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Everything posted by natedammit

  1. The number of people asking for various types of upgrades is probably into the 100s by now. There are definitely some people who would try to use the system to just get a cheeky refund. Nasty, unscrupulous people, like me
  2. I would have gone for "We don't do duvets!"
  3. There was a time when a good glare would make people be quiet. These days they'd be more likely to punch you in the face.
  4. natedammit

    Last Post Wins?

    Well I'm not letting a Northampton hater win.
  5. Well, the UK will never win it again. Far too political. And how can you have Australia in it? The reason we won't win it is because we keep sending rubbish acts with rubbish songs. Politics has never had a thing to do with the UK's results. And the reason Australia are in it is because, well, umm...
  6. I e-mailed the shop yesterday to ask to do this too. I tried to resist, but the pull of Mads was too strong.
  7. I pay pretty much anything asked for either Hayao Miyazaki or Isao Takahata. I'd also go way past £100 for Elizabeth Olsen or Kristen Stewart. Purely because I respect their acting talents, obvs.
  8. I'll be wearing whatever is clean when I pack.
  9. I know it's entirely subjective, but in 2016 I'd say Jeremy Renner is a bigger name than Eddie Murphy and Orlando Bloom.
  10. Why it's Br'er Fox of course. I have no idea who that is.
  11. Yeah, awesome, we can have Boris Johnson in control of everything, that won't be terrible.
  12. Well I just Googled that, and have now been fired. Totes worth it
  13. I know lots of people like getting these figures signed so I thought a list of which of this year's guests actually had one related to them might be useful. Obviously I can't be bothered to compile one myself but I'll start and if people contribute the ones they know I'll update this post. Kenny Baker - R2D2 Tobin Bell - Billy the Puppet (Saw) Richard Brake - Night King Melendy Britt - She-Ra Jeremy Bulloch - Boba Fett Jack Gleeson - Joffrey Jon Heder - Napoleon Dynamite Famke Jansen - Jean Grey Matthew Lillard - Ghostface Dolph Lungren - Ivan Drago (super-rare) Ian McDiarmid - Emperor Palpatine Mads Mikkelsen - Hannibal Lecter, (also the Wendigo) Kristian Nairn - Hodor Ron Perlman - Clay Morrow, (plus custom made Hellboy) Dave Prowse - Darth Vader
  14. Hey, we have a song. Does Milton bloody Keynes have a song?
  15. I have never been so insulted as I am by the horrific treatment of Northampton in this thread.
  16. Instead of guessing who it is, we should start guessing who will be most disappointed this evening. My money's on the Kevin Bacon fans.
  17. Well, at first i had the same doubts. But looking at the guy's filmography now, i think it's a real possibility he would get this pre-announcement hype. He's mostly known as the face of Jigsaw, but he's been in so many other things that he can really be considered as a big guest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobin_Bell Also Saw is the most successful horror franchise of all time (if you ignore pesky things like inflation).
  18. Perhaps some kind of potato-related childhood trauma?
  19. There's a hidden fury behind that smiley face. The man's clearly fuming at all this potato chicanery.
  20. Things Too Tall hates: 1. Running 2. Potatoes
  21. Legend has it that Billy the Kid had large wrists and small hands, meaning he could escape any handcuffs. That would be useful.
  22. Hmm, so the guest has a Grandmother - good clue QS!
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