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Regarding William Shatner


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Ok, where do I go on this?

Firstly I have to say I'm glad I wasn't crewing the Shatner - I had a nice cushy job taking photos of people with Tricia Helfer yesterday (apologies btw if any of them didnt come out, I did my best!). As crew we do basically as we're told, so if you have a problem with us it's usually not our fault but the fault of someone higher up (yes I know there are still bad apples in the basket but I hate generalisations). Personally I managed to get Shatnered yesterday and I managed to get a smile and a thank you out of him. Someone today actually got a joke out of him apparently. So my view is that if he'd been able to he may have been a little more pleasant. Note the "been able to" bit - I personally blame the JCB for the meat market production line that was going on, though I guess we'll never know.

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I've been reading these posts, and felt I have to make a comment (you can all beat with sticks with after :huh: )


Firstly I can understand that a lot of people will be disappointed at not getting the personal time with Mr Shatner. You like the polite hello and goodbye, thanks for coming. But I do understand why everyone was rushed through. On no fault of Mr Shatners or Showmasters. I was not at this event *cry* due to personal reasons,so my comments are based on posts I have read.


I beleive Mr Shatners flight was delayed, so he would have been late in arriving, instead of upsetting fans who have travelled afar to meet him. So the queue was rushed. The poor man would have jet-lagged, probably not had time to freshen up before coming to the MK Centre.


Also Mr Shatner will be used to the American signing events, where you get double/or even triple amount of attendees, so you get rushed through, as the organisers don't want to turn away anyone. As you can imagine, if you turned up, got a VQ ticket and find out you can't get an auto, the James Marster/Alexis Denisoff experience springs to mind last time, people were very angry, and if meory serves correct a crew member was threated by an attendee, bu my memory is not the best, could be thinking about something else.


Regarding JCB, she does need to tone down her aggresiveness and be more friendly to the attendees. I personally have had no problems with her,but I have seen what she can do.


I just wish I was a s lucky as those who have met the man, I have loved his work for years, but due to personal reasons I could not make it and will probably never get to meet the man.


As for Sm not getting bigger names, why! I've never had a problem meeting the bigger names guests, all have been complete sweethearts.


I'm sure SM are aware of all the posts and comments that are made on here.


I'm sorry if I have offended or upset anyone, this is not my intention.


Like I said you can all beat with mesticks now :D

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Personally I was really happy with my William Shatner experience.


I was aware of his rep as far as other signings, so wasn't expecting anything. He looked at me and my friend that I was with and said "Alriiiight!".


I was dead chuffed with that. :D (Maybe I'm just easily pleased)


Also having spoken to JCB previously, she was really nice and a pleasure to chat to.

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I wasnt there this morning so I have no idea how it went today, but yesterday I saw Mr Shatner being moved at least 3 times, because he complained about the sun in his eyes, too many 'other people' being able to see him and/or taking photos from other queues, and various other minor complaints. I also heard a rumour that his fee for this event was £100,000 which meant that he pretty much HAD TO get through people as fast as possible in order to make SM their fee back. I highly doubt they managed it. I didnt bother meeting him after seeing how fans were treated.


As for JCB, after every event she's managed to ruin the experience for countless fans. She was a complete bitch to fans meeting James Masters, Anthony Stuart Head, Alan Cumming and others that I forget now, and yet SM still allow her to taint the experience. I realise that they want the stars, but surely they can say that the manager must stay back and not interfere in the actual signing event?

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I arrived at around 8:40am yesterday and raced to the queue but instead of getting a ticket I just joined the queue.


After awhile the queue started to move and I could see the Shatner signing items and looking up at people so grabbed a quick photo then put my camera away.

When I got to the the front I had my photo taken from me by JCB who slid it over to Shatner who signed it but at the same time looked up and said "Good to See you, Thanks for Coming" :D


Now I know this address from him was probaley aimed at more people than just me but after everything I have heard in the past about him not even looking up at people this was a shock and a very welcome suprise. I left his queue with a smile on my face and something I have wanted for some time now, a signed in person photo of Captain Kirk.


I am just sorry that this wasent the same experience for everyone else.

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As for JCB, after every event she's managed to ruin the experience for countless fans. She was a complete bitch to fans meeting James Masters, Anthony Stuart Head, Alan Cumming and others that I forget now, and yet SM still allow her to taint the experience. I realise that they want the stars, but surely they can say that the manager must stay back and not interfere in the actual signing event?


Given that she seems to be a major source of complaints after most events, and given that SM would probably rather not irritate numerous of their customers, then I'm afraid the answer seems to be "No".

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got there at 10 on friday to find all the tickets gone

but got to see him on sunday well worth it in my view

bet his hand was aching by the end of the signing never seen

a queue move that fast it was like a production line.

shame no photos were allowed

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I feel sorry for Shatner as he must have been pretty exhausted after the flight and then all the signings.

However Collectormania is where you come and meet the guests. It doesn't take too many seconds to give a quick nod or smile to a fan. I have read the thread and there is an argument over the price; some say that £25 is very reasonable considering who is is. And yes that is probably true, but it is still a fee for a job - to meet and sign autos for your fans (the good manners is just a bonus).

I know I am not saying anything new, but I just wanted to have my say.

Edited by ukinvestigator
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I went along on Saturday fully expecting not to be able to see Shatner as I was anticipating a solid queue all day - as it was, I just walked right up and joined the end of the (rather small) queue when I first arrived. Of course, it was only upon being herded through by some rather rude and shouty crew that I realised why it was so quiet - obviously other peeps had decided to take their money elsewhere and I began to wish I'd done the same. Shatner himself was fine and I even got a mumbled "hello" but I did not appreciate JCB's attitude - she needs to realise that it's the guest that's supposed to be the centre of attention, not her.

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Well, this was the first sci-fi event I've ever been to (apart from some comicons in the 80s - not really the same sort of thing) and really didn't have a clue what to expect. I only went along to see William Shatner as he was a boyhood hero of mine and I still get a kick out of watching 60s Star Trek. Before I went I made a promise that if his autograph was going to cost more than £10 I wouldn't buy one - sorry, I had no idea on how much autographs cost before I went... I do now!!! However, when I got there I happily paid my £25 because, after all, this was probably my one and only opportunity to get a signed photo of who, to me, is one of the biggest stars in the world (sorry, a bit gushing there... but it's true!). I drove up to MK at 5 in the morning, queued up outside, got my VT, snooped around the shopping centre (wow, it's bloody big compared to what we have here in Bournemouth!) and then queued up again when my ticket number came up. Shatner looked like he'd been on the **** all night long and was very very red in the face, looked very pudgy and knackered... still, I congratulated him on his second Emmy and he said "Why, thank you very much" and then signed my photo (and it was great to get a choice of different pics). The people in front of me didn't even acknowledge his presence and simply snapped up their pics with not even a word of thanks or even a hello - if people are going to ignore the guests, then is it any surprise the guests ignore them?

However, I do agree about this JCB woman? Who the hell is she? I thought she must have been part of Shatner's management, but is she connected with SM instead? There is absolutely NO excuse for her rudeness. She actually shriekded at a couple of boys who were sneaking a mobile camera pic of Shatner after having had their pics signed... she was screaming for security to "get them"... absolutely outrageous and over the top behaviour. I cannot believe that she is employed in a professional capacity and, if she is, god knows how she keeps her job. Thankfully, it's very rare to come across someone so thoroughly nasty and officious.

Apart from JCB, though, I had a great time. I've got my autograph of my boyhood hero, it's going to be put in a frame and hung in my office at home, and I'm as happy as larry. I completely understand the need to get people through the turnstiles as quickly as possible - it's a money making event after all - but do feel it could have been handled differently without the shouting and snatching and general nastiness of JCB.

The merchandise on offer was a bit dissapointing and not very extensive, but then I didn't really come for that. I'm just glad someone is putting on these kind of shows and that I got to meet Shatner. I'll attend other shows if they manage to snag Nimoy, Tom Baker or others I'm sure.

All in all, a top day out - and I didn't even have to pay an admission fee!!!

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I feel that I also must be in the minority.

Arrived in MK at almost 11am, Sunday, and didn't expect to be able to meet WS, and if I did would be well into the afternoon, Imagine my surprise when I found that it was an open queue.

Since their was a sign saying no photo's I had already put my camera away, although there were guards walking round with whips so that they could beat us slaves, I respected Showmasters request, as there is always another opportunity.

As I have said I actually enjoyed meeting my childhood hero, we had a very quick verbal exchange, the words from WS being "how are are you", I am fine" and thank you very much", I said it was short, and after offering my hand he shook it.

Like I also said there is always an opportunity for a photo, mine came shortly after meeting WS, I was standing just outside JLP when he left for a short break and managed to get a great photo of him as he turned the corner towards the creche, obviously the goons decided not to beat me to death in front of Darth Vader and his storm troopers. :huh:

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I do wonder if someone read this forum Friday night and had a word in his or JCB's ear, as it seems that those who attended on the weekend seemed to get a slightly better response from the man.


If this was the case then at least our issues from Friday may have helped some people anyway. :headscratch:

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I do wonder if someone read this forum Friday night and had a word in his or JCB's ear, as it seems that those who attended on the weekend seemed to get a slightly better response from the man.


If this was the case then at least our issues from Friday may have helped some people anyway. :P


i doubt it ... more like julie was in a better mood :P:P

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got there at 10 on friday to find all the tickets gone

but got to see him on sunday well worth it in my view

bet his hand was aching by the end of the signing never seen

a queue move that fast it was like a production line.

shame no photos were allowed



weird... i got there at 10.30 on friday got ticket 380 ish but actually got to meet him at 3.30 on an open queue so you really shouldn't have had a problem

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got there at 10 on friday to find all the tickets gone

but got to see him on sunday well worth it in my view

bet his hand was aching by the end of the signing never seen

a queue move that fast it was like a production line.

shame no photos were allowed



weird... i got there at 10.30 on friday got ticket 380 ish but actually got to meet him at 3.30 on an open queue so you really shouldn't have had a problem



I didn't get there until about 1:30 on Friday and got ticket 563 or something I think, under 600 anyway. Had a look around a bit then walked straight through and there was hardly anyone else there. Didn't think I'd stand a chance but there wasn't a problem at all - in fact with the number of announcements they were making, it seemed like they were getting desperate for people to go along.

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