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Lizzy last won the day on October 8 2014

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About Lizzy

  • Birthday 07/01/1987

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  • Location
    Reading, England

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  1. Hiya SM, just wonder if you will be warning us when any ticket sales get low... ie for William Wheaton's photo shoot? Given that this is a bit different to the usual shows? Thanks!!!
  2. ... And I'm never ordering on my work comp again!!
  3. Haha, thanks QS. My Mum called me asking if she could go with me as I'm on my lonesome on Friday! And I did it too quickly for this stupid rust bucket. I actually clicked on it, that's what's bugging me!! I someone reads my name, they're just gonna say, trust Lizzy!! Thanks x
  4. QS I've made a total newbie error and missed off the validation fee in a rush as my stupid work computer went too slowly for me and didn't register my click. Who do I contact to sort it, given the proximity to the show? It's for Friday entry. Bad day made worse :'( Thanks!!
  5. I can't find Kenneth Marshall on there... Please say it's a mistake and not a 3rd Trek cancellation??
  6. Yea that's me in the pic? Thanks! Was just dressed as me on the Sunday, no one recognised me lol!
  7. I was Seven of Nine on Saturday :) I think I was the only one? Feel free to put up your pics, I'd love to see them!
  8. Sooo... any idea where Photoshoot area D will be?
  9. Let the crew know you're coming. They'll do their best to help. The crew will be aware of this clash and I am sure you won't be the only person who this effects. It may be the case that these guests are kept at the shoots a little bit longer (a couple of minutes) than the time frame stated to deal with people who have tickets for both. Not ideal I know and a bit of a dash - but I hope this helps a little. I've got a pulled muscle in my leg, so a quick dash is slightly out of the question :S I'm there both days, so I may need to explain to the organisers booth my situation and get one swapped for Sunday, as I have shoots then, but can't see that I'd have any clashes if I did that.
  10. I'm sorry, but having two first time DS9 guests in a 5 min slot at the SAME TIME on the Saturday at shoots A and D is completely stupid! That's not just a clash, that's insane :S
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