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  1. I have a photoshoot from the summer event which Michael Ironside didn't attend. I understand my ticket rolls over to this event, but I have not had a replacement or any other communication. Do I just turn up with the original ticket from the summer? Does anyone know how it works? Thanks.
  2. I have a photoshoot from the summer event which Michael Ironside didn't attend. I understand my ticket rolls over to this event, but I have not had a replacement or any other communication. Do I just turn up with the original ticket from the summer? Does anyone know how it works? Thanks.
  3. I wonder if we'll be sat down or stood up in his photo shoot?
  4. Who are you planning to see? What are you hoping to get signed? Who or what are you cosplaying as (if applicable)? What collectables are you hoping to pick up? Can't wait to hear all about it! :)
  5. I have received a load of replacement photo shoot tickets via email, but I am very concerned that none of these have batch numbers on them. I already have various clashes and don't want these to create further problems for me. I intend to take the original tickets showing the batch numbers along with the replacements. I hope this will be sufficient proof.
  6. I received (what looks like) a generic email yesterday 22/06 advising that 2 guests have cancelled. One of these I have a photo shoot with. The email says the photo shoot will automatically be credited to an e-voucher. I have not yet received a voucher. Can someone please let me know how long it takes for the voucher to be sent through after such an email is received. Thanks.
  7. Sorry I have seen these. I meant any others that have not been announced on here already. Thanks.
  8. Wandering if all the other guests are there this morning.
  9. Thank You! I might leave a bit later than I normally would so that the waiting time to get in is less.
  10. Firstly, I apologise in advance if this information is on here somewhere already! :) According to the weather forecast for tomorrow it's 'gusty winds and heavy rain.' Therefore, I was wandering, if they'll be indoor queuing before the doors open at 9.00am like there is in the Summer. If so what time are we let in? Thanks all!
  11. Hi Star Wars fans, can someone please clarify which of the two Niktos Paul plays in ROTJ. The one fighting with Lando on the skiff or the one firing the guns on the barge? Some places say he was both. If someone can clarify for me it would be great. Thanks.
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