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Weapons Policy!

Combat Gerbil

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Basically ...what is the weapons policy for C8?

As there are various groups ie: Matrix costuming where Guns are in some cases almost a nessecity...What is the policy regarding replica firearms within the event.

As Agent Smith I have carried a replica Desert Eagle at events before including previous Collectormanias with no problems thus far. That said most events are in seperate Venues ie: LFCC in Earls Court so we are in an enclosed area away from the main general public. Whereas of course Collectormania is in a public shopping center.

Any guidlines would be appreciated.

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Could you replace the guns with bananas. It would inject some humour though not be true to the costume. I mean sure some of us will know what you're upto but like you said we're in a shopping centre and I don't think other people will be quite as understanding especillay in view of events of the last 3 months.

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or pretend you are invisible and bring a real gun...no, thats not right.

Pretend you are invisible and dont go...no, wrong again.

Imagine you are invisible, dont bother with a costume, and bring a banana...









and pretend to shoot people with it, then joke about it not being loaded. Amazing.

You could be going as Emma (banana) :lol: PEEL from the Avengers........ :blush:

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if you've never had problems before you could try.


HOWEVER you are already aware that this is in a shopping centre and that some people may mistake it for a real weapon in which case the police may be called. although you are wearing a costume in which case they may not.



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All very amusing peeps...but this is supposed to be a serious question. Other events have clear cut guidelines and I am looking for any guidlines here for the safety of both the public and the costumers.


It is an offence to carry replica firearms in public so I would have thought that the Centre's policy (which must surely dictate Showmasters' policy) would be no replica firearms allowed...

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I think that Crostini is pretty much right.


It's a shopping centre so the policy of SM is pretty much a mute point. It's a public place, so I guess you have to decide if you're happy to explain yourself to the police if they should be called.


I know Mich has been hunted by the police including a police helicopter for posing in a car park as Lara, and someone thought her guns were real.


But saying this with it being an event with costumes. I'd guess most people will realise they're only props. As you say, you've had no problems in the past at collectormanias.

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I think that Crostini is pretty much right.

Thank you. i was just saying that it may be an idea to either Email SM but you may not get a reply and they might not know. OR contact the MK centre and ask what there policies are. but you have said you've had no problems before and


Stormtroopers have had replica guns before havent they and they didnt get stopped. so maybe your be ok with it.

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I think that Crostini is pretty much right.

Thank you. i was just saying that it may be an idea to either Email SM but you may not get a reply and they might not know. OR contact the MK centre and ask what there policies are. but you have said you've had no problems before and


Stormtroopers have had replica guns before havent they and they didnt get stopped. so maybe your be ok with it.



Thanks for your thoughts..I may look into contacting the local authorities regarding this ..cheers..

As for the stormies...they're kinda obviously in costume...However...Myself as Agent Smith, could to the unitiniated just look like a guy in a suit with a shooter or Security gone mad..etc..

And yeah..Too Tall I know of Poor Mich's incident...Swat Team and everything called out..


And Jandel..It is an offence to carry replica firearms in public "without good reason" ie: photoshoot/film shoot convention etc. Therefore use within a convention is usually acceptable under current law. Which is why I am looking for some sort of guidance. If it is policy for no replica weapons..other than sci-fi where the costume/weapon is obviously not real then I shall of course abide by that rule..

Saying that I was relieved of my sword at LFCC1 which was obviously very blunt (re-enactment weapon) and inside it's scabbard, when I could have bought a somewhat sharper sword from a stall just inside the entrance. Which didn't make much sense to me.

Anyway I digress... I was just looking for guidance.

Cheers all....and I'll see y'all there anyway. :firedevil:

Edited by Combat Gerbil
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OK seriously I think you have to take into consideration recent events. I have the greatest respect for the police and I hope the following comment isn't taken the wrong way. Today the family of the man who was from South America who was shot by police are visiting the scene of the shooting. Also a man was shot for carrying a chair/table leg in the past 2 years because it was thought to be a firearm.


I'd consult with the shopping centre as it will be their rules that prevail over all events that occur in their premises.

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And Jandel..It is an offence to carry replica firearms in public "without good reason" ie: photoshoot/film shoot convention etc. Therefore use within a convention is usually acceptable under current law.

I accept your interpretation of reaqsonable excuse, but in my opinion 'convention' has been tagged on the end a little.

There were concerns that with the wording it could result in actors being arrested, but I find including conventions to be pushing the interpretation to the limit *if* it was a convention in an exhibition hall rather than a public shopping centre!

I honestly can't imagine MK Shopping Centre being happy with people carrying replica firearms at this event, but do appreciate you are doing the right think by asking for guidance AND bringing it to other people's attention.

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And Jandel..It is an offence to carry replica firearms in public "without good reason" ie: photoshoot/film shoot convention etc. Therefore use within a convention is usually acceptable under current law.

I accept your interpretation of reaqsonable excuse, but in my opinion 'convention' has been tagged on the end a little.

There were concerns that with the wording it could result in actors being arrested, but I find including conventions to be pushing the interpretation to the limit *if* it was a convention in an exhibition hall rather than a public shopping centre!

I honestly can't imagine MK Shopping Centre being happy with people carrying replica firearms at this event, but do appreciate you are doing the right think by asking for guidance AND bringing it to other people's attention.


I concur, I shall be looking into contacting the Local authorities/center management regarding this..and If I get any information I shall post it here.

Thanks for your comments people.

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Great thread CG.......and well needed I feel.....

I think your best bet is to contact the local authorities etc.,...

My incident happened BEFORE all the firearm disputes came into effect, and I was trying to be as descreet as possible, so baring that in mind, it STILL happens, especially when Jo public are involved.....

Please keep us all informed as to where we stand on this one.... :(

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Enough of the funnies...


Playing devils advocate now as some interesting points have been raised...not necessarily my opinion but...


Is it morally right to walk around a shopping centre wearing a suit whilst carrying a replica gun? Bearing in mind children and, unfortunately, impressionable adults will be 'impressed'? Some will have no idea what is going on remember, or will be too young to understand; a person carying a realistic gun is a strong image.

Would it be wise to limit your appearances to pay on entry conventions to avoid any misunderstandings?


Also, bear in mind that if replica guns are 'allowed', what is to stop someone carrying a real one? Who would know until the inevitable?


As, i think it was Feralmoggy said, unfortunately people (sane or not, resentful, jealous, angry, vengeful) carry guns and shoot people, now more than ever. Will you be seen (by some) to encourage this?


I understand why people dress up for these occasions, and it can be a lot of fun.

Should replica guns (cos average joe public wont know the diff between real or fake) be accepted in a public place?

Again, i am not voicing my opinion, just playing devils advocate to see what everyone thinks...

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Combat Gerbil,


Im glad you brought this topic up, as I was gonna ask it myself, but nearer to CM9 (when my costume will be done) as Im doing a Punisher costume.


I plan to have a few guns on me, and as it will be my first time costuming at a convention, i dont want to get arrested or something.


also, im still finishing up my Starship Troopers costume, which consists of a very large rifle, so i hope to find out what the laws/policies are for replica firearm carrying costumers.

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And Jandel..It is an offence to carry replica firearms in public "without good reason" ie: photoshoot/film shoot convention etc. Therefore use within a convention is usually acceptable under current law.

I accept your interpretation of reaqsonable excuse, but in my opinion 'convention' has been tagged on the end a little.

There were concerns that with the wording it could result in actors being arrested, but I find including conventions to be pushing the interpretation to the limit *if* it was a convention in an exhibition hall rather than a public shopping centre!

I honestly can't imagine MK Shopping Centre being happy with people carrying replica firearms at this event, but do appreciate you are doing the right think by asking for guidance AND bringing it to other people's attention.


I concur, I shall be looking into contacting the Local authorities/center management regarding this..and If I get any information I shall post it here.

Thanks for your comments people.


I'd be tempted to go beyond asking the centre management and consider getting some legal advice (perhaps from your local CAB) or the MK police - the policies of the shopping centre will also be rather moot if a member of the general public calls the police in. Yes, I can see the legal exemption for a convention behind closed doors where the entire audience are presumed to be "in" on the act, and de facto consent has been given. And yes, I can see the exemption for something like a film shoot where it's necessary for the film. But if you get nicked and end up in front of a magistrate's bench, they may well decide that the primary purpose of Collectormania was the meeting of personalities and the obtaining of autographs, along with the business conducted by the dealers; your presence could therefore be deemed peripheral, and non-essential, and hence your carrying of a replica firearm found not to be "with good reason". At that point, "the centre manager said it would be OK" won't wash. To be honest, given the possible scenarios, I would be extremely surprised if the centre management say it is OK, given the fact that they could then land themselves in the brown sticky stuff...

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I took a Machette to MK when Kane Hodder was going to be there. I went to my local Police station and asked them, then I phoned MK Police. They said there shouldn't be a problem, just announce to the Police at the MK Center when I got there why I was carrying it.


Best advice I can give is to contact MK Police. They were very helpfull when I contacted them.

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Right, so we have a buinch of guys in white Stormtrooper getup wielding blasters, and this is the same 'risk' as a guy dressed up as a Secret Service guy with the shades etc?


In a public shopping centre, within months of massive bombs in public places. Stormtroopers most fols, even the chavs of MK would know THEIR guns won't fire.. but a guy dressed up as a secret service guy?


Oh and putting bits of red rubber on the end WON'T help the situation. How many times do we get the news of guys getting blasted by cops because the police weren't aware the target had replica firearms, probably with red rubber on the end....


There is SOME logic as to why they want replica weapons banned. Not every guy can see red rubber up a gun barrel, especially if it's raised toward him at speed.

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Weapons are bad.


If you are concerned, do not carry anything vaguely dangerous looking. UK Garrison get away with it because stormtroopers are lousy shots and therefore do not pose much of a risk. If you are carrying bows/arrows, swords and replica guns you must be prepared for someone official telling you that it is a bad thing with various sanctions.


There was a group of StarGate fans at C6 who came in full replica kit, but apart from the Go'auld replicas, they just had empty holsters. Aside from being a good laugh, they had the right idea.



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