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Everything posted by natedammit

  1. This was basically what went through my head as I got to the front of the photoshoot queue: *Ask him for a hug* *Ask him for a hug* *Ask him for a hug* *I bet you won't ask him for a hug you wuss* "Hi, could I possibly get a hug?" *Ooooooooomiiiiiiiigooooooooood*
  2. After ignoring all of you this time, I'm making a list of forum members to meet next year. So far the list stands at zero
  3. One of the guests had a flick knife in his pocket...
  4. I saw gloves being checked - does anyone know what they were looking for?
  5. The cosplayers are always a highlight for me, and they excelled themselves again. Although there was one dressed in purple with a thing on her head - not sure what that was all about...
  6. This is amazing!!!!!! I've never been more comfortable. They had to prise me off with a crowbar.
  7. There will always be variations in photos taken in different areas and on different days. If I compare my photos from all 3 days the light level looks slightly different in pretty much all of them. None of them are wrong though, it's just a personal preference of which I might like. There's certainly nothing worthy of any kind of compensation.
  8. It turns out Millie can't actually crush coke cans with her mind. Legally I mean - she said she wasn't allowed to.
  9. I made it through without fainting. I would happily marry that man.
  10. I will be headed his way after 3:30. I'm almost wetting myself with excitement. No wait, I haven't been to the loo since I got here, that would explain it.
  11. I'm in bed I'm at work. Update: I'm eating a muffin.
  12. This film is awesome, if you get a chance to see it you should. Mads is really funny.
  13. I'm gonna have so much fun there might not be any left by Sunday.
  14. Did you get your passes ok? Yup, just got out of the queue now.
  15. I guess I'll stay in my hotel room a bit longer then. Let us know when you get your stuff please
  16. Well I'm happy with this. Just thought I'd balance the thread out a bit.
  17. Someone take a jacket potato and it can be Tanith's stand in. Careful though, Smithy will try and have Potato Tanith's jacket off by the end of the night.
  18. Who are you wanting to meet? It'll go fine. Just head straight to the guest area and grab all VQ's in one go. Then you can plan what order is best to meet them. For autos I want Mads Mikkelsen, Dominic Monaghan, Tobin Bell, Michael Emerson and Jack Gleeson. All the other people I'm thinking about probably won't have VQ's. It's literally just a single area that issues the VQ's? I thought you had offers from about 6 men saying they'd pick some up for you first thing Sunday morning?
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