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Everything posted by robmoriarty

  1. She was clearly thrown off guard as you didn't have a table like mine to mount...
  2. Seems Robert Beltran will be in York playing Macbeth next year, try and get him whilst he's here!?
  3. even spoke to my PA in fluent Spanish after asking his name.
  4. I believe I overheard that whilst I was at photo E. He was right! My favourite moment was actually a sequence of events: Meeting Dean Cain in the autograph queue and getting him to sign a letter I'd received from Chris Reeve whilst I was in hospital (I had the same injury) Meeting Benedict Cumberbatch for all of a few seconds, but seeing his reaction to my surname when I mentioned it on my way out (and the reaction on Twitter since has been hilarious) Tricia Helfer both in the autograph when I chatted with her, and what followed in the photo shoot at the end of Saturday Whilst #3 was going on, being name dropped by Dean Cain during his free talk on the main stage (about our interaction in #1), been feeling chuffed ever since! Fab value for my money.
  5. This lady is far too far down the conversation thread for my liking. She was an absolute delight to meet, had a great chat with her in the autograph queue where we shared our mutual love of owning cats (though I have two, she has THIRTEEN!!!). Later in her photoshoot she still remembered me from earlier. When she checked with the photographer whether she should stand or crouch next to my wheelchair I cheekily said "how about sprawled across my table?". She laughed and replied "yeah let's go for it" and sat on the side of my table (effectively met my suggestion halfway!). Really hoping the online photo shows more that what was in the print, but this at least should show what happened if you look closely enough! A lovely, lovely lady. Please get her to come back again.
  6. Michelle, did you know you made it onto the Radio Times website along with me and a few others? I second everything everyone's said on here. Despite the short amount of time we each had with him and the high premium, I thought he was worth every pound of it! Some of the pics on that link are hi-LAR-ious!
  7. Sorry to hear about your experience Dreamsphere, though I have to say I agree I've seen others experience similar issues. At another SM event previously I was stood next to a lady who found it difficult to walk and even though she had the extra help form, she did not get the same preferential treatment I did. proving you have a disability to someone (anyone from your great volunteer team who are already stressed enough at the events) who is not an expert in the field is almost an impossible task - especially when you consider mental, learning or transient disabilities. The system broadly speaking works, but it needs refinement. I'm more than happy to feedback to extrahelp@ as you suggested Raylenth. From what I can see so far only UK proofs of disability are accepted: what happens if you're coming from somewhere else in the world? Many venues are now starting to accept online submissions for disability proof in advance of the event so time can be properly taken to examine and grant people onto an accessibility database which is then stored for a period of time (say a year, then you don't have to repeatedly submit proofs). I do this with venues when booking music tickets and needing a carer to accompany me, could SM consider doing something similar? It would make on the day administration significantly easier if much of this could be done beforehand and you only need to prove your ID to match your name against one of your lists. Despite attending a number of SM events now I've never actually been asked to provide my proof on the day, though I guess my huge electric wheelchair and poor PA running behind me to catch up are usually sufficient indicators.
  8. But then I'd have missed Tricia Helfer flouncing herself all over my wheelchair table and/or missed my train... on balance I think I won out there...! #StillChuffed
  9. I got one, but he didn't personalise - hardly surprising with the numbers he had to get through in such a short space of time.
  10. eek, awesome. Wish I'd been there but had final photo session at 5:10pm, then left for train station by 5:30pm. What question prompted it? This was the item... .
  11. App would be a great idea, particularly given the number of events SM are running these days - could be a seriously good investment? I know of a few out there, eventmobi being one that would do almost all of that. Would be fairly certain there are others too.
  12. No, but I know a few who did who said it was excellent - apparently he mentioned my name at one point after meeting him in the autograph queue earlier...
  13. Still a lovely guy too, especially if you're lucky enough to have a chat with him in the autograph queue.
  14. Wil is like that, covers anxiety issues as best he can. Same at DSTE last year.
  15. Benedict Cumberbatch: £160 Tricia Helfer: £60 Andrew Robinson: £30 Dean Cain: £30 Ash Cosplay: £10 Food: £15 Train: £9 Hotel: £105 Entry: £18 Yeah, a shy over £400, but given everything I got from the day absolutely value for money!
  16. I thought he was on top form yesterday, certainly judging by this report too. (Told you'd I'd try to mention my name to him Raylenth, it appears to have gone down a storm on Twitter!)
  17. Main info desk behind the batmobile. If Samantha's there again she's in a red shirt, ask for her
  18. Yes I had the same with extra help around the Benedict Cumberbatch queue. To protect the sanctity of the scheme I won't provide full details here but the first guy got VQ info completely wrong. I had a word with Samantha at the info desk, she confirmed I was right, went back and spoke to another chap at the queue who I think was the boss and he confirmed. To be fair to the first guy, he totally redeemed himself later on by squeezing me in to the queue and I thanked him for his efforts as I was on my way out. Can't have been easy there at all with the volume of people they were trying to get through in such a short amount of time.
  19. I was a bit later getting in yesterday (around 9:30am), was pretty insane outside even by then. Queues of people were being escorted by security, joining the backs of other queues, being split up again if there were any gold entries. I was doing my best to find entrance H as recommended on here this week by you fine mods for extra help/disabled etc and was sent to five different entrances. At the fourth the security chap sent me around one more corner to the left. At the fifth the guy said no you were at the right one before. In the end he said "follow me mate, I'll get you through" (words I instinctively trusted) and got me the extra help and carer bands I needed. I appear to have completely bypassed any security checks however, but I'm incredibly grateful to the chap for the effort he made to at least get me in. Would have raised this at the info desk whilst I was there but the queues were huge and I had to dash off for my first photoshoot. still, once that was over I had a wonderful day asides from the initial getting in issues.
  20. Picture of a picture always comes out lighter. Check online version when they're up.
  21. I know that one...! "Twice the length from the middle..."
  22. yes, ask when you get to gate H and someone will point you in the right direction check the email reply you had back again as it has information regarding talks access.
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