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Favourite moments


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Right, so really peeved at the moment from being screwed over multiple times by the same thing Angus Council payroll can stick a zat up their... *ahem* So need some cheering up by thinking of the good times.


So - What is/are you favourite moment(s) out of all of SG-1 and SGA?


They can be anything sad, happy, funny, suspence, or even just a look a character does.


I'll try and think up some of mines....


("Any moment David is on screen." is ok I guess but try to expand on it :lol: )

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oooow! how oooooberly funky! one of my faves will always be SGA's LfromP when dearest Zippy is speaking in Czech about how Atlantis rose from the ocean's floor :P LOVE IT! Zipppppyyyyyyyy! :lol::lol:


Luv sah xx :D





edit: purple!

Edited by surfy_sah
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one of my fave SG1 moments is the stuff in Divide n Conquer when Jack has to admit his feelings for Sam as it were and we see the reply bit when the armbands fall off and they are stuck between the shield thingy

(appologies for lack of scientific terminology, I am shattered B))


also like Paradise Lost when Sam is being hugged by Teal'c awwww :P actually there are FAR too many moments from that ep to mention! :lol:


which ever ep Jonas and Teal'c eat B&J in :o (Prometheus?)


Metamorphasis (surprisingly!) when Jack and Sam are in the cage and Sam cutches on Jack's shoulder and then when Jack scoops Sam up to put her back in the machine at the end *sighs happilly* :P



that's it for now ;) la la la la laaaa *J&S shipper? me? :lol: nah! :D*


Luv sah xx

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oooooooooooo *thinks*


SG1 - the whole of window of opportunity oh and wormhole extreme


SGA - at the mo id have to say scenes from the new season which i wont state on here cause it will spoil it for peeps and we have a thread for that!! so from season 1 id have to say um..... probably mckays whole goodbye message stuff in LFP (leadership :lol:) but yeah there are scenes in the new season that top that for me ............. :lol:


damn that was hard!! easier questions next time please!!! :P

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Aaarrrgghh to difficult! My brain hurts from thinking, there are so many favorite bits I could go on for ages. But aside from shippy moments one that comes to mind is a Jack scene from Full Circle :blush:. The bit where they just found The Eye of Ra and Jack is being really sarcastic to Anubis' first prime Harak (hope thats how ya spell it), it just cracks me up. I have it saved on my Sky+ so I can watch it over.


Harak: "Surrender or die"

Jack: "What?"

Harak:"Surrender or die"

Jack: "I was just gonna say the exact same thing"

Harak: "O'Neill of SG1"

Jack: *looks at Sam gives cheeky smirk*"Hey how ya doing? You'll have to forgive me I'm terrible with names. What was..."*Staff blast* "Jeez!"

Harak: "I am Harak"

Jack: "Congratulations! Failing upwards I see."

Harak: "You have no choice."

Jack: "Actually I do. Ive got The Eye, and about a pound of very powerful explosive stuck to it. Give us clear access to the gate, or Ill blow it up!"

Harak: "You're self along with it."

Jack: "Whats your point!"

Harak: "I will speak with my master."

Jack: "Yes you do that. Dont forget to tell him you screwed up again!"

*Harak walks away*

Jonas: "Is it really necessary to further antagonise him."

Jack: "Yes"

Sam: "Would you really do it?"

Jack: "Sure, why not!"


You kinda have to watch it. Its such a fab Jack moment :firedevil:


Shelby x-x-x

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OH MY GOD...how hard is this



sooooooooooo many classic moments


think Daniel trying to go to atlantis in epi 1 sga was too funny


and mckay's anubis lines in sg-1





how come it's the crossovers I think of first

Jane, isn't the line something like... 'hey anubis this is you're playing iot way over the top cool it down' or something to that effect!


My first thought for SG-1 was in beneath the Surface when Sam and Jack are talking about their feelings and Sam rests her head contentedly on jack's shoulder!

JACK "i remember feeling feelings."

SAM "About me?"

JACK "No about tor yes you!"


One of my fave atlantis moments is... "I shot him... in the leg" from hide and seek! And the whole of LfromP!! my fave ep!

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Window of Oppurtunity is one of my fave eps B) and the reason I bought my s4 boxset for like £30 :lol:


Full Circle rocks, I love all those bits between Jack and Harrack! thankies Prometheus for taking the time to type all that out and share with us! :P those two are so comical in the various eps!


now the s7 finale, woah! came home from uni last night and now have a TV and the net again(!!!!) and I shoved Sky1 on and wallah it was New Order part 1 and then on Mix was Lost City part 2, sooooo much better than the s8 finale! LOVE Lost City! :P it's got the ship, the touchy-feely stuff, all the characters (Hammond etc) the special FX, "space" fights, butt-kicking, GARY, Kinsey being taken down a peg or two....!!! would only have been a tad more perfect if we get rid of Fake Weir and poss add some Major Davis :(


Katy/Jane what's the name of that one again?! :rolleyes:


saw SGA on c5 last night wahooo (pokes Caz, thanks for reminding me dude!) 38 mins! :o sooo much good stuff in that ep! Zippy! half naked Shep! (phroa!) McKay with all his amazing lines! hehe! :wub:



yeah still going strong here!!! :wub:


Luv sah xx

ps-Nicki-where are yours? ;)




edit: forgot to bold!

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Ok the Lost City ep where Daniel is drunk -


Daniel : Oh, come on Teal'c is like one of the deepest people i know, hes so deep. Come on tell them how deep you are. You Will be lucky if you understand this.

Teal'c : My depth is imaterial to this conversation.

Daniel : Oh, you see.

Oneill : No more beer for you.


And SGA hmmm...


The Defiant One ep, the whole opening scene in the puddler jumper


Shep: This is why parents get someone else to teach their children how to drive.

McKay: I'm both insulted and touched by that.


And those two trying to get permission from Weir to go down onto the planet :blush:


Wee spoiler-Also love Hermoid from season 2, his snarky mutterings and Shep's "Is he suppose to be naked like that?"


Ok that's for comedy moments, there is many others of different types


P.S :angry: to Sah

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i have 2 that i like from a coupld of eppisdoes...

brocca divide :

daniel:mmm, taste just like chicken

sam: whats wrong with it

daniel: its macoroni cheese.




oniell: keep this up and you 'll have a girl on every planet


also in window of oppertunity where oniel and teal'c learn to juggle, ride bycles and other random things...its just funny


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