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what are ashley and kellans blogs?


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They didnt say they did have accounts and they didnt say they didnt have accounts!


They very skillfully dodged the question. Im figuring that they didnt want to announce on national tv that they had a twitter because then it would mean millions of fans freaking out and trying to find them and we twilight fans are very clever!!


So if they dont answer the question properly it solves the problem!!


Basically we will never know if there fake or not unless you ask them yourself....but the photos they post up are awsome! :D

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just wanna say when i put up the links to their twitter accounts i 100% thought it was them. i would never have said so or put the on here otherwise. i always assume people are fake and for the first time ever i really believed it was them.


the photos of kellan and ryan and tanner were quite personal and they knew both kellans and ashleys (and their friends)schedules so whoever it is obviously knows them or is a stalker and hacked into their computers or something. the information is very accurate. i know they all went to paris after ET coz i spoke to ryan and tanner in the bar and they told me thats why they were there. europe holiday for a few days.


what they say on the video is quite vague. it may be a double bluff. i just don't know now.


i'm feeling pretty disappointed right now. i let myself believe something.


sometimes ignorance is better than knowing the truth.

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Seen it now and don't feel bad! All they say is that there are fakes out there, they don't say that they don't have one. At the end of the day it causes no harm for people to have added them. Chin up Katie :D

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The owner of Kellan media asked Tanner on Twitter if the account was Kellan's and he denied it, also saying the pics used on there were stolen from him...you can read bits of it on his Twitter.


This is from Kellanmedia



"And just for clarification, our friend from VALLEY PEAKS, Tanner Beard, let me know when I asked, "Is KellanCLutz on Twitter ACTUALLY Kellan?"...



No, but whoever that was stole all those pictures from me.."

Edited by englishfreckle
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At the end of the video, they do deny having accounts. Unfortunately for our purposes, the piece was badly edited and it fades out at the end after some personal anecdotes. You can hear Ashley saying "No...no." as the sound fades though. So unfortunately, those accounts are very, very fake.


Unfortunately, there are people out there who thrive on attention, and who gets more attention than celebrities? If you study enough and really stalk, it's very easy to impersonate somebody quite well. The internet makes nearly anything possible these days, and that sadly includes hurting people very badly with false identity. False identity doesn't even just stick to celebrities. There are very sick people out there who make up people, whole story lines, and feed them to people they meet on message boards and forums. They do this because they are lonely and want attention, to feel loved, etc.


I guess the learning experience here is to be very careful about who you trust online. Anybody can be fooled by someone who's really good at what they do. Count yourself blessed that this was a fake celebrity that didn't have much of a connection to any of us, rather than someone who's just created a fake person and passed them off as real for a relationship, be it friendship or more.

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I saw that vid and didn't know what to think.

Although, I did notice when Access Hollywood asks the Twitter question Ashley says 'No, I'm not' [although the mic goes to Kellan so you don't really hear it]

I dunno what you make of it, but even if she was bluffing, that'd mean she wants to hide her personal Twitter from the public, so why would she be accepting Twifans?

But I have seen the photos on both of theirs and they are really personal :D

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I'm fairly certain the Twitter accounts I'm following of them ARE Kellan and Ashley - the photos on there are personal ones...e.g. ones of Kellan and his friends in Paris. If one is real, then the other must be too. I'm not 100% certain though. Maybe someone like Perez Hilton (who is also on Twitter) can sort it out for us!

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I read somewhere that people had friended Tanner and/or his mates on facebook and got the pictures from there and leaked them. That's why it looked so convincing! I thought they were real too. :( Some people have far too much time on their hands! It's not even like they made it up to have fun with it and do mean things, haha. It's all quite serious!

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I'm fairly certain the Twitter accounts I'm following of them ARE Kellan and Ashley - the photos on there are personal ones...e.g. ones of Kellan and his friends in Paris. If one is real, then the other must be too. I'm not 100% certain though. Maybe someone like Perez Hilton (who is also on Twitter) can sort it out for us!

Ooo, get the Perez involved! Epic idea!


You're following Ashley_Michelle and KellanClutz, right? Those are the ones I'm talking about. I'm 100% sure they're fake. It just doesn't fit together.


Kellan doesn't even run his own Myspace page. His sister does it for him, she says on the page, because he doesn't understand the internet. On repeated occasions, I've heard him say in interviews that he doesn't get the internet. He doesn't use it.


Ashley I've heard less about in terms of internet use, but in the video, she definitely says that she doesn't have a Twitter. So unfortunately, this crazy stalker person is a bit more savvy with the internet, got some photos from friends' profiles, and just pretended to be them.


They haven't posted in several days either. It coincides with when the video was released with them denying having accounts. It just sort of all adds up.


Definitely look into Perez Hilton getting a confirmation. That'd be ace!

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What? Kellan had his personal pics STOLEN? Did the same happen to Ashley too then? That just sucks!! Some ppl do NOT have any respect whatsoever!


I am not bummed out that they were fakes, it was fun while it lasted or well up until I now just read that personal pics were STOLEN that is just so sad.


Looks like the fake Kellan account is deleted altogether but the fake Ashley one was still not completely deleted. I did however removed it from following me. No point now really lol. I AM sorry they got their private pics stolen though...that is just so WRONG.

Edited by Marystat
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See I feel kind of bad for kellan and ashley now...what if they were real but this rumour got around and so many people reported them they got deleted.


So ashley and kellan come onto update their twitters to find out there being accused of being fakes.


I personally think people over reacted to this in a big way. They werent doing any harm.


Oh well what can you do!

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Photos and other info stolen from Tanners facebook page.


That sucks, whoever stole them is a leech, and poor Tanner (whoever he is, sorry I dunno him other than he's a friend of Kellan right?) must be feeling so bad now.

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