fight/foreplay scene. Yawn. Even the most basic of visual effects look cheap and the acting also is sub-par (especially Andy Garcia). Elsewhere the editing and cartoon violence attempt to be cool but fail - it's like one of those cheap-goofy Hollywood-inspired Chinese films. Its thin on plot, thin on characters, thin on effects but fat on cheese.
  9. Yeah, those were the same complaints everyone else had when the 2 films first came out. Personally I didn't mind AVP or the sped-up incubation periods - I knew it was necessary for the plot to move forwards swiftly and as a fan I was just thankful we were finally getting the film after waiting since the comics in 1989. People slated Paul W.S. Anderson when it was announced he was directing but I think we were lucky to get a known director EVEN if it was him - there's no way an established/respected A-list director would've touched the film (as much as fanboys wanted Scott/Cameron/Verhoeven), they didn't need to. AVP:R was awful yes, I've only ever seen it twice and its easily the worst film in the Alien/Predator franchise; it was already a crap script to begin with way before the even crapper directors were added so it was never gonna be good. It's no wonder Fox couldn't get a director attached and had to settle for two dozy SFX guys instead. I hated the "Predalien" and the fact it was able to impregnate people with multiple chestbursters - it was a stupid creature and idea. I have hopes that the Disney/Fox merger will one day give us a new and better film but I can't see it happening TBH...at least not live-action anyway.
  10. PAST LIVES (2023) 3.5/5 (No spoilers) Celine Song's directorial debut is a touchingly sentimental romantic-drama with a difference; here the romance is only suggested and not actually brought-out into the open thereby brewing a special kind of tension. It's not a glossy, cheery, Hollywood rom-com at all but a bittersweet story of paradise lost and misaligned destiny. It's one of the most refreshingly realistic romantic films you'll ever see. The writing, acting, cinematography and sound (and even the silent parts) are all great with the story itself focusing on people re-connecting after years apart and how they've changed - it's a simple romantic tale everyone can relate to which will leave you wondering about your own life. BUT the lack of a real plot hinders the film, instead what we get is a display of emotion with the two leads constantly wondering "what if?" which makes for the central driving force of the film as well as making the viewer constantly ask, "will they get back together"? The ending is beautiful much like this year's THE WHALE (2023) and thankfully it didn't end up being a fluffy cop-out just to 'please' the audience (unlike THE FAREWELL) - its different from the usual finale you'd expect from a romantic drama. Overall, it's an incredibly powerful and beautiful film about lost romance and destiny and cleverly subtle in its delivery. It's touted by some as the best film of the year, I'd agree it's up there and certainly my favourite of the recent wave of Asian-lead American films.
  11. NO HARD FEELINGS (2023) 2.5 (No spoilers) This is nothing new; a teen sex-comedy featuring a typically mismatched couple who's relationship is based upon a lie in a similar vein to SHE'S ALL THAT (1999) and CAN'T BY ME LOVE (1987) only this new Jennifer Lawrence film is desperately unfunny and just awkward much of the time. The plot goes, Maddie (Lawrence) is hired by a rich couple to date their awkward teenage son so that he may build up his confidence before going to college. It's a fairly predictable story as you wait for the inevitable scene where the son discovers the truth about his new "girlfriend" and her defensive claims that she actually has real feelings for him. It's a simple enough story but suffers from bad jokes, disjointed editing and some crappy acting from the supports - it feels like a streaming movie and not a good one. There's also some redundant characters (the male nanny) that go nowhere which could otherwise made some interesting plot-points. Jennifer Lawrence is also mis-cast in this role and you don't really buy that her character would do some of the stuff she does in the film. If they wrote her as some mentally-unstable nutter then it would've made sense but I was left feeling confused about whether she was meant to be a bitch or not - I certainly didn't root for her or feel any sympathy and I certainly don't think comedy is her thing (but that may have been the script's fault, not her's).
  12. MEG 2: THE TRENCH (2023) 3.5/5 (No spoilers) It's a fun, dumb, summer action sci-fi sequel and much more entertaining than the first film. Yes, it's ridiculous but it knows it and doesn't take itself too seriously but I think that's where a lot of the humor and fun is. The plot goes Statham and co use their fancy new submarines and diving-suits to explore The Trench, the place deep beneath the sea where the Megs (and other sea monsters) lurk but they soon discover human baddies are also down there and s*** happens. Statham goes into "Fast and Furious" mode here a bit too much for my liking as he fights his way through various henchmen but thankfully it doesn't over-shadow him battling the beasties. I only wish we could've seen more of the giant octopus and less of the velocirapter-things cos it started to feel like JURASSIC PARK. The Trench itself however, isn't in the film long enough and despite the film's title isn't quite the main focus as the latter half of the film changes environment and basically repeats the Chinese beach attack we already saw in the first film. They even repeat the same pet joke again.
  13. JOY RIDE (2023) 3.5/5 (No Spoilers) This is another comedy about friends on a journey in the style of THE HANGOVER, (2009), BRIDESMAIDS (2011) and ROAD TRIP (2000) but with the added identity crisis of CRAZY RICH ASIANS (2018) in which adoptee Audrey (Ashley Park) is sent on a business trip to China only to wind up on a search for her birth mother. With Seth Rogen producing you know what kind of comedy to expect but the humor is also very Todd Philips (THE HANGOVER and ROAD TRIP). A lot of the laughs are almost surprising in fact, not quite gross-out, but its a style usually seen in male-dominated comedies and not a "chick-flick" let alone one filled with East Asians so it's possible the agenda was to break stereotypes of the good, submissive Asian woman. It actually does everything CRAZY RICH ASIANS failed to do and Adele Lim (who wrote CRA too), does a great job at making the script a search for one's indentity while injecting jokes only East Asians would get. Although the laughs are very good, the story itself is a bit disjointed as the plot's trajectory changes too suddenly from at first going to China to try and make a business deal to then trying to find Audrey's birth mother thus forgetting about the real reason she flew over. The business deal is actually a sub-plot but it's introduced before the birth mother search and left hanging and forgotten.
  14. INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY (2023) 2/5 (No spoilers) Yes, it's worse then the last film. The luke-warm box-office speaks for itself; no one wants to see an old man trying to be an action hero after the last failure and with Disney's knack for destroying IPs. Disney were clearly overly-confident in this brand name as demonstrated by the weak script. James Mangold has made far better action films eg. LOGAN (2017). Despite the ropey de-aging of Ford the films starts off good and it certainly feels like part of the original trilogy (unlike the last film). But it screeches to a halt when the first shot we see of Indy in the "present day" is of him getting out of bed in just his boxers with his saggy torso looking as old as one of his relics - exactly what we didn't want to see. Then his annoying God-awful god-daughter shows up (Pheobe Waller-Bridge) looking for the Dial and nowhere is it explained HOW some ancient Greek scientist somehow managed to create this science-defying device or why. We also get this other kid tagging along and although he's not as annoying as the god-daughter he's still an unnecessary and so is the return of Sallah (John Ryhs Davies). Elsewhere Boyd Holbrook is the main henchman - previously a cool mercenary leader in LOGAN (2017) and the hero in THE PREDATOR (2018), here he is reduced to being a wordless, generic, lackey. The finale itself should've book-ended the film's opening scene making it come full-circle - what we get instead is interesting but I don't think its what fans wanted to see. It's a boring, bland, long installment and there's nothing here that makes it a personal story to Indy; no (re)connecting with family or friends like the previous films, just Indy on another adventure - there's something at the end but it's not enough to cover the 2.5 hrs runtime. That's the worst thing about the film, it feels like a story that didn't need to be told as we learn nothing new about Indy, Disney thought we wouldn't mind that.
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