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Everything posted by ladymerryweather

  1. I guess it is somewhat disappointing when a guest says no photos at all (including those that are not posed) but then again I think I'd get pretty damn sick of cameras flashing in my face all the time. It makes sense, especially for those guests that may be more introverted or simply dislike having their picture taken all the time.
  2. Yes! I'm a massive GoT fan and really appreciate being able to meet all these amazing actors.
  3. When I went in for my autograph with Peter (pretty late in the day, around 4pm I think) the security warned us beforehand that he wouldn't be shaking hands as he had cramp and wanted to make sure he got through everyone's autographs. I don't know if that's the same issue security had in your case.
  4. I think it depends on the guest really, as David has said. Those that are perhaps less talkative when signing can be great at posing in photoshoots and vice versa. As it stands, I think I slightly prefer autographs and generally that experience tends to be more personal but then again, it depends on the guest and how busy that guest is whilst signing.
  5. David has been incredibly helpful for us newbies especially I think. Incredibly patient too, answering the same questions about 1000 times it would seem.
  6. In terms of the queue, admittedly I only went on Sunday, from what I could see the prepaid queue was moving far faster than the pay on the day queue, despite the former being a much longer queue. I expect this is usually the case? ...I only have positive feedback, so I'll just say that I couldn't have had a better day and the two people that went with me completely agree. We're now planning our next convention and intend to make it a yearly thing at least.
  7. Oh, bless him. He seems like such a lovely, genuine guy. Was a lot of fun in the photoshoot as well, pulling faces and poses and stuff. Re: Dinklage, I agree, but when I met him he seemed pretty tired and his hand had actually started cramping due to him signing so many autographs. I think that's maybe the problem for the more popular guests - it must be difficult to be consistently friendly.
  8. My three favourites were probably Norman Reedus, Finn Jones and Peter Kent. As I've already said on another thread, Reedus has to be the nicest and most laid back guy on the planet, giving everybody hugs and generally being very friendly. Finn Jones said he'd eaten too much chocolate at lunch and was hyperactive as a result, so he was a lot of fun to talk to, having photos taken with people if they wanted to and just generally being very pleasant. Peter Kent I never actually got to meet as I ran out of money but he was brilliant in the Terminator talk. Loved hearing his stories.
  9. I only went on the Sunday, but I thought the organisation was great and I didn't have any problems at all, which I would think is reasonably rare in an event of this size. The crew were very friendly as well, which was a relief as I'm new to all this and was pretty nervous about asking questions. Thanks guys!
  10. As much as I love Daryl and the Walking Dead, I never would have called myself a Reedus fangirl particularly, but my gosh is he lovely. He'd obviously signed hundreds if not thousands of autographs by the time I met him (only went on the Sunday) and yet still managed to be very chatty and warm towards everybody in the queue including myself. In fact, looking back at it, he was probably my favourite guest.
  11. Going with two of my friends on Sunday but I intend to attend future cons alone once I've got my footing a bit as this is my first time. (:
  12. Sorry if this is a stupid question but how long do photoshoots go on for? I have a ticket for the Dinklage/Headey double shoot but I also have a ticket for the Walking Dead talk and I'm presuming I can just go straight from the talk to the shoot and I'll be fine? (also, many thanks for putting this up, I'm far too excited to organise my day into a pretty spreadsheet)
  13. I'm so excited, I've had to stop myself from rewatching Game of Thrones this week to keep my nerves/excitement in check.
  14. I am ridiculously excited for everything, but I have to say I think the prop photo opportunities are a really good idea. Particularly for more casual visitors - my friends who are coming with me for example, only have a very small budget but they can easily afford to get a photo with the iron throne which I think makes it a lot more exciting for them especially, as they're only seeing one or two guests. That's not really a suggestion though, more of a comment. I also look forward to talks and panels and stuff, I think it's good particularly for the busier guests that won't be able to talk much when signing as you actually get to hear them talk about their characters etc.
  15. People are more likely to come onto the forum to complain I think. I'm willing to bet the majority of those same people are ridiculously excited at the same time, they're just less likely to make a point of saying it. Anyway, I can't wait. Very nervous, but so excited, and I couldn't be more grateful to Showmasters for organising an event that looks to be so so awesome. I'm still a worrier, but I'm trying not to think about those worries.
  16. Peter Dinklage Lena Headey Norman Reedus Finn Jones Kristian Nairn Catrin Stewart If I have the time/money: Jason Momoa Richard Dormer Sarah Wayne Callies Clive Russell
  17. Is it common for talks to sell out? I may not be able to book tickets for the walking dead talk until tomorrow and I'm worrying.
  18. My bus gets into London at a quarter to seven, so probably about half seven? This is my first con so I've no idea what time is suitable, that's just based on the bus timetable. (First post as well, hi everyone!)
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