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Everything posted by Emma_Adams

  1. i wish i had time to go meet him, as i really wanted to record him saying "indeed" XD that would have been the highlight of my day, but alas, i was unable to due to not having a spare moment XD if i ever meet him again, i must get him to do that lol
  2. Emma_Adams


    i would if i could, but alas, im not going to GMEX, its too far for me but make sure you get him good i tried using nail polish remover on my arms, but alas, it just went a weird blue colour @_@ so im stuck with a smiley face on one arm, and what he wrote on the other XD i think he really deserves a black sharpie mustache lol
  3. Emma_Adams


    You realise your pen won't come off right? I tried *everything* in the lab. It's now gone a funny grey colour. *pokes you* i had to go to college with it on my arms today XD mine has turned a rather dull blue colour XD i tried everything to get it off, but only made it fade a little XD Emma
  4. Emma_Adams

    Thanks from me

    hmm, green and purple XD they rather clash dont you think? Ryan, i had to go to college today with silver sharpie all over my arms it didnt come off, no matter how much i tried lol i did manage to fade it a bit though
  5. Michael Shanks gets my vote. I have been waiting for what seems like an eternity to meet him, and he was fabulous, i couldnt stop smiling XD i was quite nervous as i asked Roxy to take the pic, but alas, my camera had other ideas, and i ended up with a picture of her chin at first XD but eventually it behaved and i got a nice photo, but i was planning to get him to write a quote on there, but i forgot, but he was more than happy to see me again a moment later to write one on lol i have had a fantabulous day today and after i met him, i have been happy and hyper all day XD
  6. i met him today, but because he was only there for about an hour, he had to get through about 150 people, and it was HORRIBLY rushed, he barely looked up when i met him, as i am a little sad, but i understand as so many people wanted to meet him
  7. id like to thank Erica for making my day a fun one thanks <3
  8. there are toilets in John Lewis and Costa Coffee, as well as some next to door 9 or 13 *cant remember which one she came through yesterday*
  9. im leaving in about 10 minutes XD hope you have a great day :)
  10. lol she was ok, but i was a little scared when she came over often to me to tell me to be more acertive (sp?) and if the que went down, to yell for anyone that wanted to see michael shanks, and i was scared as im usually a very quiet person, and had no idea i could shout XD
  11. lol i was handing out the tickets for michael all day, and yes, it was so busy this morning, that there were many ques going all over the place XD you couldnt tell michaels que from chris' que XD and Jewels was mingled in there somewhere too XD
  12. ummm, james is opposite Costa Coffee Shop tomorrow XD same side as chris and michael, he got moved for tomorrow lol
  13. that sounds like a good plan XD i have to be there at 7:45 tomorrow, so ill be looking forward to my hot chocolate *a large one with cream and marshmallows*
  14. yesterday Helen Slater was also stuck in traffic on here way here from Heathrow, and naver arrived until 4pm, but it is not thier faults if there is much traffic
  15. i prefer a hot chocolate from Costa XD that makes everything better for me! or maybe a chocolate brownie from Lets Eat, they are also my favorites
  16. i was handing out the tickets for Michael today and i handed out about 130 in the first 15 minutes after we opened. most of those were people that had been waiting for a while *since about 8am*
  17. hmmm, i was an extra in the final concert of the film Just My Luck is sad to admit that it was a McFly concert XD *hangs head in shame*
  18. hmm, im thinking the heroes guests and shanks and judge will be on the NEXT side *facing NEXT* thats where i usually find the most popular guests, and plus, you get the best light over that side lol over the other side, its incredibly bright during the dy *if its not cloudy* not sure though XD
  19. where do we meet for earlies? the crew room? sorry, forgot to ask last post XD thanks Emma
  20. Sunday fortunately XD i dont think id be able to stand 6:45 on a saturday morning lol thanks for the info Emma
  21. since your talking about times and stuff, what time do people on the early shift have to be there and could i have some more info on early shifts as its my first time in earlies? I read the handbook, but couldnt find any info *or was i just overlooking it?* thanks Emma
  22. Nooooo XD it wont be right without you please come and visit me on the saturday or sunday *i got a yes*
  23. hmmm, ok, and thanks for the fast reply :)
  24. I guess im pretty slow, but im still a little confuzzed. I have read the whole topic and am still a little unsure of a few things. Do you send out the crew emails for things like another show/eclipse? and if so, are you more likely to get picked for working there if you have already brought a ticket and dont need accomadation? As i would love to crew at eclipse, but is it worth buying a ticket just so i can crew? Dont get me wrong, i am a HUGE heroes fan, but i am a lowly college student who gets £40 a week to spend on food and bus money, so £78 for a ticket to a con is alot to save up, but would be worth it if i could crew, but i wasnt chosen to crew it would be a huge letdown, so please clear a few things up for me thanks a bunch Emma xxxx
  25. oh noooo im in the back ground of the first 2 photos XD i really hate being in photos *should have ran away*
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