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Eternal Twilight Diet!


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Name: Jenny

DOB: 10-08-84

Height: 5ft 7in

Starting weight: 16 stone (As of Jan 2009)

Current Weight: 13st 5lb

Target Weight: 11st

Plan: I havn't really got one. Just trying to cut out most of my junk food and do more walking. Also I gave up cakes for lent, it's been 35 days since I've last had one and it's killing me.


I havn't been able to loss any more weight for a while and it's doing my box in. But hopefully I'll get to my target weight before the con.




wow this is brilliant!

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Awww I love the idea of this thread! Definately gives me motivation!


Name: Dayna

DOB: 06/10/1983

Height: 5ft

Starting weight: 9 stone (As of November '09)

Current Weight: 8.5 stone

Target Weight: 7.5 stone


My eating habits are terrible. I go through phases of having breakfast and then phases of not. My lunch can be varied as it could be fruit or a sandwich or a packet of crisps and a chocolate bar or, like today, a chicken tikka slice and a chocolate bar lol. See, terrible! My dinner is pretty varied too as it depends on how I feel at the time. Today I just had a sandwich lol.


I really need to start exercising again and tone up my tummy, thighs and especially my upper arms (I really hate my upper arms lol)!


That metabolic diet sounds like a great idea but where would I find out about it? Could it be done through my dr or would I have to go private?

Edited by twilight obsessive
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Awww I love the idea of this thread! Definately gives me motivation!


Name: Dayna

DOB: 06/10/1983

Height: 5ft

Starting weight: 9 stone (As of November '09)

Current Weight: 8.5 stone

Target Weight: 7.5 stone


My eating habits are terrible. I go through phases of having breakfast and then phases of not. My lunch can be varied as it could be fruit or a sandwich or a packet of crisps and a chocolate bar or, like today, a chicken tikka slice and a chocolate bar lol. See, terrible! My dinner is pretty varied too as it depends on how I feel at the time. Today I just had a sandwich lol.


I really need to start exercising again and tone up my tummy, thighs and especially my upper arms (I really hate my upper arms lol)!


That metabolic diet sounds like a great idea but where would I find out about it? Could it be done through my dr or would I have to go private?



I hope I can help. I go to my internist because she is a Metabolic Balance advisor. YOu pay once for the whole program and your advisor will guide you through all of the stages and give you help. The program is from Germany but is found all over the world. When you find someone in your area that does it, you go for a consultation, they ask you what your goal weight is, take blood and send it in to the Metabolic center in Germany. Then about a week later your plan is made for you and explained to you by your advisor. EVERYTHING in your plan is for you only and based on your blood test results. The first 2 weeks are hard but I PROMISE that if you stick to it you WILL see results and you will really not be hungry!! I really have never felt better. The only other diet that does work but takes longer is Weight Watchers. I lost 40 pounds in one year then got pregnant and gained it all back!! Typical!! Anyway, go online and do a search for METABOLIC BALANCE and you should find someone in your area that does it. If not, they do have online courses I think. Costs a bit but it is worth it and it's only a one time fee and you have your advisor until you have reached your goal. I paid 380 euro. I feel that's fair considering you have your advisor for the year but the blood test and program is included in the price. Good luck. :WAVE:

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Name: Ruth

DOB: 11/07/1988

Current Weight: 8st 4lbs

Target Weight: 7st 8lbs

Plan: I need to lose that much (or 6% from my body fat) to show off the muscle/abs I already have, so I'm making a serious effort.


For my breakfast I tend to have: I don't often have breakfast because I'm awake from 11am to 4am.

For my lunch I tend to have: Egg fried rice (healthy version), or sandwiches, or cereal with milk

For my tea I tend to have: chicken in some form with pasta or rice, and veg

Snacks: A lot. I've switched some of them for raw veg but as that makes me more hungry, it's tough.


Don't worry about how low the target weight sounds, I'm only 5' 1 and a dancer. I also had to study for an anatomy & physiology as part of my ballet teaching and we also had nutrition classes, so I know what I have to do. I also have a very big appetite and quite a fast metabolism, plus I exercise a lot, so it'll seem like I'm eating too much for weight loss but I promise it all works out correctly. I probably won't be writing out what I eat since it sounds a lot and anyone copying my diet would probably gain weight! :chair:


I used to be a dancer that is why I feel so bad with how after three kids my body has just sort of off kilter.. makes me depressed.. Good luck with your teaching!!!

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Awww I love the idea of this thread! Definately gives me motivation!


I really need to start exercising again and tone up my tummy, thighs and especially my upper arms (I really hate my upper arms lol)!



Pole fitness is fab for upper arms, if your interested in that type of excercise it doesn't require much strength for beginners and you build up strength for more advanced stuff quite quickly too :) Plus it's fun :P xx

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Thank you I'll have a search for matabolic balance and look into it.


Awww I love the idea of this thread! Definately gives me motivation!


I really need to start exercising again and tone up my tummy, thighs and especially my upper arms (I really hate my upper arms lol)!



Pole fitness is fab for upper arms, if your interested in that type of excercise it doesn't require much strength for beginners and you build up strength for more advanced stuff quite quickly too :) Plus it's fun :P xx

Pole fitness, that's like pole dancing isn't it? I wouldn't mind doing that although I'm not sure if I have the guts to go to a class lol. Mind you I have seen some dvds about so I'm tempted to have a look at them.

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Thank you I'll have a search for matabolic balance and look into it.


Awww I love the idea of this thread! Definately gives me motivation!


I really need to start exercising again and tone up my tummy, thighs and especially my upper arms (I really hate my upper arms lol)!



Pole fitness is fab for upper arms, if your interested in that type of excercise it doesn't require much strength for beginners and you build up strength for more advanced stuff quite quickly too :) Plus it's fun :P xx

Pole fitness, that's like pole dancing isn't it? I wouldn't mind doing that although I'm not sure if I have the guts to go to a class lol. Mind you I have seen some dvds about so I'm tempted to have a look at them.


Yeah that's it :) It's great fun, I go to classes my dance teacher teachers :) I think only a selected few classes are the sleazy type, most of the people I've met at mine say it's all just good fun rather than people trying to mate with a pole ha ha! I want to put one up in my room but can just imagine peoples faces if they came over :P!


Give it a whirl anyway, if you want help finding a class I use Pole People x

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Name: Jenny

DOB: 10-08-84

Height: 5ft 7in

Starting weight: 16 stone (As of Jan 2009)

Current Weight: 13st 5lb

Target Weight: 11st

Plan: I havn't really got one. Just trying to cut out most of my junk food and do more walking. Also I gave up cakes for lent, it's been 35 days since I've last had one and it's killing me.


I havn't been able to loss any more weight for a while and it's doing my box in. But hopefully I'll get to my target weight before the con.




wow this is brilliant!



Thanks, I'm gutted now tho. I was planning on going for a walk on Sunday, but I've just hurt my ankle so I don't think I'll be able too.


Maybe it's because I've been on one for far too long, but is anyone else finding it hard? I try to eat more fruit and drink more water, but with the weather been so cold and rainy latey all I want is hot chocolate and a warn snack. I wish summer would hurry up and get here so I cen get back in track.

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I think my main problem was that I was out from 12.30-4 and the cheapest and best food for me available was a soup. The salads from the same place are a fiver!! No way was I paying that.


Then just now nobodies here! Everyones taking my boyfriends parents to Aberdeen so I was feeling lonely, didn't want to sit in the kitchen munching myself lol. Hence the burger.


However, tomorrow, I am back from work at 1.30 so I will go a long walk!

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Name: Tiff


DOB: 02/02/1990


Height: 5ft 4.5in


Starting weight/current weight: around 9.5 stone


Target Weight: 8/8.5 stone


Plan: Stop eating all the junk i am atm... i blame down-ness and stress :P

but cute out the junk, and quit snacking.. slim fast shakes and skinny water all the way...


and more exercising...

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I did incredibly well on the exercise AND food fronts yesterday. Have had McDonalds today (as a treat for being brave and getting my tattoo) so that'd not brilliant, but it was just chips and chicken nuggets, and I'd only had a digestive biscuit since I got up so I've justified it in my head. :D

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Ooh, I love this, thanks so much.


I am hoping to lose some weight before ET4 and this is great motivation.


Name: Tina

D.O.B 23.01.85

Starting Weight 14st 7lb

Weight Now 14st

Goal Weight : 10st


I've lost 1/2 stone since just before xmas, which isn't too bad, but I'm hoping to speed things up a bit. Now the weather is better I walk my daughter to playschool, which is like and hours walking everyday and the I aim to get on the Wii fit for half an hour when I get back! I have NO excuse not to exercise as I have a gym in my garage, but can't be bothered to use it! lol I'm also on some medication to help me lose the weight as well which seems to be helping.


Good luck to eveyone!


See you (what's left of you all) in October! :)

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Aint gonna put my weight on here but i started my diet up again 3 and half weeks ago. By cutting out snacking ive 11 pounds, plus i cycle to work which is a good 5 or 6 miles away 5 days a week so thats my exercise sorted (but ive been doing that for 2 years)

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Name: Emily

D.O.B 01.04.92

Starting Weight 9st

Weight Now 9st

Goal Weight : 8st


I've been told by my doc I have to lose weight becuase of this thing I have and also the fact I am gaining is REALLY getting me down :/


So...I want to stop having awful days as what I usually eat is v heathly but then I have bad binge days where I will lit eat like 3000 calories and I hate it!


So yeah :wub: Hopefully will be on here next week saying positive things but is my bday...so I think I'm allowed a naughty day then :wub:

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How come if I try really hard nothing happens, but in this week of takeaway, McDonalds and too many homemade biscuits, I've lost an inch from my waist?


My only theory is that it's because I've had less chocolate, but still it makes no sense. It seems the more effort I make, the less weight I'll actually lose. Can't wait until my tattoo heals a bit more though, would feel so much better if I was jogging or something!


Edit: Make that an inch-and-a-half. Haven't lost anything from anywhere else, but it's a start!

Edited by TurkFox
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Yay for loosing an inch and a half though.


Not weighed myself yet but don't think I've lost anything anyway as hadn't started the diet properly last week but this week it's all system's go. Although right now I'm not having any dinner as my stomach ache is too bad from having normal milk with my cereal this morn :smile: . Hopefully it'll be a little bit better come tea time.

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How come if I try really hard nothing happens, but in this week of takeaway, McDonalds and too many homemade biscuits, I've lost an inch from my waist?


My only theory is that it's because I've had less chocolate, but still it makes no sense. It seems the more effort I make, the less weight I'll actually lose. Can't wait until my tattoo heals a bit more though, would feel so much better if I was jogging or something!


Edit: Make that an inch-and-a-half. Haven't lost anything from anywhere else, but it's a start!


Psh! okay for some! :smile::(

i can't even eat the smallest amount of anything without putting weight on...

and i dont really have the energy to exercise much :(

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