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  1. I would love to see Rick Sternbach back this year. He was a delight last year and as the main designer of the USS Voyager it would be perfect.
  2. I would really like to see Jennifer Lien. It would be in line with the Voyager reunion. I would also like Michelle Yeoh, Linda Park, Jolene Blalock and Patrick Stewart. Also the Bridge crew from Discovery
  3. The selfie points was a great addition to the show. I personally think it would be great to have more of them . A lot more. What do you think?
  4. If only they can get Robert Beltran and Jennifer Lien. Thrilled about Roxann Dawson.
  5. I am very keen to meet Rick Sternbach. However i would like to have some idea if he is signing autographs and how much is he charging.
  6. Tricia O'Neil Jolene Blalock Linda Park Roxann Dawson Robert Beltran Jennifer Lein Michelle Yeoh Alan Ruck Chris Pine Zackary Quintio Zoe Saldana Simon Pegg Benedict Cumberbatch Peter Weller John Cho Karl Urban Levar Burton Eric Bana Edris Alba Tom Hardy The entire cast of Picard Entire cast of discovery.
  7. Roxanne Dawson Jolene Blalock Jennifer Lien Robert Beltran
  8. I am hoping for Arnold Schwarzenegger or Harrison Ford.
  9. Just a question for those who know how this works. Is there amyway to optain digtal prints of the photoshoots. Or am I going to have to scan my print? I would loke to post it on my blog etc.
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