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:firedevil: Just to let you all know if anyone bought the clear slieves from collectormania 6 to store there autographs be warned they peel the autographs off if it was signed with the silver pens my autograph has peeled of that was obtained by David Prowse luckily my others are ok as they were not signed in silver, be warned and try to remove carefully.


Hope this helps everyone.

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:D Just to let you all know if anyone bought the clear slieves from collectormania 6 to store there autographs be warned they peel the autographs off if it was signed with the silver pens my autograph has peeled of that was obtained by David Prowse luckily my others are ok as they were not signed in silver, be warned and try to remove carefully.


Hope this helps everyone.

I had this when I met Domonic Keating recently and now keep them in a solid plastic box!!


Father Coop...he learns by his mistakes!!

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I always take my own pens to stop bad colour matches and this sort of accident. (Uni Poscas are the best)


If you find that the ink is coming away you can get a sealent/fixative normally used to seal a pencil drawing to stop it smudging.


I had this problem with a Dido auto and this fixed it right up.



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yeh mine have always been okay in £1 plastic folders, but i just checked them and they are okay, but thanks for the warning. Do ya think it was because they were still a bit wet when you put them in? because i am debating about whether to take mine out, i store all my autos in plastic folders!

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I thought it might have been them, after LFCC there was threads about how some autographs had smeared after being in the £1 plastic folders that were being sold. They might offer protection againts being dropped or bent but some people were saying there was a coating on the inside which was actually removing the ink, seems strange that they would sell them at an autograph collecting event when there is a chance that they can damage your autograph.

Edited by Colonel Jack O'Neill
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Do you mean the Hard plastic "protectors"?


I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.


For transport I use a normal ring binder style plastic insert (the thin plastic A4 covers that you can then slide into a ring binder) with an A4 size pice of card in it to keep it flat. This can be taken from the back of an A4 pad or something like that.


The solid plastic "protectors" press down onto the picture which means your scraping it putting your photo in or taking it out.



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Hi Guys,


I think I can shed some light on this.


Paint pens (ie the silver and gold ones) do not adhere to the photograph in the same way as the others do, they sit on the surface of the photo. The plastic of the hard top loaders is not acid free, and the metallic ink binds to the acid in the plastic stronger than it does to the photo, so if you keep your photos in those things you end up with a signed top loader and a blank photo.


The solution to this problem is simple: do not store your autographs in anything that is not clearly labelled as being ACID FREE I've found that the Ultra-Pro sleeves for binders are very good, but its really up to you.


Note that this does not just apply to plastic storage devices but to glass frames too. To prevent the signature sticking to the glass either put spacers in so the signature does not touch the glass, or frame the photo while its still in an acid free sleeve. Professionals use acid free glass but this is very expensive.


If you're hanging items up remember to keep them out of direct sunlight. The signatures fade much faster than the photo and u end up with a blank photo again.


But the basic message is those hard plastic sleeves they were selling for £1 are not acid free, so take your autographs out of them now!


Hope this helps,



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The £1 hard cover things are called "Toploaders" and the ones made by ultra pro are acid free, some cheaper ones are not!


I have found though that the toploaders can cause photos to stick if you put them in too soon after being signed.


The best storage for autos is the ultra pro 8x10 sleeves which fit into the ultra pro collectors binder, the sleeves were being sold for between 25 pence to 50 pence at c6, and the binder cost £5

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:lol: Just to let you all know if anyone bought the clear slieves from collectormania 6 to store there autographs be warned they peel the autographs off if it was signed with the silver pens my autograph has peeled of that was obtained by David Prowse luckily my others are ok as they were not signed in silver, be warned and try to remove carefully.


Hope this helps everyone.

yeah that happend to mine, i was realy upset because it was a huge chunk of writing went missing

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Does anyone know where you can get acid free glass or plastic for a photo frame from, as I got an artwork signed by Daveid Prowse and I dont want it damaged. It was in a normal ceap frame but after reading this I have taken it out. :wub:

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Hi Guys,


I think I can shed some light on this.


Paint pens (ie the silver and gold ones) do not adhere to the photograph in the same way as the others do, they sit on the surface of the photo. The plastic of the hard top loaders is not acid free, and the metallic ink binds to the acid in the plastic stronger than it does to the photo, so if you keep your photos in those things you end up with a signed top loader and a blank photo.


The solution to this problem is simple: do not store your autographs in anything that is not clearly labelled as being ACID FREE I've found that the Ultra-Pro sleeves for binders are very good, but its really up to you.


Note that this does not just apply to plastic storage devices but to glass frames too. To prevent the signature sticking to the glass either put spacers in so the signature does not touch the glass, or frame the photo while its still in an acid free sleeve. Professionals use acid free glass but this is very expensive.


If you're hanging items up remember to keep them out of direct sunlight. The signatures fade much faster than the photo and u end up with a blank photo again.


But the basic message is those hard plastic sleeves they were selling for £1 are not acid free, so take your autographs out of them now!


Hope this helps,



Cheers for that, very informative :wub::D

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The metallic writing normally only comes off if you put the pic into a plastic sleeve before the writing has dried.


All my autographs are in the Ultra Pro sleeves that I have bought from Collectormania, and they are all just fine.


Except for the Sean Astin one I put into a sleeve before it was dry, hence my knowledge on the subject :wub: .


Just do what I do and wait for 5 minutes or so before you store them away.

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This happened to me with my Sean Astin auto. Thankfully it was only small dots. i put it down to me having to many photos in it at once. I haven't had another incident since as I only put 2 maximum in them and only use them for transporting the photos. I just asumed they were acid free and harmless, but obviously not. I keep all my autos in the ultra pro sleeves at home and I haven't had any trouble with them whatsoever. Which actually reminds me. Does anyone know off any site that sells them? as I accidently brought the wrong size! D'oh!



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best place to get covers for ur autographs is firm called FRAMING SOLUTIONS there offer resealable polypropylenes bags and backings for 20p each onwards ,they dont stick to ur autos ,i been using them for 2 yrs now and not a prob with them ,there addy is FRAMING SOLUTIONS,THE BUSINESS CENTRE ,NETHERHAMPTON,SAILISBURY,SP2 8PU TEL 01722-743922 ,EMAIL ADDY thefirthgroup@aol.com let me know how u get on :wub:

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I have to say I have never had this problem, you must have been moritfied, I know I would have been, I feel so gutted for you.


I use a plastic box kinda thing, it keeps my autos nice and safe, don't get wet and certainly doesn't get bent around. You can pick them up from somwhere like W H Smith, they are light and easy to carry around all day,

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