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Latest guest announcement - Rainbow Sun Francks


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*runs in, screeches to a hault*




(sorry im very hyper about something else at the mo so this has increased the hyperness level big time!!!!!!)


RAINBOW ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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starts looking for a good cast shot



good luck finding a cast shot of s1 and s2 together so everyone is in or even a s1 cast shot with everyone in it... though there's a decent one from s1 with them all - as in Carson included - standing on the steps :rolleyes: try ebay perhaps?


surfy sah xx

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Hey There Y'all,


Can you get some Lord of The Rings people please? The last collectomania was a bit disappointing, only one from LOTR!! and he wasn't even a significant member, can you try to sweet talk Elijah Wood or Dominic Monauguhoo.... you know he's the one in Lost.


Hmmm, what do you say?




Captain Chummley Warner.

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Hey There Y'all,


    Can you get some Lord of The Rings people please? The last collectomania was a bit disappointing, only one from LOTR!! and he wasn't even a significant member, can you try to sweet talk Elijah Wood or Dominic Monauguhoo.... you know he's the one in Lost.


Hmmm, what do you say?




Captain Chummley Warner.



SORRY But, This is a topic about Rainbow! guest suggestions have their own area!


Yay Rainbow Sun Francks and i have a Ford bear oh i just cant wait!


This dude rocks i so want to meet him again saw him at london film and comic con round about this time last year! yayayayayayayay


Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow, Rainbow.


Love and bear hugs to all Mo

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