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Everything posted by PrincessDrusilla

  1. Argh I've 2 photos at the same time (Connor and Michael) on the Saturday, and Shatner's talk over both of them! Oh and another photo session right after the talk ends. Gonna be interesting... Lol. Was thinking that it's the first time I've had a clash in the 7 or so years I've been going to cons, and it's an epic one! #karma :-P
  2. I think it's fair to allow people to comment on tickets that for many of them is a particularly high expense, and as long as it's not too repetitive and is polite, that should be respected. For some, the included autos could save them additional auto costs but if that doesn't work out, it can be a little frustrating (even if it's no one's fault) and can mean more expense at the convention. I'm sure that in the end, we'll all have a great time, but still need the odd query/moan in the meantime :-)
  3. Maybe us Golds should have bought Silver! If the Silver ticket holders get better selection than the Golds, that will likely cause a lot of moans/complaints! Oh well...
  4. I guess the organisers have to assume that everyone going are avid Star Trek fans and therefore all want the autographs. I certainly want my own and wouldn't want to share it, even with family. Just not the same! That's just my view anyway :-)
  5. I was hoping for Chase instead of Bobby or Eddie (I appreciate but don't love TOS) but otherwise Daniel, Carolyn, Manu and Gwynyth aren't bad - Manu has even tweeted me, which makes meeting him even better :-) I never expected to get any of the main cast anyway and still think the priority seating etc and the convenience of an inclusive ticket, makes it worth buying. Also sometimes meeting actors you weren't planning to can often turn out to be the best experiences :-)
  6. I go to conventions a lot and meet up with my friends at them, but we rarely have the same talks etc even when we've hand picked them (different interests etc) but it hasn't ruined the event for any of us but just means we each have different stories to share and enjoy. I understand that for some, the idea is to go to all the talks etc together, but it will still be an amazing event and you'll get the chance to meet so many other people that I'm sure it'll work out better than you expect. :-)
  7. Booked 12 photos, plus Gold ticket and have loads of autos to get, but have bills due out in November and 2 nights in a hotel for another trip, so bracing for financial impact lol. Glad some people are excited on here - I joined the FB group and people were moaning so much, I gave up! Hasn't sunk in yet that I'll be meeting Patrick Stewart! I'll not sleep the night before!! :-)
  8. I think we need to focus on the positive now, as there will always be something each of us would prefer or wish for, and we can't have everything or please everyone. It's too close to the event for major changes to it, so just sit back and enjoy the build up! :-)
  9. Not sure my funds can take any more guest announcements, so almost hoping this is it now, BUT if Levar or any other major guests were added, well I wouldn't be upset lol
  10. As far I as I can tell, Fri and Mon will still have DLR through to Excel, but if you're travelling over the weekend, you might be best getting the replacement buses as the cable car website states that passengers with luggage may not be allowed on...
  11. Anyone going from Wiltshire area? Would be good to meet some local Trekkies! :-)
  12. The costs just keep building! I hadn't even thought of the pics!! Will be hitting Google this evening!
  13. I think the Gowron/Martok double shoot will be cool and they were key characters in DS9 even if they weren't main ones, but I can certainly see the frustration in not so far having a double shoot with Kira/Odo, but with such a large event, I can imagine scheduling even just one extra shoot, could be tricky. No event will be perfect for everyone. sadly.
  14. Really happy about this!! I didn't like my photo with him at LFCC (I looked confused LOL) so I've just booked another photo with him. Oh and he's awesome! :-D
  15. In fact, I think you'll find that we're all murderers on this forum...
  16. Dominic and Connor, and Nana and Rene, will be my faves, oh and John De Lancie... Hmm also Marc (not sure where 'Mike' came from lol) and the list goes on!
  17. Nerves are fine! I've been calm with some guests then the total opposite with others - it's all part of it, I think. I've been going to cons for years but this year I met gates McFadden and had a question prepared, but bizarrely when I got to her, I went completely mute!!! I just smiled and stared at her while she signed the photo. The next day I went back, bought another auto, and told her I wanted to try again lol. She was lovely!! To sum up, don't worry, and just go with the flow :-)
  18. I just want to walk on the bridge, not actually have the pic... Would feel way too awkward posing on it!
  19. So a long shot, I realise but I would adore Whoopi Goldberg to be there!!!! She's awesome and was so great on TNG :-) Also Greg Ellis would be cool, he was in DS9 and the 2009 movie, so would appeal to a lot of fans, I think, plus he's really approachable and interacts with his fans on FB a lot.
  20. Aron Eisenberg - DS9 and Anthony Montgomery - Enterprise, at Collectormania 11. Both we're really friendly and would like to meet both again :-)
  21. Yeah it is frustrating that people complain so much, especially about the same issues that have been covered in other posts. Many of us don't have much spare cash and therefore have to save for the tickets we want, and then are happy to look forward to the event. I'm still saving for the hotel and photos etc, but just too excited to freak out over it lol. It makes me smile every day that I'm actually going to meet Patrick Stewart! Do I wish I had the VIP ticket? Of cause! Could the website have been clearer at the beginning? Maybe... But I'm still going to meet my idol! #perspective :-)
  22. I'm in love with Showmasters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG so frakkin happy!!!!!!!!!!!! I've actually decided to go to EMS now, because of this announcement!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! That is all... lol
  23. I would love to meet him!!!! Fingers crossed for an event!!
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