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Everything posted by maegurwen

  1. ..i know ..whatever sweets he has with him steal those
  2. hehe ..lol..plus we have to celebrate at c8...my birthday in 29 days..meepity .....*jumps*
  3. "Someone" being me. Tehe. Your facial expression once informed was quite impressive, Mae! 857206[/snapback] what facial expression ??
  4. maegurwen


    dragon meeping is what i do best mine all mine mahwhwahahaahaa (dragon meeping that is )
  5. any more words to add to the geekchinary? i cant think of any..?!
  6. 856743[/snapback] if that happens..everytime you try to hug him your eyes are going to run !!
  7. I wish. 856741[/snapback] hehe lol...right as tho a crowbar is going to do anything appart from breaking ribs.. use sweets as a bribe ..MWHHAHAHHAAHHAA
  8. Easy... hehehehhe 856971[/snapback] i guess ur going to spam the thread then??!!
  9. maegurwen


    meep ....dragon meep
  10. i thought they were eating jelly cubes until someone told me what it was ...
  11. hello im not realy a craker person usually.
  12. i put ...Nope. Let's make one, so I can print it off and... I'll be quiet now. heheh ..lol i neeeeeed a geekchionary ....(i spelt it wrong didnt i)
  13. i had to go find some photos of what he looks like.. actually recognised him from a picture from the pyramid of mars.. and star wars.. im sorry to hear that he is gone.
  14. kiss (ither that or eat him ) pinocchio
  15. maegurwen

    This or That

    day would you rather be a dragon or a elf
  16. maegurwen


    oooo, old norse cool .... meeepity meeplecakes
  17. HEY!!! i thought it was my job to be the hippy here ..*sulks* lol
  18. oooo...ben browder and micheal shanks
  19. because some people think, ah well its only a promise...i can do something else if its more improtant..yadayada..lol Or they dont value promises like you do
  20. *hides* 855591[/snapback] It's not the size of the boat it's the motion in the ocean 855597[/snapback] oooooooo, i like that 855622[/snapback] is it me or is this getting kinky... 855626[/snapback] Its just you *whips Charlotte* 855631[/snapback] ..lol...iti dont think that was a halcuination somehow !
  21. yep thats the whole point to the diffrent types of music
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