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Star Wars: The Force Awakens Poster


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It's a lot easier to bad mouth than it is to to offer constructive criticism. Yeah, Jar Jar is an annoying character but he's not the focal point so the naysayers need get over it. People forget that the whole thing is not primarily aimed at adults, kids want to enjoy them too and if they like a goofball, floppy eared alien and his slapstick shenanigans then that's all well & good. The sound the lizard Obi Wan rides in Sith was more annoying than anything Binks did, it goes right through you. As I mentioned earlier, the scene in Sith when Vader's helmet goes on is up there with the best of the stuff in 4 - 6, it's a wonderfully shot scene and the sound is perfect. But people would rather bleat about what they don't like about them and I find that tiresome.

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It's a lot easier to bad mouth than it is to to offer constructive criticism. Yeah, Jar Jar is an annoying character but he's not the focal point so the naysayers need get over it. People forget that the whole thing is not primarily aimed at adults, kids want to enjoy them too and if they like a goofball, floppy eared alien and his slapstick shenanigans then that's all well & good. The sound the lizard Obi Wan rides in Sith was more annoying than anything Binks did, it goes right through you. As I mentioned earlier, the scene in Sith when Vader's helmet goes on is up there with the best of the stuff in 4 - 6, it's a wonderfully shot scene and the sound is perfect. But people would rather bleat about what they don't like about them and I find that tiresome.

And I found the Ewoks a tad forced and annoying and was the major toy for kids at that time ala Jar Jar for Episode 1

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They even got two movies of their own but no one seems to bring that up when whining about Eps. 1 - 3. There will always be detractors, they're best ignored. :smile:

Sometimes it is hard to ignore. I am very open minded and try my hardest to listen to all sides in a debate as such. But sometimes I find some wonderful creations in this gig we call life are a tad stubborn to accepting others have likes/dislikes/opinions. That is why with any film I have gone to I have done so to enjoy the film. No preconceptions. I try to avoid reviews, especially media reviews as so many of them are cut and paste jobs from other reviews (that is a whole other debate). I have gone to see so many films as they peaked my interest despite the fact they have been hammered in the press reviews.


I saw The Martian recently. Not my usual type of film. But I watched the trailer and it sold me on it. The biggest thing was the music/soundtrack used. It turned out to be one of my favourite films of the year. Another film I have yet to see is Ant Man. I am a huge Marvel Geek but the trailer just fell flat for me. I will definitely see it when it comes to the small screen, and I have seen some great reviews for it, but it just did not grab me.


Taste is very subjective, but as long as the viewer is happy then that is all that matters.

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It is very subjective and too many people base their opinions on what's 'cool' at the time. Blair Witch is a prime example. It was slated by a lot of people in the UK for being overhyped. It wasn't overhyped at all, it was brilliantly promoted in the US so by the time it got here it was already a success and was promoted accordingly. But some punters had already made their minds up and the bandwagon jumpers got involved and as such was much maligned.

I'm the same as you in that respect, I'll make my own mind up thank you.

Off topic much? HAHA! :angel:

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Going off topic is how good discussions begin. I find too many people "follow the crowd" and, as you say, go for what is "cool" at that time. It is like the job I do. I work in an opticians and people use the term "the latest fashion" and that is a sore point with me. You can have latest trends, but fashion is subjective. I could put people in designer gear and they not feel comfortable thus not making the fashionable look. Yet, I could put them in a non branded glasses frame and they look "fashionable" as they like them and feel comfortable.


It is as simple as being a lemming or an individual

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I don't get fashion. How is following what everyone is doing/wearing/watching/listening to considered a good thing? Individualism is so much more interesting. I'm a massive KISS fan (no apologies) and someone once said to me that it's so uncool to wear a KISS t-shirt that I'm cool for wearing one. That makes sense to me.


Be a leader, not a follower.

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I don't get fashion. How is following what everyone is doing/wearing/watching/listening to considered a good thing? Individualism is so much more interesting. I'm a massive KISS fan (no apologies) and someone once said to me that it's so uncool to wear a KISS t-shirt that I'm cool for wearing one. That makes sense to me.


Be a leader, not a follower.

KISS was in my formative years. I am cracking on towards 50, so the 80s were my time in music.


Iron Maiden

Bon Jovi

Meat Loaf


Twisted Sister



and the list goes on.


I have no people follwoing trends as such, but only if they make the decision to like that trend and did not feel compelled to follow it because it was "the IN thing" at that time.

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I don't get fashion. How is following what everyone is doing/wearing/watching/listening to considered a good thing? Individualism is so much more interesting. I'm a massive KISS fan (no apologies) and someone once said to me that it's so uncool to wear a KISS t-shirt that I'm cool for wearing one. That makes sense to me.


Be a leader, not a follower.

KISS was in my formative years. I am cracking on towards 50, so the 80s were my time in music.


Iron Maiden

Bon Jovi

Meat Loaf


Twisted Sister



and the list goes on.


I have no people follwoing trends as such, but only if they make the decision to like that trend and did not feel compelled to follow it because it was "the IN thing" at that time.


I'm getting ever closer to 50 too (I'm 47) but I've been a KISS fan since I was 14 and some things just stay with you.


I loved the first Abrams Star Trek, the second not so much. But then I've never been a big Trek fan, that's the wifes domain. :smile:

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