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Kyle Beech

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About Kyle Beech

  • Birthday 12/04/1990

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Location
    Near Wolverhampton, England

Kyle Beech's Achievements

2nd Unit Director

2nd Unit Director (13/23)



  1. He was brilliant! Was the last one in the AM shoot on Saturday and we had to wait for the photographer so he said shall we do some shapes so we threw some shapes, then he asked me if I had ever done modelling before to which I responded not professionally which caused him to burst into laughter. So it was a great experience for me :)
  2. Really wish I had time to have done TBH, was really busy both days I was there so didn't get a chance.
  3. Aching all over and on a major comedown, so not good really :/
  4. Class act! Met him Sunday and loved how he had time for everyone. Even asking me if I was happy with my autograph.
  5. Met him a few years ago and had a terrible experience thinking it was maybe an off day it appears not! Which is a shame.
  6. What happened with this today? Was advertised as costume shoot but only brought his ranger helmet.
  7. He has recently started doing cons worldwide and from all the panels he looks like a proper laugh. Who else would want to see Kel?
  8. Veteran con go'er first time attending DST. Only really going for Wil Wheaton was wondering are we able to bring our own to get signed or does it have to be the ones provided as i want a photo of him in big bang theory to get signed. Thanks
  9. Brad Hawkins - Was also in Power Rangers Mike Hollander - Has just started doing cons in the states and from listening to panels and reading people's stories from meeting him, he sounds like he is really excited about doing events.
  10. Hoping the talk is one of the later in the day activities at the con so it doesn't clash with any shoots i've already booked. Still photoshoot and talk ticket bought can't miss this!
  11. Kerrigan Mahan the voice of Goldar said he would love to come over to the UK when I asked him on twitter the other day he has also done some other voices in the Power Ranger universe as well as Jeb the dog in VR Troopers
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