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  1. Any recent updates on the pre-orders regarding London's Spring event?
  2. Having not attended any Showmasters events since 2011, I've been recently informed that some guests refuse to sign index cards. Can anyone please share any knowledge and experience on this subject. Thanks!
  3. Thanks. Is he expected to have lots of VQ's for the Sunday?
  4. Need some advise about Sunday afternoon, as there is a 50% chance that I will be able to attend, but won't know until around a day before. If I am able to attend, I will arrive at 4.15pm on Sunday, and I will not have a Diamond pass. The questions are... Will I be able to buy an entry ticket at the door? And what is my chance of meeting George for an autograph with no Diamond pass on Sunday afternoon? Basically, I've not attended any Showmasters events since 2011, and since then, I've obtained my orders through the pre-order service. So, when it comes to knowledge on attending events, I am a rookie, as there would have been many changes over the years. Thanks!
  5. Thanks. Not sure yet if I can attend. However, if I can, it will be around 4.30pm on the Sunday.
  6. Do guests ever finish signing early at an event without notice?
  7. Hello Raylenth, Thank you for your info on that. However, I have a mobile phone, but don't use it. I only receive emails at home on my laptop. So, my entry ticket and Diamond pass will be emailed, and then I just collect the Diamond pass at the show?
  8. Hello Queen Sindel, I've never bought a Diamond pass before, and just wanted to ask some questions about them. Are they posted to you before the show, or do you collect them at the show? Is there a cut-off time on purchasing them? If you collect them at the show, then do you have an email receipt, in order to do this? Many thanks!
  9. Thanks Queen, and what time would you advise arriving with a Diamond pass?
  10. What time is it recommended to arrive, in the hope to meet a Diamond Pass guest, but without a diamond pass?
  11. With a Diamond Pass, is there a time deadline for arriving ?
  12. Is Dave still running Autographica, as he's not listed on their website anymore?
  13. George Lazenby. It's time he did another signing, as his last one for Showmasters was back in 2009.
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