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Everything posted by Lambourne

  1. What would you name conventions based on these shows? CSI- Buffy/Angel- Battlestar Galactica - Highlander - Stargate - Spooks - Robin Hood - Smallville - Babylon 5 - Farscape - Dangerous Minds - Prison Break - Alias - Harry Potter - Life on Mars - 24 - And if you could rename these already announced cons: Heroes - Lost - Lord of the Rings - Feel free to add another show/film etc.
  2. 1.) Emilie De Ravin (Claire) 2.) Naven Andrews (Sayid) 3.) Evangeline Lilly (Kate) (Unlikely I know but no harm in dreaming) 4.) Michelle Rodriguez (Ana Lucia) (She never gets any love) 5.) Harold Perrineau (Michael)
  3. The freasher the better but I don't mind old guests coming again as long as it's not instead of new guests.
  4. YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I could cry right now, I really could. I want to shout but everyone in my house is in bed!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Henry is an awesome guest, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Cool, thanks a lot you're a big help!
  6. Ok, thanks a lot!!!!! A few questions though, is the way you meet the guests there the same as say CM or LFACC with the photos already provided, if the guest is busy then there will be VQ, Photos can be taken as well as personalisations if the guest permits etc. etc.
  7. Same goes for LOTR, Heroes or any other themed con. However there doesn't really seem to be a consistent theme here like the ones I mentioned.
  8. Got my Dom Saturday photo ticket this morning.
  9. Lambourne

    top 5

    1. Maggie Grace 2. Sam Anderson 3. Jorge Garcia 4. Ian Somerholder 5. Amber Benson
  10. I hope the fun will be there Maybe it's a hint, maybe Dominic is going to be there LOL.
  11. Just one Lost guest and I'll be there, so at the moment I'm not to interested at the line-up but that could easily change.
  12. I know that it's a long way off but my Dad and I were talking about going to this last year but we have decided to go this year so I was wondering when abouts news on guests etc. usually starts. Also please, please, please bring some Lost (*cough* Evi and Emilie *cough*) guests as last year one reason we didn't go was because Maggie and Sam cancelled (but they were at CM so it all worked out ok).
  13. I don't know if she would be to big a star to come but she would be my all time favourite guest and I would pay big bucks to meet her. PLEASE SHOWMASTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially as Dom is at LFACC, this is the perfect chance!
  14. I'm going for the two Lost guests Dom and William but if Hayden is there on the Saturday I will meet her also, as I like Heroes but love Hayden!!!
  15. Why? Just leave the music guests at MUSICmania. Bring more Film, Comic and Television guests.
  16. That would be a good idea but seeing as there's a Sport's section in the show I doubt that they'll worry about it fitting in.
  17. £85 is a lot but if people are willing to pay it that's what he'll continue to ask for. I would pay £85 in a heart beat for a big guest that I want to meet like Matthew Fox or Evangeline Lilly.
  18. Is she going to be there on the Saturday?I know that we don't know for sure yet but I can only go on the Saturday and someone told me she was doing the Heroes tour that day.
  19. The photo for me, I like the autograph and all but the photo is a far better thing to show off. That's why I love booking photo sessions in advance so I don't spend time worrieing about not getting to meet the guest and if I do then not getting a photo. I always get star struck REALLY bad which I hate as they must think I'm a weird silent mute that only know's how to say "Hi", "Thank you" and "Goodbye".
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