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Everything posted by Nell

  1. Will it be at the Stadium or will there be a different venue again? again not nagging, just wondering
  2. thats so cool!!! you guys look amazing! I didn't even know you could get that done at Alton Towers!
  3. the pics of Tash laughing made me laugh, and I wasn't even there!
  4. woah I well missed it!! sorry Shabs!! Happy Belated Birthday anyway, hope you had a good one! xxx
  6. If you've got a toilet next to your office you could always throw things out of there, much more effective! lol (sorry davey!)
  7. woo thats good for those who can go! I can't get up to Manchester tho sadly
  8. *see last post lol btw lee remember www.badgerbadgerbadger.com!? hehe mushroom mushroom!
  9. I'm stacking pigs on top of one another to get cupcakes whilst humming along to the song in the background lol
  10. remember this one??! http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g3/pig.htm
  11. I just got all the way through to main23 and NOW you tell me!?
  12. http://www.homestarrunner.com/main4.html hover over characters! this song rocks! lol Theres LOADS of different versions of the main page on this site and (because I am bored/sad) I'm going through them one by one! just change the number in the url to get a different one and hover over the buttons for something to happen! also, I recommend watching the intro at homestarrunner.com yes, I am that sad lol gahemail
  13. www.joecartoon.com www.homestarrunner.com
  14. My sister saw them at Birmingham ***** on her birthday! Anthony waved at her lol
  15. I had to laugh at Dave Spikey on 8 Out Of Ten Cats, he said that the Italians were so fresh in the World Cup because all their League games have been fixed and they haven't had to actually play proper football all season! LMFAO! he was like, "you kick it to me and I'll pass it to him and oh its time for the penalty now, lets go do that!"
  16. Nell

    Zoolander "looks"

    seriously!!?? haha thats awesome!!!! lol you almost wet yourself ENTIRELY!? dare I risk another quote!? "Who you gettin crazy with Jose!? Don't you know I'm loco!?" "There's more to life than being really, really really, really rediculously good looking" *blue steel* I could go on lol
  17. haha I work Sundays too!
  18. Nell

    Zoolander "looks"

    hmmmm.. I have had the word blue steel mentioned to me once or twice. Don't quite know what it means though. ....... *points to pic* thats blue steel right there! its the name of Zoolanders pose! it just happens to be the same pose he uses for Le Tigre, Magnum and Ferrari!
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