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About Jola

  • Birthday 01/18/1971

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Special Effects Co-ordinator

Special Effects Co-ordinator (20/23)



  1. Ahhh I met him back in the days when he played for Palace and was a part of of the Bright/Wright duo. Nice guy :)
  2. Ok, I'm very tired so apologies if my question seems silly, but....... I understand the YALC ticket grants early permissions for the ticket holders into the YALC section but would they then need an actual entry ticket to LFCC on top? That's not quite clear to me. Or does the YALC ticket double up as an entry ticket for LFCC as well? Trying to work out costings as I have my not so Mini-Me badgering me........ Also as I'm coming with her, if I only have an LFCC ticket would that then mean I won't be allowed in the section with her (as she's 14) because I don't have a YALC ticket. Would the YALC ticket allow her access to the LFCC part of the show? I'm going to get this confirmed when the office opens, but seeing the YALC ticket "section" is specifically mentioned it's my understanding she'll need a LFACC tpic on top if she wants to do both sections and be at the YALC from the very beginning. Any LFACC ticket holders can cross over to YALC after 11 AM, that's confirmed. Yeah and that's why I'm querying it as I think it's a lot of money to pay other wise if that's the case. It's all about the books for her but she also wants to get in early!
  3. Ok, I'm very tired so apologies if my question seems silly, but....... I understand the YALC ticket grants early permissions for the ticket holders into the YALC section but would they then need an actual entry ticket to LFCC on top? That's not quite clear to me. Or does the YALC ticket double up as an entry ticket for LFCC as well? Trying to work out costings as I have my not so Mini-Me badgering me........ Also as I'm coming with her, if I only have an LFCC ticket would that then mean I won't be allowed in the section with her (as she's 14) because I don't have a YALC ticket. Would the YALC ticket allow her access to the LFCC part of the show?
  4. Well that's just made my Not-so-mini-me a very happy teen! I'm just thinking she might need a couple of suitcases for the next one, she struggled with all the books in her rucksack
  5. Are there plans to do another YALC over the weekend of LFCC again?
  6. And again I now have my not so Mini-Me jumping around like an excited jumping bean!
  7. My "Not so Mini Me" has updated her blog with her experiences of Saturday. Some of you know her, and some got to meet her at the weekend. I'd love it, as would she, if you could take a moment to visit her FB page/Blog and have a read, comment or like her page please :) You'll find it all on https://www.facebook.com/thebooksbandit
  8. Can I just say on behalf of my "Not so Mini Me" that this was a totally awesome feature of LFCC and in her words, the best thing ever! Huge congratulations to Malorie Blackman and of course Gemma for organising this all - I know I spoke to many a happy blogger and YA book fan. So.... question is - when's the next one?
  9. Surprised these are still available - but YAY! :) Just ordered one for my other half as it's his birthday treat! Couldn't afford to stretch to a photo shoot for me & the Mini-Me though though
  10. Every day my daughter keeps telling me to check the forums for author announcements........
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