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Everything posted by futuregirl

  1. Yeah I would agree with this, I turned up for the corey shoot today and got told there were still 2 queues for the current shoot, then another whole shoot, and then the Corey shoot after that, I didn't have hours and hours to wait and then wait some more when it was finally queue up, so ended up cutting my losses and just leaving. Appreciate the delays were unforeseen but seemed pretty disorganised and disappointing not to have a contingency plan for situations like this, and also not to find out til you've been stood in a queue for 2 photoshoots earlier for a bit.
  2. OH. MY. GOD. *booked* I already have a photo with the Doc from a couple of years back, and I have a photo in a DeLorean. But together? That's synergy, baby! *ahem* I may have to dress like a tragic twenty-something female McFly
  3. So far...Scott Bakula, Edward Furlong and Micheal Shanks.
  4. Oh I am definitely meeting him, and for QL, baby. I grew up watching reruns, have the DVDs, love it! GREAT guest
  5. 8/10 Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  6. No Have you ever been up a climbing wall?
  7. Coooool! Can I ask what BTTF items you have? I'll try to keep my jealousy in check...
  8. It doesn't suprise me, I remember doing a search on ebay when I was writing an essay on James Dean and coming across some pretty morbid (and graphic) items for him, too....takes all sorts, I guess...
  9. ^ I like your taste in movies! I may have to get me a SBM poster too just to get it signed, I *heart* that film.
  10. Regarding drivers not knowing where the stops are, we once had to guide a national express driver from the motorway exit into the main bus station of a major city because he didn't know the way
  11. Bloody hell, I knew they had some great stuff at Play but that's amazing! *checks wallet* Help me Lottery...you're my only hope...
  12. Yes Do you prefer driving to public transport?
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