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Metal Gear

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Everything posted by Metal Gear

  1. And I think by now we all know who that is...
  2. Did anyone see the girl on Sunday with tattoos down each arm? Dark hair and big dark eyes. Very nice tattoos.
  3. One girl I thought was gorgeous - but looked about ten years younger than me - was wearing a blue dress on Sunday. A regular dress, not cosplay. On Saturday she had glittery makeup on. She looked slightly oriental and I think she was there with her parents. If you're on here, you were the best looking girl at the show! Oh and in addition to her, Turkfox and Slaycandy are always stunning.
  4. Perhaps he could attend LFCC as a comic related film star.
  5. I think you're right. The only time I really remember him having a K-9 next to him was in MK, when he was sitting next to Mat - so it was really on Mat's desk although John was using it when posing for photos.
  6. There is a limit to the number of autographs that any guest can sign in one day. Why the reminder?
  7. (From the Katy Manning announcement) - "we are getting more guests from other shows and that the last from dr who " - Personally I am glad Katy wasn't the last WHO guest. John is a lovely man and has done so much on tv. "if you do both days you will get one on each day all for free" - Is he attending Sat and Sun only? Is there a different free guest on Friday, or is just a weekend promotion?
  8. Use your head Metal. I said it was frustrating, I didn't ask why we don't get 1st timers. I understand exactly why we don't - no need to explain to me.
  9. Not the sort of guest I would hope for, considering the limited amount of guests spaces we have at Glasgow Collectormania. (A re-post of my original comment since I believe in forums actually being forums - ie. "a place to discuss topics" - and not just a place to strategically remove anything other than fantastic praise)
  10. In light of the latest guest, I'd like... Anyone who is an actor, who gave at least 1 memorable performance.
  11. He sounds like quite a hard man. I remember reading an interview with him when he got the role of the Punisher, stating he wasn't worried about nerds thinking he is not good enough. I think he said something like, if they don't like the performance, they can f**k off. Pretty straight talkin guy.
  12. Yeah, that's when I thought respecting others was the way to do things here. Now I realise this is what everyone is allowed to do..."when in Rome." Why use words that mean nothing when I can say nothing and achieve the same result?
  13. Of course - I almost forgot about Face/Off.
  14. Tom Jane from The Mist & The Punisher.
  15. With the huge amount of footage shot of the conventions' autograph queues, I imagined promotion was one of the main reasons for the videoing. Of course, any DVDs of the actual stage talks / performances would be great mementos and reminders of how good the events were.
  16. A reunion would be AMAZING, but even if it never happens, I want to meet each one of them. So I definitely support this.
  17. I couldn't agree more. I was really disappointed when these two guests cancelled and also hope they don't get forgotten about. Asking them along to C14 would be the perfect solution. Also, a Season-25 guest selection would be great. Ian Reddington has been suggested already, there's also Sheila Hancock, David Banks, Pamela Salem, TP. McKenna, Fiona Walker, John-Scott Martin. But definitely Roy & Jasmine for C14!
  18. But Showmasters don't always use their logical, business head with every guest they get. As I mentioned previously, the attempt to get the stars of Diff'rent Strokes, or someone from CHiPS - who knows how or why they took those particular notions, unless they are personal fans of those shows. Some guest announcements seem completely random. Surely then, regardless of anyone's opinion of the film, they can see that plenty of fans want to meet stars from the TV show?
  19. Your read of the situation won't be in line with what Fox's views are on the subject. When they greenlit this, it would have been with the express mandate that the film absolutely had to pull in new viewers and kickstart the franchise - meaning more DVD sales, and another film. They will be very annoyed with what Carter has delivered - basically an extended episode of the TV show. It *will* make its money back, with a small profit - it's budget was only $30m, and with what it takes at the cinema + dvd sales + TV rights it will easily recoup that. But what Fox wanted was something to re-invigorate the franchise for another 10 years - and that's not what Chris Carter has given them. I doubt this film is going to bring any new fans to the table for Fox, and in a similar way I doubt very much that it would make X-files guests any more popular than they would have already been otherwise... Where did you hear about Fox's plans for the next 10 years? From everything I'd read it was a standalone film and onlyif it was a success would Chris Carter do a 2012 sequel.
  20. I really don't understand why people are arguing against this topic. Just because the latest installment is an acquired taste, guests from the TV show are not worth inviting over? Or is the debate purely about whether the guests would be more popular NOW than they would have been? If so, obviously the fans who made the effort to see the new film would jump at the chance of meeting Duchovny, Anderson & Pilleggi, and for the actors from the TV show the movie would not make any difference to their popularity (unless it awakens interest from the fans who drifted away).
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