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Miss T

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Everything posted by Miss T

  1. pretty well except for those i'm in....could you not edit them and put someone in my place who doesn't look that hideous! erugh....
  2. nope you never even mentioned Sala's name to me the whole weekend! Luv ya too!
  3. Miss T

    I am dying

    feel like crap works a complete 'mare won't to go home to bed. throat is killing me and my voice hasen't got any better....just huskier....one of the guys at work is quite impressed actually!
  4. really? he said that?? :P did you get him to budget too? did he swear at you friends style? :P
  5. was with Theo when he met Carrie and she was very polite and friendly......
  6. well i shall be working all day tomorrow......bleugh! have fun everyone whos getting there early....see you at bowling
  7. are you going somewhere exciting?
  8. cool i'm not in it! Is very happy! *G* everyone else looks great though
  9. awwww {{hugs}} i'm sure that all of your hard work will be worth it in the end...and people like me will really appreciate it and have an absolutly wicked time at C6. Thanks!
  10. erm......i don't think i could possibly be of any assitance on this matter!
  11. Miss T

    must reads

    everything Douglas Coupland has ever written.
  12. was slightly concerned by the thread tittle.. now i'm slightly excited...is this wrong?
  13. i don't. was thinking just jeans and a t-shirt! i have no time for shopping....unless i pick something up at MK
  14. no bowling for me... but if you could arrange for me to have my own personal barman so i don't have any problems ever getting a drink that would be mostly appreciated
  15. i'll be there......well maybe unless i get any better offers
  16. nope. unless the guy who lives in the flat downstairs has taken them because he is a secret Billy boyd Fan girl!
  17. yup that watch is so pretty it should have it's own thread!
  18. i shall be there at some point when i eventually manage to leave work and travel up to MK no bowling but i will try to ensure that i manage to catch up on any drinking i miss
  19. If i recall correctly i was far to drunk in my first week at uni to be scared.....hmmm glad your having a great time hun!
  20. ahhh well at least we get to see the pretty pictures now *G*
  21. OMG you hugged John Taylor! hmmm you lucky girl. he soooo pretty.
  22. who do we need to petition to make it law for there to be more than enough boys in eyeliner and leather for us all to enjoy?
  23. even if i got run over by a bus and then someone set me on fire i would be expected to turn up for work on the Friday and Monday. so i don't really have a lot of choice in the matter sadly
  24. what? i hugged earlier what more do you want!
  25. sorry! but i've just spent the evening in a lesson on System and Project Managment *yawn* need some smut to recover! and what can i say pretty boys in eyeliner and leather have that effect on me!
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