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  1. And so Spoke the Thundering Voice of Stuart. And the crowd went silent, completely awestruck.
  2. Cos he's embarrssed by Star WaRS and doesnt wanna meet the fans. I think it's more likely to be travel restrictions from his current residence! I thought it was because he's very busy with work at the moment - absolutely buried! I do think his career has been going down the grave lately, don't you agree?.
  3. And rightfully so, it's a disgrace!!!! And why didn't they have Alec Guinness as a guest?!
  4. My personal complaint on C15 is that... I didn't have the time to attend it. I would like to blame Showmasters for that, since they should choose dates on which I'm free.
  5. And now, for the ultimate question, why is he free THIS Saturday?!? And now, for the ultimate question, why is he free THIS Saturday?!? Oh noooo, Too Tall has been left speechless! Panic strikes at the CM Towers! (yeah, I know, I should cut down on the pills!) (heya, Too Tall, how are you?)
  6. Otherwise the following link is also very helpful with regards to this topic: link.
  7. I believe it comes from the rare Malesian Director's recut version with Spanish subtitles and redone dubbing, available in a collector's box on Christmas Eve of 1996. Don't tell me you don't own it, Nicky?
  8. I take it you know something about the Alien-series then?
  9. The association TT + milk + a moving tongue smiley makes me shiver. Must*erase*image*from*mind!
  10. Well said TT. I've watched some performed by Maori in NZ and they take it very seriously!
  11. You mean that very tall dude who's known for being bribeable with beers and stuff?
  12. ... is to have fun! So relax, stay cool, enjoy the people, the guests, the stalls and if something goes wrong and/or a guest isn't exactly what you expected him or her to be, there's no life lost! Enjoy CM14!
  13. must be a severe, albeit overdue, case of LOTR-itis!
  14. I stand corrected. GigLi it ought to have been!
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