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3 pages of RUBBISH


yes i did clean up craigs thred as 2 or 3 of you just laid into him which is well out of order


some of you were worst than others but you all feed of each other and i had to clean up the hole thread


guess what i going to clear and deleat this thread latter as its just the same as the last event we ran, you guys just go on about how bad some of the guests are and its a big wast of every ones time


if you do not like the show do not come ok if you do not like it on here do not come on here ok


there is lots of people that may want to see this guest just becouse you do not, so stop bullying and pushing your points all the time


there is freedem of speach but if you cannot be nice polite and control you selfs i will talk away the freedum you all have


and yesindeed you and i have meet pleaes do not get caught up in this again, you are a nice guy but you are not helping the event the fans or your self buy coming on here and feeding some of the people on here


i am not going to let this fourm go the way it did last events so just stop all this sillyness



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hey, atleast i stopped when it slightly stopped being funny :thumbup:


i don't think you should delete the post though, as this is what the main discussion (for want of a better word) started as


its not a terrible guest announcement, its just unexpected and i think thats what threw a lot of people



p.s. i still hate it when you say "if you don't like it don't come"



if you don't like it come anyway and buy christmas presents and talk to other fans

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  • Showmasters Admin

ok but i should not have to keep comming on here and having to clean up unpleasent posts about guest the guest do come on here you know


i am not saying this to you "yesindeed" but to every one involved its just not nice


well i only say "if you don't like it don't come" because some people go on about how bad the guests are etc so if they are that bad i think they should not come as they will not enjoy the event


in the end it wast my time and everyone else by coming on here and going on i could be getting more guest rather than having to come on here and keep an eye on this stuff so how about every give us all a brake and stop this



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Well said :thumbup:. I keep out of all this stuff abouts guests that people dont like normaly. But as of late its getting stupid with people moning. I thought the Glasgow thread wouldn't have to much of this but i was wrong. Not everyone goes for guests. As yesindeed said it also about dealers and buy nice goodies, and meeting nice fellow attendees :D

I bet everyone that goes will have a great time. I know i will.

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I saw this thread and thought 'ooh yay!' and was all set for some chat about the guests. Now I'm at the end of the thread and I'm sitting here all sad and disheartened.


Even if the guest lineup isn't fantastic (and in fact I'm pretty happy with it as it stands), shouldn't we be trying to make the best of it, have a great time, and show SM that it's totally worth putting on shows in Glasgow because we're a lovely bunch of people in Scotland who will loyally attend?


Sometimes some of the posts make me think that if I was in SM's position, I'd just think 'Well screw em then', and I don't want that to happen!


To end on a positive note, I'm all super excited about Glasgow still:D Friends and stalls and signings and pirate ships yaaaaaaaay!

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