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gene wilder


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I would love to meet Gene Wilder, regardless if he shook my hand or not.


Bohan, that's a fantastic auto, I didn't even know he was signing anywhere, (I am kind of newish to these things and don't really know of any 'other' conventions other than what is posted on here), but I would definitely still get an auto from him.

I loved him as Willie Wonka, and Young Frankenstein just gets funnier. The man is a legend.

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i think you have a long way to go with your therapist

If ur just here to slag everyone off ... guests, forum members etc ... just cuz ur not very understanding about their particular conditions or whatever, I suggest u leave cuz it's not very nice :huh:

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To be honest though, I don;t think everyone else is being fair with indio. Some celebrities you are horribly disappointed by and you wanna share it. It doesn;t really hurt to have a discussion about it.


If they are promoting something, then being pleasant is always a bonus! Sean Astin managed to shake most peoples hands when he was promoting his book (but maybe thats because he is a genuinely lovely man who enjoys meeting his fans)


Everyone does talk alot about the stars having stressful days etc, but sometimes its really hard for the fans to get to the place they are signing/doing a premiere and meet them.


Not trying to start an argument here, just voicing my opinion, so PLEASE don;t shout at me :huh::D

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don't ask me what it is called

what's it called ? :huh::D

It's called Germaphobia and is normally associated with suffers of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).


I know you were joking but I had to answer anyway ;)

i have ocd and its also in the film as good as it gets with Jack Nicholson. wer i think he potrays the ailment very well.

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Bohan, that's a fantastic auto, I didn't even know he was signing anywhere, (I am kind of newish to these things and don't really know of any 'other' conventions other than what is posted on here), but I would definitely still get an auto from him.

I loved him as Willie Wonka, and Young Frankenstein just gets funnier. The man is a legend.


thanks, i'm so pleased with the signed photo and getting my photo taken with him.


I don't know if it's too late for you to find out about this now, but he is doing a signing later today between 5-6 at the cinema store in London (it's about a 5 minute walk from Leiscter Square and Covent Garden).

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i think you have a long way to go with your therapist

If ur just here to slag everyone off ... guests, forum members etc ... just cuz ur not very understanding about their particular conditions or whatever, I suggest u leave cuz it's not very nice :D

:angry: Get the joke David !


You posted yesterday that another forum member was a (quote) "whore." I doubt this guy meant any more malice than you did.


The threrapy comment was aimed at what they said about Bohan's ungratefulness, not the medical condition condition :blink:


One thing that is always promoted on here is free speech - if one member doesn't want to mollycoddle another's circumstances, there's nothing wrong with that. Making newbies unwelcome, however, is wrong ! Not to mention unlike you ! :wub:

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The thing is, to be fair you're shaking the hands of, let say 100 pretty random people. Now lets be honest - some of these people will have picked their nose, or scratched their armpits (or worse), or gone to the toilet without washing their hands, etc. All of the various residues from those various activities are now all over your hands - so I can sort of understand someone who suffers from such conditions as germophobia, OCD or whatever being uncomfortable in this situation.


I'm not saying that old Gene is not taking it a bit too far mind. If it was me, I would certainly shake hands with anyone I met if I were a celeb. But I reckon I'd wash my hands before preparing food :angry::wub:

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The thing is, to be fair you're shaking the hands of, let say 100 pretty random people. Now lets be honest - some of these people will have picked their nose, or scratched their armpits (or worse), or gone to the toilet without washing their hands, etc. All of the various residues from those various activities are now all over your hands - so I can sort of understand someone who suffers from such conditions as germophobia, OCD or whatever being uncomfortable in this situation.



not suprised gene did not shake everyone's hands, the guy behind me was farting non stop in the que really loudly and they stank. i would not have shook his bloody hand!

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The thing is, to be fair you're shaking the hands of, let say 100 pretty random people. Now lets be honest - some of these people will have picked their nose, or scratched their armpits (or worse), or gone to the toilet without washing their hands, etc. All of the various residues from those various activities are now all over your hands - so I can sort of understand someone who suffers from such conditions as germophobia, OCD or whatever being uncomfortable in this situation.



not suprised gene did not shake everyone's hands, the guy behind me was farting non stop in the que really loudly and they stank. i would not have shook his bloody hand!


...you wouldn't want to pull his finger, then.



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as for the others we are dealing with a bunch of empty headed things who just love to start an arguement and they need to grow up and get a life


yep, that's pretty much how it is.


*does star jumps*



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The thing is, to be fair you're shaking the hands of, let say 100 pretty random people. Now lets be honest - some of these people will have picked their nose, or scratched their armpits (or worse), or gone to the toilet without washing their hands, etc. All of the various residues from those various activities are now all over your hands.

And suddenly, I don't think I want to shake a guest's hands :wub:

Edited by Scorch
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And now you know why, when you ask Kate Mulgrew for a kiss on the cheek, she's likely to refuse!


Lets face it, :D + ^_^ does not equal ;):D


Perhaps this will start a new trend - SM could provide wet wipes for guests to wash their hands with after every 3-5 shakes?

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I'm like that to some extent - I used to be worse, which is one of the reasons I saw a therapist in the past couple of years - Now, I work in a cafe, and I'm happy serving people, but I'll ask them to put the money on the counter instead of taking it from them. And I'll ahve to wash my hands after handing all used cups and plates and stuff. I can't stand it! I have a very specific thing about my skin on my hands - i think it's thinner than the skin on the rest of mny body, and goes really dry when other people touch it.

I've seen this a few times from checkout assistants. Usually it's dropping the change into my hand, avoiding any contact...


Of course there is probably more germs on the dirty old notes/coins so I've never understood that one... :lol:

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Bohan, that's a fantastic auto, I didn't even know he was signing anywhere, (I am kind of newish to these things and don't really know of any 'other' conventions other than what is posted on here), but I would definitely still get an auto from him.

I loved him as Willie Wonka, and Young Frankenstein just gets funnier. The man is a legend.


thanks, i'm so pleased with the signed photo and getting my photo taken with him.


I don't know if it's too late for you to find out about this now, but he is doing a signing later today between 5-6 at the cinema store in London (it's about a 5 minute walk from Leiscter Square and Covent Garden).

Thanks for the heads up Bohan.

Unfortunately, I live too far away so couldn't make it, (oh to live in London :( ), plus, I wouldn't have been able to get the time off work, even if i wanted to. It was a nice thought, and one I would have loved to have fulfilled, but sadly, not meant to be.


Maybe one day :o

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thank you poppy, you seem to understand as for the others we are dealing with a bunch of empty headed things who just love to start an arguement and they need to grow up and get a life

i don't think anyone on here is empty headed and am friends with most of the others!


I do not understand why people get so defensive about stars! It is so upsetting when an experience is not good and in the free speech of this world u can say so without being attacked.


For example; everyone is attacking indio here in defence of gene wilder. gene wilder does not even know u exist and even if he does meet you, probably would not remember you etc BUT Indio, is someone who we can actually talk to and have proper discussions with etc.


Yeah sure stick up for gene wilder and if ur experience has been great then I;m really really pleased for you but in the process don;t attack indio for having a bad opinion of him. Its his right to vent his frustration.


I get really really upset when someone I admire has been really awful, and people tend to go mental if I say anything (not on here mind!) and then it gets very personal, and there is really no need.


everyone has good and bad opinions of different celebrites. I cannot comment on gene wilder as I have never met him. I;m really pleased that bohan had a great experience, but I also feel really sorry for indio as I know how awful it is to admire them for years and then have it all thrown back in your speech.


It may not seem like a huge thing not shaking someones hand - but its not necessarily that, there whole attitude can make u upset and feel uncomfortable. :o

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The thing is, to be fair you're shaking the hands of, let say 100 pretty random people. Now lets be honest - some of these people will have picked their nose, or scratched their armpits (or worse), or gone to the toilet without washing their hands, etc. All of the various residues from those various activities are now all over your hands - so I can sort of understand someone who suffers from such conditions as germophobia, OCD or whatever being uncomfortable in this situation.


I'm not saying that old Gene is not taking it a bit too far mind. If it was me, I would certainly shake hands with anyone I met if I were a celeb. But I reckon I'd wash my hands before preparing food :(:(

I heard some recent research we said that 50% of the British didn't wash their hands after urinating, and 25% don't even do so after having a dump. Lovely. You don't need to be phobic to find this sort of thing disturbing, and be averse to shaking hands en masse.

Gene Wilder seems to be a sensitive and troubled man (plus he has been very ill himself). He was interviewed on Radio 4's Front Row on Monday. Interesting interview, and available at


until the end of the weekend (the interview starts about a minute in to the programme)

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I heard some recent research we said that 50% of the British didn't wash their hands after urinating, and 25% don't even do so after having a dump. Lovely. You don't need to be phobic to find this sort of thing disturbing, and be averse to shaking hands en masse.

Gene Wilder seems to be a sensitive and troubled man (plus he has been very ill himself). He was interviewed on Radio 4's Front Row on Monday. Interesting interview, and available at


until the end of the weekend (the interview starts about a minute in to the programme)

It's well known that, because of people not washing their hands, peanuts at a pub contain up to 50 different varieties of urine...... that applies to that Bombay Mix at the curry house as well!

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I heard some recent research we said that 50% of the British didn't wash their hands after urinating, and 25% don't even do so after having a dump. Lovely. You don't need to be phobic to find this sort of thing disturbing, and be averse to shaking hands en masse.

Gene Wilder seems to be a sensitive and troubled man (plus he has been very ill himself). He was interviewed on Radio 4's Front Row on Monday. Interesting interview, and available at


until the end of the weekend (the interview starts about a minute in to the programme)

It's well known that, because of people not washing their hands, peanuts at a pub contain up to 50 different varieties of urine...... that applies to that Bombay Mix at the curry house as well!


mmm... urinal fresh.

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