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legolas' mistress

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Everything posted by legolas' mistress

  1. Me too if your going to sing...sing loudly! otherwise whats the point...BRIAN MAY IS SINGING I LOVE MY MUSIC its all stuff I like its amazing!
  2. hehe i am jealous...haven't been for ages... hope you have much fun. ooo head for the bit where they're building the new station. Theres some shops that look like charity shops but you pick up some really good bargains...got a green velvet jacket for a fiver a while back!
  3. The theme tune to the family ness is good too...it just came on and i was instantly happy!
  4. Of course...even better...dance around like a prat to the music man the best past time ever in the world!
  5. HELLO...much love and many badgers in your general direction!! DAVID...there is no time for stressing put on some Queen VERY loud and sing and dance and make a complete prat out of yourself...trust me I'm an expert! I am good thank you ... I almost put GOD instead of good I ALMOST BLASHPHEMED!!!
  6. WOOHOO ROCK MUSic... don't know anywhere in MK though...is all s***ty dancy crap but am probably mistaken
  7. Ooo mr simon....Hockey is good! Went on hockey tour at easter : played loads of games and played ok (I seriously think I play better a little bit merry!) I miss it now i am at uni, didn't really get on with the team to well were a bit bitchy for my liking so I have to go home to get a game! Hows everything with yourself? Hope everything is good and you are saving 100's of goals
  8. STOP quoting that picture i'm having nightmares...and the scary thing is I'm awake when I'm having them *shivers*
  9. I see you've got a reputation on here as well fliss....*giggles*
  10. I've got a case of the disappearing posts again....spooky!!
  11. I booked my train tickets for C7.....so happy! *dances* Fliss stop posting naked Ioan ...actually what am I saying
  12. Fliss you have to ruin everything don't you ! ooo s*** so have i now
  13. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE..... Paul McGann is the only true totty!
  14. CAN'T WAIT... *dances*....*hyperventilates*.....*sits down*......*dances more...*! Ooooo dear I keep forgetting then remembering and I get really happy and cry... hehe WOOHOO
  15. Ebay is always good place to look for Docs....got some lush tartan ones off there a while ago... REMEMBER TO BUY BRITISH......
  16. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH *pulls out hair* *plans a series of tunnels to get in...or maybe a very large catapult*
  17. Paul McGann would be the bestest choice...*sigh* never got the chance to be a totally fantastic doctor who
  18. here here.....well said
  19. ooo bit of both really..I'm not a hard core dr who fan but I am loving it! And yes I am willing to get signed
  20. ooo Adam and the ants...love 'em good dress sense too! I am loving the Scottish goodness of Travis, and the proclaimers just recently ...the welsh goodness of the Stereophonics The Irish goodness of Thin Lizzy, and the boomtown rats (god love Bob Geldof!) oo and Led Zeppelin at the mo, ooo and McFly is a given too Oo and I have kinda like Queen too AND THE WONDERFUL BAND THAT IS THE MCGANNS....man those brothers can sing...go buy their album!
  21. PAUL MCGANN *giggles like a child*....I LOVE IT!!
  22. Thank You I knew I has a purpose in life, I have now found it!!AND I LOVE IT
  23. NOT LONG NOW!!......*dances to the kaiser chiefs*...I've been singing it since the BAFTAS...I need HELP
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